Effective Practices
Information security awareness is ongoing because technology and threats always change. Making effective security practices essential. Individuals consistently applying safe cyber practices ensure a safer work environment and a more secure nation.
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). During this time a coalition of government and private organizations partner to focus efforts to improve cyber security awareness at the individual and business level. Grass roots activities are used to improve information security nationwide. To learn about this year's NCSAM activities go here.
Plus, to learn about some technical and non technical ways to incorporate more information security into your professional and personal life check out the topics below.

It's National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM)!
Let's raise awareness on the importance of cybersecurity and have some fun while doing it! Click here to go to the CSUSB CSAM web page.
Campus Security Practices
Learn how CSUSB improves its cyber security health.
Authentication Access Restrictions - How CSUSB protects itself from malicious opportunities and violations toward school policy.
Safeguarding Confidential Information - What confidential information is and how individuals can ensure its security.
Two Factor or Multi Factor Authentication - Learn what, why, and how combining two independent methods of verification provides security from fallible passwords.
Security Technical
Read up on technical ways cyber security is used to access and protect Campus resources.
Configuring Microsoft NPS for eduroam-US
Digital Certificates and Local Certificate Authorities
Overview of OS Hardening
Setting up Junos Pulse VPN Client
Using the secure.csusb.edu VPN
Security Awareness
Topics cover personal and business aspects of information security. What is done at home can affect work. And vice versa. It pays to always be cyber safe.
Basic and Advanced Internet Safety Tips - Things you can do to help keep yourself aware and safe on the Internet.
Safe Cyber Practices - A checklist for cyber health including a PDF to print!
Mobile Device Security - Protect your mobile investments and personal information from thieves and malware.
Passwords / Passphrases - Passwords are the keys to the kingdom. Learn how to manage and create passwords that protect.
Password Management - Having trouble trying to manage your passwords? Remember just ONE password to manage all of your passwords. Here are tools to find the right password manager for you.
Phishing - Cyber attacks occur daily. We must be vigilant because no one knows when or where they will pop up. Phishing, the #1 cyber threat, is growing because it leads to identity theft and ransomware, the other growing security concern. Read up on those here.
Ransomware - Learn more to protect yourself and all your data from malicious cyber threats which lock/encrypt your system so that they can require a ransom to be paid to get your stuff back.
Personal Security Practices
Improving your personal cyber hygiene increases information security at work too! Here's some articles to assist.
Detect Identity Theft - Check Credit Reports - If you suspect you're a victim of identity theft here's how to detect and protect yourself.
Place a Fraud Alert - Steps to report identity theft.
Read up on the 2017 Equifax Breach and how you can protect yourself from the fallout. - Equifax a credit report agency was hacked and your information could be at risk. Click the link to find out more.
Cyber Shopping - Thieves are always looking for ways to steal your money or your identity. Read more here.
E-Cards - Fast and convenient to give a gift but beware of fishy behavior as it could be a carrier to malicious activity, therefore take the time to be informed.
Tax Season Security Tips - Learn some tips to keep yourself safe around tax season.
Internet of Things (IoT) - Sometimes hackers capitalize on your technology by using your computing power for nefarious purposes or to spy on you and your loved ones. Read how you can protect yourself here.