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Study Groups on Zoom

Zoom Study Groups

Log in to your MyCoyote, scroll down and click the collaborate box.

Various links found at the bottom of the MyCoyote page


Click on Zoom Video Conferencing.

Various resources for collaborating are shown.


Invite Others

Zoom Conferencing Profile Homepage.

Click the Host A Meeting link in the top right corner to start a meeting. Click Join A Meeting to join an existing meeting.

As a host, click on Invite Others to add them to the meeting.

Two methods for logging into zoom with a room system.

You can log in with a H.323/SIP Room System by dialing the number and meeting ID, but most likely you will not have such equipment.  If not, ignore this login method.

Options to email the zoom link.

Choose an email service and email the individuals you want to add to the Zoom meeting. All they need to do is follow the link.  

Meeting Tools

Meeting Options are shown.

You can mute your microphone, shut off your video, invite others, manage participants, share your screen with the other participants, chat in a text feed, record the interaction, and add rooms to separate participants.  Then, as a host you can end the meeting or as a participant you may leave the meeting.

Meeting options are shown.

Manage participants lets you see all in the meeting, mute them, unmute them, or access additional controls such as allowing them to rename themselves in the meeting.


Options for sharing your screen from other devices are shown.

Clicking Share Screen gives you the option of what screen or camera feed you want to share. For other screens or a camera, the chosen device must be connected to your computer before being shared. When sharing a screen, a green box will appear around your screen, indicating everyone is seeing it in real time.

Meeting options are shown.

Share screen options are accessed via the arrow next to the share screen button. This will allow you to choose how many people can share their screens at once.

Chat button has been selected and options are shown.

Clicking Chat will enable a text conversation. Clicking the three dots on the bottom right of the chat box, will open the options regarding who can communicate with whom via text messaging. Participants can chat with: No one, Host only, Everyone publicly, and Everyone publicly and privately. 

Conferencing tools window. Record has been selected and recording options are shown.

Clicking on record will record the entire Zoom meeting. First, you must select where the video file will be saved to, either the computer or a cloud storage service. 

Conferencing tools window. Record has been selected and recording options are shown.

At the bottom of the window, you can choose to pause the recording or stop it. The video will be converted into an mp4 file after the end of the meeting.


Conferencing tools window.


You can divide individuals into separate virtual rooms, by clicking the Breakout Rooms button at the bottom of the window. 


Conferencing tools window. Breakout rooms has been selected and options are shown.

Choose your preferences and set the controls. You can manually assign rooms or allow the rooms to be assigned automatically.