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Accountancy, M.S.



Program Description:
The Master of Science in Accountancy prepares students for a wide range of employment opportunities in public accounting, industry, finance, government and nonprofit organizations, and higher education.
The program is designed to prepare graduates who:

  • Possess knowledge and skills in professional accounting and accounting information systems.
  • Can successfully pursue professional certifications (e.g., CPA, CMA, CIA).
  • Are capable of becoming leaders who exhibit high standards of professional ethical conduct.
  • Are prepared to pursue doctoral degrees and research studies.

Program Coordinator:

Dr. Vishal Munsif
Phone: 909-537-5757
Location: JB 217

Dr. Taewon Yang (for Admissions)
Phone: 909-537-5704
Location: JB 459C

Accountancy's Department Page | Accountancy's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • GMAT scores – minimum score is 470
  • Personal statement

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
1/10/2025 7/20/2025 1/10/2026

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university;
  2. Business Aptitude Requirement: Applicants for the MSA must meet one of the following Business Aptitude Requirements listed below:
    • Submission of an acceptable score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) as determined by the department. The current minimum acceptable GMAT score is 470 (with a minimum of 10% on both the GMAT Verbal and Quantitative percentile rankings). The current minimum acceptable GRE score of 298 (minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings); or
    • Proof of completion of a degree from an AACSB accredited college or university or Online Accounting Certificate Program (at CSUSB) with a minimum GPA of 3.0; or
    • Upon meeting other GMAT or GRE waiver criteria as set by the department.
  3. Recent CSUSB accounting graduates who meet admission requirements for the 3:2 Program option may request a GMAT waiver. Contact the MSA Director or department chair for details;
  4. Completion of the graduate entrance writing requirement;
  5. Academic motivation and personal qualification demonstrated through submission of a 200-250 word statement of reasons for wishing to pursue the M.S. degree in Accountancy at California State University, San Bernardino, and personal qualifications that will contribute to the successful completion of the program;
  6. Competence in the following prerequisite courses or their equivalents.
    • ACCT 2110     Introductory Accounting I
    • ACCT 2120    Introductory Accounting II
    • ACCT 3470    Management Accounting and Ethics in Business
    • ACCT 3720    Intermediate Accounting I
    • ACCT 3730    Intermediate Accounting II
    • ACCT 4260    Introduction to Taxation
    • ACCT 4400    Financial Statement Auditing
    • MGMT 2300   Legal Environment of Organizations

NOTE: Competence in the above prerequisite courses may be demonstrated by:

  • Formal completion of the course or its equivalents
  • Credit by examination
  • Waiver based on specialized work experience; must have documentation of work directly related to course to be waived; and must be approved by the MSA Coordinator or department chair. (Students requesting waiver of any prerequisite courses must petition the MSA Director or department chair. Inquiries about a challenge examination or substitution for the upper level writing requirement should be directed to the Dean of Graduate Studies.)

Students who meet all entrance requirements except course prerequisites may be admitted to the program in a conditionally classified status until those prerequisite deficiencies are removed, at which time they will be advanced to classified graduate standing in the program. Only fully classified students, however, may enroll in 6000-level courses unless they have written consent from the MSA Director or department chair.

Applied Archaeology, M.A.



Program Description:
The Master of Arts in Applied Archaeology at California State University, San Bernardino is a professionally-oriented program designed to prepare students for middle- and upper-level careers in the archaeological sector of the cultural resource management (CRM) industry.
The program provides training in anthropological archaeology with a focus on developing a solid background in archaeological method and theory combined with practical experience in field and laboratory studies. Students are then trained on how to use that background in an applied setting through courses focused on CRM regulations and practice, along with on-the-job training through an internship with a federal or state agency, a private firm, or a tribal entity that conducts archaeological investigations in the context of CRM.
Students earning their MA through this program will have the background regulatory and practical knowledge to enter the field of CRM or pursue a Ph.D. as a competitive candidate with solid training in anthropological archaeology.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Matthew Des Lauriers
Phone: 909-537-5551
Location: SB 323
Applied Archaeology's Department Page | Applied Archaeology's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. A baccalaureate degree in anthropology or a closely related field from an accredited college or university;
  2. A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.5 overall and at least 3.0 ("B") in the student's undergraduate major;
  3. Demonstration of field experience by EITHER:
    A. Completion of the following prerequisite course or its equivalent, completed with a grade of B or better:  ANTH 4020L
    B. Documented field experience in archaeology under professional supervision that is deemed by the Admissions Committee as being equivalent to the successful completion of ANTH 4020L;
  4. A brief statement (one to two double-spaced typewritten pages) describing the applicant's preparation for graduate study and professional goals;
  5. Submission of three letters of recommendation from people who are in a position to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in the program. At least one of the letters should be from a former professor who is familiar with the student's scholarly abilities.

Art, M.A.

Art MA

Program Description:

The Master of Arts in Art is designed to provide opportunities for further study in one or more of the studio areas within the department. The program’s objectives are to foster the artistic growth and competence of the individual, provide the preparation for a professional career in the visual arts, and provide a basis for further graduate study in the field. This program is a thirty-unit program that may be completed in 18 months or three semesters.

Program Coordinator: Alison Ragguette
Phone: 909-537-3372
Location: VA 210
MFA's Department Page | MFA's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Portfolio
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation 

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

1. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a minimum of 30 semester units of upper-division art courses comparable to those required of a major in art at this university. The Department of Art and Design determines which courses are comparable.

2. Completion of a minimum of 14 semester units of upper-division studio art.

3. Completion of a minimum of 12 semester units in art history; a minimum of 3 should be upper-division units, and at least one course that is equivalent to AH 4250 or AH 5250.

4. A grade point average of 3.0 ("B") or better in all art courses taken.

5. Admission to the program will additionally be based upon evaluations by the Department of Art and Design graduate committee of the following items:

  • A portfolio displaying a comprehensive body of work with strong technical abilities and potential for a clear direction in graduate study. A portfolio consists of 15 images of the applicant's artwork in the form of a single PDF. The portfolio needs to be accompanied by a typed list of artworks with the applicant's name, and title, medium, size and date for each artwork.

  • A portfolio displaying a comprehensive body of work with strong technical abilities and potential for a clear direction in graduate study. A portfolio consists of 15 images of the applicant's artwork in the form of a single PDF. The portfolio needs to be accompanied by a typed list of artworks with the applicant's name, and title, medium, size and date for each artwork.

  • Three letters of recommendation supporting the student's application. Letters should be from professionals and/or educators in the field able to assess the student's competence and to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in a graduate art program.

Applicants who have satisfied the general requirements for admission, but who have deficiencies in prerequisite preparation which can be met by specified additional preparation may be admitted to the program with conditionally classified standing. Deficiencies must be made up as early in the program as possible, normally within the first 8 units after conditional admission.

They will be advanced to classified standing when the Department of Art and Design graduate coordinator certifies that they have satisfied all appropriate requirements.

Applications to the M.A. in Studio Art program are reviewed twice a year. Contact the  Department of Art and Design graduate coordinator for further information.

Biology, M.S.



Program Description:
The Master of Science in Biology is designed for students entering research-re­lated careers or planning to enter advanced graduate and professional de­gree programs. The general goal of the program is to provide students with the opportunity to sharpen their knowledge and expertise, improve their ability for self-directed study, and advance intellectual responsibility, all in preparation for professional leadership in the field of biology. The program allows students the flexibility to develop avenues of study and thesis research proposals based on their interests and goals.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Laura Newcomb
Phone: 909-537-5542
Location: BI 310

Program Coordinator: Dr. Daniel Nickerson
Phone: 909-537-3671
Location: CS 112
Biology's Department Page | Biology's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score is optional

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. Admittance into the program requires acceptance into the research laboratory of a full-time faculty member in Biology who will serve as the student's thesis advisor. Applicants are encouraged to contact prospective advisors before submitting your application regarding the availability of Master student positions;
  2. Baccalaureate degree in biology or a related field from an accredited institution of higher learning;
  3. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in all biology and supporting coursework in chemistry, physics, and mathematics;
  4. Submission of scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is optional. If submitted, scores may be used in the evaluation process;
  5. Submission of a one-page, typewritten personal statement to the Department of Biology Graduate Committee. The statement should include the student's preparation for graduate study, goals in the graduate training program, potential area of research and possible advisor, and professional goals following completion of the M.S;
  6. Submission of three letters of recommendation from people who are in a position to make relevant comments on the student's intent and potential for success in the M.S. program. At least two of the letters should be from current or former college or university faculty familiar with the student's scholarship and related activities.

Business Administration, M.B.A.



Program Description:

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program provides post-baccalaureate students with a high-quality master-level education in the field of business administration. The program is designed to prepare promising students for positions of increasing responsibility and leadership through education in the broad scope of business. It is open to all qualified students regardless of undergraduate major. The degree program has three options, we invite you to explore each of these options to see which program best fits your needs:

  • MBA - Traditional Concentrations (36 or 42 units): For qualified applicants seeking to develop in-depth, graduate-level knowledge in one or more specialized business areas. Concentration areas include: Accounting, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Global Supply Chain Management, Management, and Marketing Management
  • MBA - Executive Concentration (30 units): For qualified applicants possessing early- or mid-career experience who seek to expand their professional knowledge and skills through graduate business education. 
  • MBA – Executive Online (30 units): For qualified applicants possessing early- or mid-career experience who seek to expand their professional knowledge and skills through graduate business education. This is a fully online program offered through the College of Extended and Global Education.

Program Contacts:

Dr. Taewon Yang (MBA Program Director)
Phone: 909-537-5704
Location: JB 459C

Jessica Peraza (for Admissions)
Phone: 909-537-3706
Location: JB 134C

Deloren West (MBA Academic Advisor)
Phone: 909-537-3392
Location: JB 134

MBA's Department Page | MBA's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • One letter of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Resume
  • Interview (with the MBA office)
  • Optional: GRE or GMAT score (see application details)

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines* 
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




 * For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

Suitability for admission to the program will be based on an examination of the entire application package. In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. Bachelor's Degree: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with required minimum GPA of 3.0 calculated using the entire degree or the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units, which may include post-baccalaureate work. Students with GMAT/GRE scores and/or professional experience as defined below in item 7. Business Aptitude Requirement may be permitted to join with a 2.5 GPA;
  2. Personal  Statement:  Academic motivation and personal qualifications demonstrated through submission of a 200-500 word statement of reasons for wishing to pursue the MBA at California State University, San Bernardino and personal qualifications that will contribute to the successful completion of the program;
  3. Resume: Submission of a current resume;
  4. Letters of Recommendation: One letter of recommendation and an interview with the MBA office are required;
  5. English Proficiency for International Students: An applicant whose education has been in a language other than English must submit proof of English ability. They can satisfy this requirement in a number of ways:
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL (iBT 79/80 or PBT 550) taken within the past two years.
  • IELTS exam score of 6.5 taken within the past two years. or
  • Complete level 4 of CSUSB's Intensive English Program (IEP).
  • Duolingo:
    • >110 for MBA
  1. Work Experience Requirement for Executive Concentration: Minimum two years of substantive work experience as indicated by the Business Aptitude Requirement below​;
  2. Business Aptitude Requirement: Applicants for the MBA must meet one of the following Business Aptitude Requirements listed below:
  • Submission of an acceptable score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) as determined by the MBA committee, ratified by the College Curriculum Committee, and conforming with Office of Graduate Studies requirements. The current minimum acceptable GMAT score is 470 (with a minimum of 10% on both the GMAT Verbal and Quantitative percentile rankings). The current minimum acceptable GRE score of 298 (minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings); or
  • Proof of completion of an accredited graduate degree (e.g. J.D., Ph.D., M.D) from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the graduate program; or
  • Minimum two years of post-undergraduate professional (defined as exempt level) and/or managerial (defined as responsible for scheduling, hiring, firing, evaluating, developing and/or rewarding employees) experience; or
  • 3.2 cumulative GPA from an AACSB accredited undergraduate business program.

Business and Data Analytics, M.S.

Business and Data Analytics

Program Description:

The Master of Science in Business and Data Analytics prepares students for important roles in business. Data analysts transform data into insights that enhance decision making is a key challenge for businesses of every size and in all industries. Job growth is expected at 25% in the decade ending 2029, putting Business and Data Analytics professionals in high demand.

Program Contacts:

For Face-to-Face program for international students, please contact

Sha Li (for assistance with this application and the admission process)

Dr. Essia Hamouda (for curriculum and job outlook information)
Phone: 909-537-4418
Location: JB 525

Master of Science in Business Data Analytics | International Education | CSUSB

For a fully online program, please contact

Maggie Garcia (for assistance with this application and the admission process)

Dr. Essia Hamouda (for curriculum and job outlook information)
Phone: 909-537-4418
Location: JB 525

Business and Data Analytics Department Page | Business and Data Analytics Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • Bachelor's Degree
  • GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Personal Statement
  • English Proficiency for International Students
  • Resume
  • Business Aptitude Requirement
  • Two Letters of Recommendation with official letterhead and signature at the bottom of the letters
Application Deadlines (Face-to-Face Program for International Students)*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 6/1/2025 11/1/2025
Application Deadlines (Fully Online Program)*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 6/13/2025


* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above using the entire degree or the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units of coursework, which may include post-baccalaureate work. Students with significant GMAT/GRE scores and/or professional experience may be permitted to join with a GPA less than 3.0 at the discretion of the program coordinator.
  • Unofficial Transcripts: Upload unofficial transcripts from all institutions attended. CSUSB students are not required to submit any CSUSB transcripts. However, if your transcript is not in English, you must also send a certified literal English translation of the transcripts along with the official original-language transcripts with proof of degree.
  • Personal Statement: Academic motivation and personal qualifications demonstrated through submission of a 200- to 250-word statement of reasons for wishing to pursue the Master of Science in Business and Data Analytics at California State University, San Bernardino, and personal qualifications that will contribute to the successful completion of the program.
  • English Proficiency for International Students: An applicant whose education has been in a language other than English must submit proof of English ability. They can satisfy this requirement in several ways:
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL (iBT 79/80 or PBT 550) taken within the past two years.
    • IELTS exam score of 6.5 taken within the past two years, or
    • Complete level 4 of CSUSB’s Intensive English Program (IEP).
  • Resume: Submission of a current resume. Ensure this document includes the months each position began and ended.
  • Business Aptitude Requirement: Applicants for Master of Science in Business and Data Analytics must meet ONE of the following Business Aptitude requirements:
    • 3.0 cumulative GPA from a regionally accredited undergraduate program
    • Minimum two years of post-undergraduate professional and/or managerial experience or industry-relevant certifications.
    • Proof of completion of an accredited graduate degree (e.g. J.D., Ph.D., M.D.) from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the graduate program.
    • Submission of an acceptable score on the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE).
      • GMAT score of 470 (minimum 10% on GMAT Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings) or a minimum GRE score of 298 (minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings).
  • Conditionally Classified Status: Students who meet all entrance requirements may be admitted to the program in a conditionally classified status.

Career and Technical Education, M.A.


COE Building

Program Description:
The M.A. in Education with an option in career and technical education is designed to provide advanced and specialized education to personnel working in a variety of settings related to vocational education such as secondary, postsecondary, and private schools. The program should also meet the requirements for leadership positions in these facilities. The emphasis area courses offer the opportunity to focus on a particular area of personal interest. Up to 16 units of graduate-level courses from other programs (either at CSUSB or any accredited university) may be used as electives or, in some instances, substituted for program courses. The result is that we can custom design a program of study to meet almost anyone’s needs.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Eun-Ok Baek
Phone: 909-537-5454
Location: CE 323
Career and Technical's Department Page | Career and Technical's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Teaching credential or teaching experience

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*

Spring 2025

Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. Prior to being admitted to the Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education Program in the College of Education, applicants must be admitted to the university as an unclassified graduate student. Application for admission to the university should be made at least three months prior to the date the applicant would like to begin taking courses.

Child Development, M.A.


COE Building

Program Description:
The Master of Arts program in Child Development (MACD) is a 2-year, 51 unit evening program that strives to foster an understanding of the major theories and empirical research in child development from infancy through adolescence. This includes an understanding of the core psychological domains of cognition, language, physiology, and emotions, personality and social-behavioral, along with an understanding of developmental methods. An emphasis will be placed on understanding development in the contexts in which children live their lives including family, school, and peer groups.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Stacy Morris
Phone: 909-537-3047
Location: SB 510
Child Development's Department Page | Child Development's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadline*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. A baccalaureate degree with a major in human development, child development, psychology; or with any other undergraduate major that satisfies the graduate admissions committee of the MACD program;
  2. A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 ("B") overall and a 3.2 minimum in the major.
  3. A brief statement describing the applicant's preparation for graduate study, goals of graduate study, and professional aspirations, to be submitted to the department;
  4. Three letters of recommendation, with at least two from former professors. Letters should come directly from the writers or be included in a placement file. (It is the applicant's responsibility to determine if letters have been received.);
  5. Satisfaction of the following prerequisites: a. One class in Child Development. b. One class in statistics, and c. One class in research methodology.

Clinical/Counseling Psychology, M.S.



Program Description:
The Masters of Science in Clinical/Counseling Psychology is designed to develop practical skills in counseling through supervised training and experience, as well as knowledge and understanding of relevant subject matter and research methodology. A unique aspect of the program is that students provide therapy in their first year of training. Towards that end, the M.S. program operates an on-campus psychology clinic for clinical training and research purposes. The program culminates with internship experience and a thesis or comprehensive examination in the second year. Students receive close individual mentoring as only 12 students are admitted each year. The program is designed to meet the basic educational requirements of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, which specifies the educational qualifications for licensure as marriage and family therapist (MFT) in the state of California.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Manijeh Badiee
Phone: 909-537-7305
Location: SB 511
Clinical Counseling's Department Page | Clinical Counseling's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • GRE score (optional)
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation 

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0;
  2. A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average in the major of 3.0 ("B");
  3. A baccalaureate degree in psychology;
    one of the following:
    • A baccalaureate degree in a major other than psychology and score at or above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination (advanced test in psychology);
    • A baccalaureate degree in a major other than psychology, including a course of study, judged by the Psychology Department graduate admissions committee, to be satisfactory preparation for graduate study in psychology.
  4. Submission to the department graduate admissions committee of a brief statement (one or two typewritten pages) of the student's preparation for graduate study, goals in a graduate training program and professional aspirations following receipt of the master's degree;
  5. Submission of three letters of recommendation from people who are in a position to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in a graduate psychology program. At least two of these letters should be from former professors who are familiar with the student's scholarly activities.

For students seeking admission in the M.S.Clinical/Counseling program, the following courses are required for classified status:

Completion of the following prerequisite courses or their equivalent:

Prerequisite Courses
Course Title Number

PSYC 1100

Introduction to Psychology


PSYC 2210

Psychological Statistics


PSYC 3311

Research Methods in Psychology


PSYC 3385

Personality Psychology


or PSYC 3386

Introduction to Psychotherapy

PSYC 3390

Abnormal Psychology


Students who meet the general requirements of the university for admission to graduate study, but who do not meet the Psychology Department's specific requirements for admission to classified status may be admitted to the university in the unclassified postbaccalaureate status. Unclassified postbaccalaureate students may enroll, when space is available, in selected graduate courses, with the instructor's approval.

Communication Studies, M.A.


Program Description:
The Master of Arts in Communication Studies is designed for students who wish to apply advanced communication perspectives, methodologies, and competencies in their careers. Communication is key, and nobody knows that better than you. You may have come from an undergraduate program in Communication Studies or an entirely different undergraduate degree, but you know that in order to advance in today’s digital and fast-paced professional environments, it is critical for you to have an advanced degree that prepares you as an effective communicator and leader.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb
Phone: 909-537-5897
Location: UH 201.23
Communication Studies' Department Page | Communication Studies' Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Writing sample

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025

Fall 2025

Spring 2026
12/1/2024 4/15/2025 11/1/2025

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

Applicants must fulfill all the general requirements for admission to graduate studies at this University. The program welcomes applications from international students and advises them to review the program's English language proficiency requirements (see D. below).

To be admitted to the graduate program in Communication Studies:

A. The applicant must submit to the Graduate Admissions Office (in addition to all other required materials):

  • Three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant's character, academic aptitude, accomplishments, and potential for success at the graduate level. Applicants are encouraged to secure letters of recommendation from former faculty. Letters from other individuals who can attest to the applicant’s potential for success in graduate school are also welcome.
  • A 5- to 10-page sample of academic or professional writing; and
  • A one- to two-page, single-spaced essay describing: the applicant’s interests in Communication Studies; their motivation for pursuing a Master’s degree; why they are applying to CSUSB’s M.A. in Communication Studies, specifically; and how graduate study will help them achieve their personal and/or professional goals. Note: If the applicant wishes to be considered for a Graduate Teaching Associateship, the applicant must also submit:
    • a curriculum vitae or resume; and
    • a one-page statement of intent outlining related experience along with the other application material.

B. The applicant must have completed 6-semester units of undergraduate classes in communication theory and communication research methods, or their equivalents

C. The applicant must have earned an undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 overall and/or 3.0 for the last 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of undergraduate work. In exceptional cases, students with a GPA below 3.0 will be considered. Please contact the graduate coordinator.

D. International students must have received a minimum score of 575 on the TOFEL Paper-Based Exam; 79 on TOFEL iBT; or 6.5 on the IELTS Indicator Overall.

Applicants may also be asked to interview with the program coordinator or graduate committee.

Successful applicants are admitted to the program as conditionally classified graduate students. Advancement to classified status is conditional upon the completion of all prerequisites, as well as completion (after admission) of the COMM 6000 Introduction to Graduate Study course with a grade of "B-" or higher.

Computer Science, M.S.


Program Description:
The Master of Science in Computer Science degree program provides students with academic and professional opportunities at three levels. At the first level, the program allows individuals with a baccalaureate degree in computer science (or a related field) to broaden their knowledge of the subject as well as strengthen their professional marketability and increase their earning potential. At the second level, the M.S. in Computer Science program can be an avenue for career change to computer science for those who have degrees and employment in other fields. Lastly, at the third level, the M.S. in Computer Science program provides individuals with a strong foundation for graduate study at the doctorate level.

Program Coordinators:

Dr. Haiyan Qiao
Admissions Coordinator
Phone: 909-537-5326
Location: JB 341

Dr. Jennifer Jin (for current students)
Program Advisor
Phone: 909-537-5330
Location: JB 338

Computer Science's Department Page | Computer Science's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • GRE scores - strongly recommended (not required) for Fall 2024 admission
  • A letter of recommendation (optional)
  • Statement of purpose

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  1. An acceptable score on the GRE (general examination only);
  2. Three letters of recommendation;
  3. Completion of the graduate entrance writing requirement;
  4. A statement of purpose from the student; and
  5. Either A or B below:
    • A baccalaureate degree in computer science;
    • A baccalaureate degree in a related field with a cumulative grade point average of "B" (3.0) or better with no grade lower than "C+" (2.3) in a selection of program preparatory courses including:
The equivalent of a one-year sequence of "Introduction to Computer Science" courses, as defined by the ACM Curriculum Committee as courses CS1 and CS2. This can be satisfied by the successful completion of:
Course Title Number

CSE 2010

Computer Science I


CSE 2020

Computer Science II



Courses in calculus, discrete mathematics and linear algebra equivalent to:

MATH 2720

Discrete Mathematics


MATH 2210

Calculus I


MATH 2220

Calculus II


MATH 2310

Applied Linear Algebra



Courses in computer science equivalent to:

CSE 3100

Digital Logic


CSE 4010

Contemporary Computer Architecture


CSE 4600

Operating Systems


CSE 5000

Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory


 or CSE 5700 Compliers  

Counseling, M.S.


COE Building

Program Description:

The M.S. in Counseling program is designed to fulfill all the educational requirements for applying to become a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). If courses are taken in conjunction with the California Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential, students will be prepared to work in schools AND pursue licensure. While CSUSB does not grant the LPCC, upon completion of the degree, you can apply to the Board of Behavioral Sciences for licensure.

Application Requirements:

To be admitted to the MS in Counseling program, the following must be met:

  • Must complete CSU Apply Application
  • Students must be admitted to CSUSB graduate studies and meet the general requirements of the university.
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher from all previous undergraduate/graduate work.
  • Attending Information Sessions: All prospective students are encouraged to attend one of our Counseling Program admission Information Sessions, where submission criteria and guidelines will be provided. All prospective students are encouraged to attend one of our Counseling Program admission Information Sessions, where submission criteria and guidelines will be provided.
  • Review the CSUSB Master of Science in Counseling Program: Personal Statement Prompts and Evaluation Rubric: The personal statement prompts are designed to guide your reflection on key aspects of your background, experiences, and career goals. The evaluation rubric provides specific details on the additional documents required for your application, including your resume, three letters of recommendation, TB test results, and CTC clearance. You will be required to upload the following documents:
    • Submission of Personal Statement of Interest: As part of your application, you are required to submit a personal statement that provides insight into your experiences, values, and professional goals. Additionally, we provide an evaluation rubric that outlines the key criteria our admissions committee will use to assess your application. These criteria ensure a comprehensive review of your commitment to social justice, alignment with the program’s mission, and potential contributions to the field of counseling. Please carefully review the prompts and rubric to ensure your personal statement is thorough, well-structured, and reflective of your passion for becoming a counselor.
    • Submission of Current Resume: When submitting your resume, please ensure it highlights your relevant academic background, professional experience, community service, and leadership roles. Focus on counseling-related experiences and any work with diverse populations. Your resume should demonstrate your commitment to the field and align with the program’s mission and core values.
    • Submission of Letters of Support: Three Letters of support should come from individuals who can speak to your academic preparation, professional potential, and suitability for the counseling field. These letters should highlight your compassion, commitment to social justice, and values that align with the program. The letters should provide specific examples of your contributions and potential impact as a future counselor.
    • The following items are required, and they must be submitted either at the time of admission or before the start of the fall semester to be conditionally admitted into the program:
      • Evidence of current negative TB test: Please indicate in your application that you are waiting on official confirmation if your clearance is pending);
      • Evidence of CTC Livescan Clearance: Please indicate in your application that you are waiting on official confirmation if your clearance is pending) OR possession of a valid California teaching credential;
  • Upon completion of the above requirements, the student's file will be reviewed by an admission committee composed of at least three members of the Counseling faculty.

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Criminal Justice, M.A.


Criminal Justice

Program Description:
The Master of Arts in Criminal Justice is designed to serve the growing number of individuals who wish to further their education in the criminal justice system. Designed to serve students from a range of educational backgrounds, the program is open to students with bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice as well as those with degrees in related fields: psychology, administration, anthropology, sociology, or social sciences, for example. All of our required courses are offered online to accommodate various student schedules, making the program ideal for working students; several of our elective courses may also be held in the classroom.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Douglas Weiss
Phone: 909-537-5474
Location: SB 209K
Criminal Justice's Department Page | Criminal Justice's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • GRE (optional)

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




Application Details:

The Criminal Justice Graduate Admissions Committee cannot assess applications until they have been reviewed by the Office of Graduate Admissions, have met university admissions requirements, and all letters of recommendation have been received. Applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis and enrollment is limited.

1. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university

2. A minimum undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 overall and 3.0 ('B') in the major

  • If an applicant’s overall and major GPA are below the required 3.0 threshold, submission of available GRE scores will be required for consideration for admission. 

3. Admission to classified status requires the completion of the following prerequisite courses or their equivalents, completed with a grade of B- or better:

  • CJUS 311 (3311), undergraduate Research Methods in Criminal Justice/Criminology
  • CJUS 312 (3312), undergraduate Statistics in Social Sciences
  • CJUS 598 (5598), Integrative Studies in Criminal Justice/Criminology 
    • Applicants who have not completed the above prerequisites may still be admitted with “conditionally classified” status, but will be required to take the above listed courses within their first academic year in the M.A. Program.

4. A brief statement of purpose (one to two double-spaced typewritten pages) describing the applicant’s preparation for graduate study and professional goals.

5. Three letters of recommendation from educators who are familiar with the student's academic work and potential to complete the program successfully. Letters must come directly from the writer.

Cybersecurity and Analytics, M.S.

Cybersecurity and Analytics

Program Description:

The Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Analytics program is innovative in that it recognizes the real-world reality of the need for experts in both cybersecurity and analytics. Across the nation, employers are struggling to find qualified workers to fill the significant gaps in the cybersecurity workforce. In California alone, there are more than 72,000 job openings. Unfortunately, the national figures are even bleaker, with over 500,000 unfilled cybersecurity positions. Moreover, the number is significantly increasing at 36.5% through 2022.

Program Contacts:

For Face-to-Face program for international students, please contact

Sha Li (for assistance with this application and the admission process)

Dr. Jesus Canelon Hererra (for curriculum and job outlook information)
Phone: 909-537-5706
Location: JB 241

Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Analytics | International Education | CSUSB

For a fully online program, please contact

Maggie Garcia (for assistance with this application and admission process)

Dr. Jesus Canelon Hererra (for curriculum and job outlook information)
Phone: 909-537-5706
Location: JB 241

Cybersecurity and Analytics Department Page | Cybersecurity and Analytics Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • Bachelor's Degree
  • GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Personal Statement
  • English Proficiency for International Students
  • Resume
  • Business Aptitude Requirement
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
Application Deadlines (Face-to-Face Program for International Students)*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 6/1/2025 11/1/2025
Application Deadlines (Fully Online Program)
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 6/13/2025 11/18/2025

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above using the entire degree or the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units of coursework, which may include post-baccalaureate work. Students with significant GMAT/GRE scores and/or professional experience may be permitted to join with a 2.5 GPA.
  • Unofficial Transcripts: Upload unofficial transcripts from all institutions attended. CSUSB students are not required to submit any CSUSB transcripts. However, if your transcript is not in English, you must also send a certified literal English translation of the transcripts along with the official original-language transcripts with proof of degree.
  • Personal Statement: Academic motivation and personal qualifications demonstrated through submission of a 200- to 250-word statement of reasons for wishing to pursue the Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Analytics at California State University, San Bernardino, and personal qualifications that will contribute to the successful completion of the program.
  • English Proficiency for International Students: An applicant whose education has been in a language other than English must submit proof of English ability. They can satisfy this requirement in several ways:
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL (iBT 79/80 or PBT 550) taken within the past two years.
    • IELTS exam score of 6.5 taken within the past two years, or
    • Complete level 4 of CSUSB’s Intensive English Program (IEP).
  • Resume: Submission of a current resume.
  • Business Aptitude Requirement: Applicants for Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Analytics must meet ONE of the following Business Aptitude requirements:
    • 3.0 cumulative GPA from a regionally accredited undergraduate program
    • Minimum two years of post-undergraduate professional and/or managerial experience or industry-relevant certifications.
    • Proof of completion of an accredited graduate degree (e.g. J.D., Ph.D., M.D.) from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the graduate program.
    • Submission of an acceptable score on the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE).
  • Current Acceptable Exam Scores with a 3.0 GPA: GMAT score of 470 (minimum 10% on GMAT Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings) or a minimum GRE score of 298 (minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings).
  • Conditionally Classified Status: Students who meet all entrance requirements may be admitted to the program in a conditionally classified status. Once students meet the minimum passing level of “B” for IST 6115 (or successfully complete a “credit by exam” for the course), they will be advanced to classified graduate standing in the program. Only fully classified students, however, may enroll in the other 6000-level core courses unless they have written consent from the IDS Department Chair.

Education, M.A.


Program Description:

The Master of Arts in Education program at CSUSB prepares students to expand their knowledge in their teaching practice or take their place in any number of educational careers. The program prepares teachers to become leaders in transformative education, an evolutionary process of change by which schooling practices become increasingly effective in promoting learning in various educational settings. Inquiry and reflective practice are the foundations of the transformative process, allowing teachers to evaluate current school practices and imagine teaching and learning in new ways. It is our goal to educate teachers who, in turn, can assist their students and colleagues in developing to their full potential and become reflective, contributing members of local, regional, and global communities. The program values lifelong independent and collaborative learning that fosters leadership for change.

The Master of Arts in Education program at CSUSB prepares students to be teacher leaders at a school or district level.

Students must either be enrolled in the Teacher Credential Program or possess a valid teaching credential. 

The program has two concentrations, elementary and secondary. It is recommended that the candidate choose the concentration in which they are seeking the credential.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Mark Groen
Phone: 909-537-7625
Location: CE 271

Program Co-Coordinator: Dr. Halil Tasova
Phone: 909-537-4212
Location: CE 329

Department Page | Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Two letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

1. Completion of a four-year college course of study and hold an acceptable baccalaureate with a grade point average of at least 2.5

2. Good academic standing at the last college or university attended;

3. Currently enrolled in a teaching credential program or hold a valid California Teaching Credential.

4. Submission of two letters of recommendation from established educators who can judge your competence to succeed in a rigorous graduate program;

5. Submission of a statement of purpose of no more than 150 words including the applicant's personal goals for the graduate education program.

Students who do not meet these criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students. Change to classified standing can be made only with approval of the College of Education. No more than 15 semester units may be used to demonstrate fitness to complete the program.

Educational Administration, M.A.


COE Building

Program Description:
The M.A. in Educational Administration prepares educational leaders who will work collaboratively with others to establish a positive climate for powerful teaching and learning in the 21st century. Over half of our candidates have received career promotions while in the program or soon after completing. They are sought after by local districts for their leadership preparation from our program. The faculty is dedicated to working with our diverse graduate students by assisting them in acquiring appropriate knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will result in well-prepared school leadership teams/learning communities. Local practicing administrators also instruct in our program along with our regular faculty.
CSUSB works to meet the needs of students in the M.A. in Educational Administration, who are working professionals from all parts of the Inland Empire region. We provide access to our high-quality curriculum at various locations including the CSUSB main campus, Riverside County, and Palm Desert. In each of these locations, students work together as cohorts to pursue their M.A. in Educational Administration.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Susan Jindra
Phone: 909-537-5674
Location: CE 368

Program Coordinator: Dr. Karen Kaiser
Phone: 909-537-7579
Location: CE 375
Educational Administration's Department Page | Educational Administration's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Personal statement
  • Appropriate credential and experience

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university for admission as a postbaccalaureate student, specific requirements for admission to the Master of Arts in Educational Administration are:

  • An application for admission to the program must be submitted;
  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 ("B") in all courses;
  • Completion of or plan to satisfy the graduate entrance writing requirement.
  • Submission of a 2-page essay from the provided prompt.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation (LOR). At least one LOR has to be from a current school administrator.
  • TK-12 candidates also need:
    • Verification of a minimum of four years of documented full-time teaching, counseling, library or nursing experience in a school setting under a valid credential; substitute teaching does not apply;
    •  Valid California teaching, pupil personnel, library, health services credential or full-time designated subject credential (with B.A.).
  • Community College/Higher Education candidates also need:
    • Verification of at least three years of professional experience in a community college or other higher education institution.
    • Verification of completion of B.A. or B.S. degree.

Students who do not meet all these criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students. Students admitted in this category may be changed to classified standing with approval of the College of Education. Normally, a student is expected to be working concurrently on the administrative services preliminary credential in the TK-12 specialization.

English and Writing Studies, M.A.


English Composition

Program Description:

The Master of Arts in English and Writing Studies is designed for students interested in pursuing advanced studies in the interrelated fields of applied linguistics and teaching English as a second language, literature, composition and rhetoric, as well as English pedagogy and public and professional writing.

With its firm grounding in theory, research, and pedagogy, the MA in English and Writing Studies prepares students to excel as scholars, as writers, and as teachers of writing, literature, and English as a second language. The mission of the graduate program is to engage students in an exploration of how written and spoken texts work rhetorically and stylistically, as well as how historical, cultural, and social conditions affect the ways in which speakers, writers, and readers construct meaning. In addition, the program provides students with a strong foundation for pursuing a Ph.D. degree. The MA enables students, whatever their career path, to become socially committed, rhetorically flexible scholars, teachers, and writers, well-prepared to make significant contributions in their chosen fields and communities, both local and global.

Program Coordinator:

Dr. Vanessa Ovalle Perez (for Literature)
Phone: TBA
Location: UH 301.17

Dr. Karen Rowan (for Composition and Rhetoric concentration)
Phone: 909-537-3854
Location: UH 301.32

Dr. Erin Hall (for Applied Linguistics and TESL, Pedagogy, and Public and Professional Writing concentrations)
Phone: 909-537-5896
Location: UH 301.23

English& Writing Studies Program Page | English & Writing Studies Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal Statement
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A grade point average of 3.0 ('B') in all undergraduate upper-division courses;
  • A personal statement.  See guidelines for a personal statement here.
  • Two letters of recommendation supporting the student's application. Letters should be from people able to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in the program;
  • A writing sample.  See guidelines for a writing sample here.
  • See the Bulletin of Courses or contact the department for information on required prerequisites.

Additional Documents:

The MA program coordinators cannot act on applications until they have been reviewed by the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment and have met university admissions requirements. Please check the MA in English and Writing Studies website and/or the office of Graduate Studies for the specific schedule of application due dates for each year. The program admits students in both the Fall and Spring semesters.

The specific requirements for admission as a classified graduate student in the English Department are:

  • Typically, a grade point average of 3.0 ("B") in all undergraduate upper-division courses.  However, a student’s undergraduate GPA or score on a test does not always predict the potential for success and should not exclude them from consideration.  Therefore, the MA in English and Writing Studies takes a holistic approach to the admissions process, considering a broad range of candidate qualities, including a student’s personal attributes, past experiences, and future goals, and how those might contribute to a good fit with our program and its values and objectives.  Moreover, we do not require or consider GRE scores for admission.
  • For applicants who do not possess a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution in a country where English is the principal language of instruction, the program suggests a minimum score of 575 (a computer-based score of 233 or an internet-based score of 90) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or a minimum score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in order to be successful. If an applicant does not meet that score, they may request an interview for an individual assessment.
  • Two letters of recommendation supporting the student's application. Letters should be from people able to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in English and Writing Studies with a Concentration in Composition and Rhetoric; Literature;  Applied Linguistics and Teaching English as a Second Language; Pedagogy; or Public and Professional Writing, and on the student's competence in speaking and writing English;
  • A personal statement.
  • A writing sample.

The M.A. in English and Writing Studies welcomes all applicants regardless of their previous field of study or work. To ensure students are prepared for the rigor of graduate work in English and Writing Studies, students may be admitted "conditionally." Students who do not have an undergraduate degree in a relevant field, such as English, Linguistics, Literature, Rhetoric/Composition, TESL, Creative Writing, or Writing Studies, may take prerequisite coursework to prepare them for the program.  These prerequisite courses are specified at the time of admission by the graduate coordinator and can be taken by students as they begin the MA program.  They do not count toward the units required of the MA program.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation, M.S.

MSEI Program Banner

Program Description:

The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MSEI) program is designed to offer students with business, technical or other non-business degrees a comprehensive education that prepares them to launch entrepreneurial ventures or new business ventures in large organizations.

The program is structured as a 16-24 month, 30-unit program for both business and non-business majors alike and utilizes primarily face-to-face courses but will also integrate hybrid instruction where appropriate. Through coursework and experiential learning activities, students will be exposed to the key concepts of entrepreneurship including creativity and idealization, evaluation and screening of business concepts, business model formulation, startup models and the entrepreneurial process, team formation, marshaling resources, planning techniques, and launch strategies.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Anna Long
Phone: 909-537-5779
Location: JB 425
Entrepreneurship and Innovation's Department Page I Entrepreneurship and Innovation's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Resume
  • Interview (with MSEI program director and/or faculty)
  • One Letter of Recommendation

  Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

Suitability for admission to the program will be based on an examination of the entire application package. In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • Bachelor's Degree: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with required minimum GPA of 2.75 calculated using the entire degree or the last 90 quarter (60 semester) units, which may include post-baccalaureate work. Applicants in the process of finishing an undergraduate degree may apply, with acceptance contingent on the successful completion of the undergraduate degree.
  • Personal Statement:  A statement that provides insight on the student's motivation to join the program, how the student plans on using the degree to further his/her professional goals and the personal qualifications that will contribute to the successful completion of the program.  This can be submitted in one of two possible formats: (a) a written statement of no more than 500 words; or (b) a short video, not more than 2 minutes in length.
  • English Proficiency for International Students:  All international applicants who have not completed three years of full-time study at the secondary or post-secondary level where English was the language of instruction must also achieve an acceptable score, as determined by the MSEI committee, ratified by the College Curriculum Committee, and in alignment with the Office of Graduate Studies requirements on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the IELTS exam or complete CSUSB's ESL program. The current minimum acceptable TOEFL score is 550/PBT, 213/CBT, 79-80/IBT taken within the past two years; IELTS score of 6.5 taken within the past two years; or complete level 6 of CSUSB's Intensive English Program;
  • Resume: Submission of a current resume;
  • Letters of Recommendation: One (1) letter of recommendation is required that attests to the applicant's intellectual and professional aptitude;
  • Interview: Each applicant will be required to participate in a brief interview with the MSEI program director and/or faculty. 

Environmental Sciences, M.S.



Program Description:

The Master of Science in Environmental Sciences is a multidisciplinary program. In addition to courses in chemistry and geology, there are opportunities for study in economics, geography, health sciences, management, and public administration. Students are admitted from numerous backgrounds, but generally with bachelor's degrees in some scientific fields such as chemistry, biology, or environmental science.  This program is designed to provide a broad background in sciences relevant to the environment and is designed so that it can potentially be completed in two years.

The culminating experience in the M.S. in Environmental Sciences is either an internship coupled with an extended project and its defense or a research thesis and defense of the thesis.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Andreas Beyersdorf
Phone: 909-537-5325
Location: CS 310
Environmental Sciences' Department Page | Environmental Sciences' Bulletin Page 

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement


Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Completion of an undergraduate major in geology, chemistry, or associated fields with one year of general chemistry and one full-term course in organic chemistry, physics and basic calculus (or methods in calculus)
    • Students with undergraduate degrees in unrelated fields or without all required courses are also encouraged to apply and to discuss provisional admission with the Graduate Coordinator or potential faculty mentors. Provisional admission may require completion of preparatory course work at CSUSB.
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 in all courses used for credit in the major
  • A personal statement explaining the student's preparation for graduate study, goals in the program, potential areas of research, possible advisors, and professional goals upon graduation
  • Submission of three confidential letters of recommendation from people who are in a position to make relevant comments on the student's intent and potential for success in the program. At least two of the letters should be from current or former college or university faculty familiar with the student's scholarship and related activities
  • Optional: submission of scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Finance, M.S.


Program Description:

The Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program provides post-baccalaureate students pursuing a career in investments with a high-quality master-level education in the field of investment. The objective is to educate post-baccalaureate students to be experts in investment analysis and portfolio management. The Master of Science in Finance is open to all qualified students regardless of undergraduate major.

Program Coordinator:

Dr. Taewon Yang (for admission requirements questions)
Phone: 909-537-5704
Location: JB 459C

Jessica Peraza (for assistance with this application and admission process)
Phone: 909-537-4178

Amanda Yates-Gonzales (for admissions notifications)
Phone: 909-537-5704
Location: JB 459B

Accounting and Finance's Department Page | Accounting and Finance's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Resume
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • GMAT/GRE (optional)

  Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

Suitability for admission to the program will be based on an examination of the entire application package. In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

Bachelor's Degree: A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with required minimum GPA of 2.75 calculated using the entire degree or the last 90 quarter (60 semester) units, which may include post-baccalaureate work;

Personal Statement: A 200-250 word statement highlighting the academic motivation and qualifications for pursuing the Master of Science in Finance at California State University, San Bernardino, and demonstrating the potential for successful completion of the program;

English Proficiency for International Students: All international applicants who have not completed three years of full-time study at a secondary or post-secondary institution where English was the language of instruction must also achieve an acceptable score (as determined by the Accounting and Finance Department and ratified by the College Curriculum Committee, in alignment with the Office of Graduate Studies requirements) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the IELTS exam, or must complete CSUSB's ESL program. The current minimum acceptable TOEFL score is 550/PBT, 213/CBT, 79-80/IBT taken within the past two years; IELTS score of 6.5 taken within the past two years; or complete level 6 of CSUSB's Intensive English Program;

Resume: Submission of a current resume;

Letters of Recommendation: One letter of recommendation is required.

Business Aptitude Requirement: Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE): Applicants for Master of Science in Finance must meet the Business Aptitude Requirement:

  • Submission of an acceptable score on the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) as determined by the Accounting and Finance Department, ratified by the College Curriculum Committee, and conforming with the Office of Graduate Studies requirements. The current acceptable GMAT or GRE score must meet a minimum GMAT score of 470 (with a minimum 10% on GMAT Verbal Ability and 50% on Quantitative Ability percentile rankings) or a minimum GRE score of 298 ( with a minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and 50% on Quantitative Ability percentile rankings); or
  • (GPA x 200) + GMAT score greater than or equal to 1,050 points; or
  • (GPA x 24) + GRE score greater than or equal to 368 points; or
  • GMAT/GRE requirement may be waived if an applicant has a 3.2 cumulative GPA from an AACSB accredited undergraduate program or meets other GMAT or GRE waiver criteria as set by the department.

Geology, M.S.


The Master of Science in Geology is designed to provide strong preparation in geological sciences, focused directly on geological study and research. The program is designed so that it can potentially be completed in two years of full-time work. This program is intended for students who wish to pursue graduate-level work as a prelude for doctoral studies, or as professional preparation for careers in geological fields.

The culminating experience in the M.S. in Geology is a research thesis and defense of the thesis. Students will be encouraged to publish their work in a peer-reviewed journal.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Andreas Beyersdorf
Phone: 909-537-5325
Location: CS 310
Geology Department Page | Geology Bulletin Page


Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement


Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Completion of an undergraduate major in geology or associated fields (e.g., geography or environmental studies) with at least 24-semester units of upper-division geology course work;
    • Students with undergraduate degrees in unrelated fields are also encouraged to apply and to discuss provisional admission with the Graduate Coordinator or potential faculty mentors. Provisional admission may require completion of upper-division geology coursework at CSUSB.
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 in all courses used for credit in the major;
  • A personal statement of the student's preparation for graduate study, goals in the graduate program, potential areas of research and possible advisor, and professional goals following completion of the MS;
  • Submission of three confidential letters of recommendation from people who are in a position to make relevant comments on the student's intent and potential for success in the program. At least two of the letters should be from current or former college or university faculty familiar with the student's scholarship and related activities.
  • Optional: submission of scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). 

Health Services Administration, M.S.



Program Description:
The Master of Science in Health Services Administration is appropriate for students preparing to become health service administrators or managers in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, medical group clinic managers, nursing homes, public health departments, state and federal health agencies, military health services, or other health service organizations.
Graduate programs are designed specifically with the working student in mind. The majority of our classes are held in the late afternoon and evening hours. In addition, the university offers a limited number of summer classes. Applicants who do not have a health science background may take prerequisites for admission. These typically include introductory courses in health sciences and an introductory statistics course.
Interim Program Director: Dr. Terezie Tolar-Peterson (for Admissions)
Phone: 909-537-7229
Location: PS 226A
Health Services Administration's Department Page | Health Services Administration's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Resume
  • Statement of purpose
  • Writing sample

 Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 ("B") for the major or for the last 60 semester units of undergraduate coursework and in all post-graduate coursework;
  • A copy of the most recent resume or curriculum vitae;
  • A statement of purpose, double-spaced and 2-3 pages maximum, describing those experiences which have shaped the applicant's interest in the MSHSA program. Comment on your current knowledge, skills, experience, and preferred areas of work in the field of health services administration, one academic experience which has meant the most to your professional career, immediate and long-term professional goals, reasons for being interested in the MSHSA program, strengths the applicant brings to the program, skills which the applicant would like to improve, and how the MSHSA degree will help you grow professionally.;
  • Writing sample based on a health services management topic of interest to the applicant, typed, approximately 1,000 words, double spaced;
  • Recommendation for advancement to candidacy from the Graduate Director of the Master of Science in Health Service Administration Program.

Students who meet the above criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students. To attain fully classified status, students must complete at least 16-semester units of MSHSA core coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 ("B") and must remove any deficiencies stated as conditions for acceptance in the program or otherwise set by the department's graduate committee.

History, M.A.


The MA in History at California State University, San Bernardino offers students the opportunity to further their study of history in an innovative, active, and rigorous program.  It is intended to train future historians and promote the professional, career, and personal goals of its student population. It is designed to provide students a comprehensive understanding of the historical origins of the contemporary and increasingly globalized world.  Aspiring historians, current social studies teachers, and professionals that want to immerse themselves in the study of history will acquire a sophisticated understanding of the current historical practice. The MA in History offers students the opportunity to go substantially beyond their undergraduate coursework, obtain advanced research, critical analysis, and writing skills, and gain a comprehensive and global understanding of the history profession.

Program Coordinator:

Dr. Jeremy Murray
Phone: 909-537-5540
Location: SB 357D
Department of History's Web Page | History's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Writing sample
  • Three Letters of Recommendation

  Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • A baccalaureate degree in history or closely related field from an accredited college or university.  The baccalaureate degree must have included at least six upper-division courses in history;
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.5 overall and at least 3.0 ("B") in the student's undergraduate major.  In addition, applications must have obtained an overall 3.0 GPA or higher in upper-division history courses, or a bachelor’s degree with 18 units of upper-division courses in history.  These courses must be comparable to those required of a major in history at this University.  
  • A brief statement (one to two double-spaced typewritten pages) describing the applicant's preparation for graduate study and professional goals;
  • A writing sample (at least 10 pages but not to exceed 25 pages) that demonstrates the applicant's ability to write analytical prose, to construct a reasoned argument based upon evidence, and to create a context for assessing the significance of what has been presented. 
  • Three letters of recommendation, with at least two from former professors. Letters should come directly from the recommenders or be included in a placement file. It is the applicant's responsibility to determine if letters have been received. It is assumed that students who request confidential letters to be submitted on their behalf have waived their right to view those letters as per FERPA (1974) requirements to maximize the confidentiality and integrity of the letters of reference received. Applicants who do not wish to waive their right to view those letters are responsible for letting their letter-writers know in advance that they retain their right to view meet the letters. 

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, M.S.



Program Description:
CSUSB’s Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational (MSIO) Psychology degree program provides a comprehensive slate of IO-specific courses designed to prepare students for immediate entry into careers in applied settings. The program also includes a solid sequence of courses in research methods, statistics, and measurement. The primary objective of the MSIO program is to provide students with the skills to apply the principles and methods of psychology to organizations, public and private, and workplace settings. To be successful in this application, the graduate must have developed knowledge and appreciation of psychological theory and research, and mastery of the measurement and research technologies that are commonly used in the discipline. Students can expect to complete an applied internship, a practicum consulting project, and a thesis with faculty mentoring. The program requirements also provide excellent preparation for those students who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree upon completion of the MS degree.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Janelle Gilbert
Phone: 909-537-5587
Location: SB 539

Industrial/Organizational's Department Page | Industrial/Organizational's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 2.5;
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average in the major of 3.0 ("B");
  • A baccalaureate degree in psychology;
    one of the following:
    • A baccalaureate degree in a major other than psychology and score at or above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination (advanced test in psychology);
    • A baccalaureate degree in a major other than psychology, including a course of study judged, by the Psychology Department graduate admissions committee, to be satisfactory preparation for graduate study in psychology;
  • Submission to the department graduate admissions committee of a brief statement (one or two typewritten pages) of the student's preparation for graduate study, goals in a graduate training program and professional aspirations following receipt of the master's degree;
  • Submission of three letters of recommendation from people who are in a position to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in a graduate psychology program. At least two of these letters should be from former professors who are familiar with the student's scholarly activities.

Completion of the following prerequisite courses or their equivalent:

                Introduction to Psychology

                Psychological Statistics  

                Introduction to Experimental Psychology

The following courses (or equivalent) are recommended:

                Organizational Psychology or Organizational Behavior

                Industrial Psychology

                Tests and Measurements

Students who meet the general requirements of the university for admission to graduate study, but who do not meet the Psychology Department's specific requirements for admission to classified status or who wish to take course work prior to spring semester consideration of their application for classified status, may be admitted to the university in the unclassified postbaccalaureate status. Unclassified postbaccalaureate students may enroll, when space is available, in selected graduate courses, with the instructor's approval.

Information Systems and Technology, M.S.



Program Description:
The MSIST program prepares students for leadership positions through its cybersecurity or business intelligence and information systems technology tracks. Students graduate with the ability to identify and solve business problems, manage organizational risk, secure and manage computer network systems, ensure business continuity, design and implement data warehouses, and use business intelligence tools to collect, integrate, analyze and use analytics tools to mine big data for the purpose of supporting managerial decision making at all control levels—frontline, managerial and strategic.
Program Coordinator: Erin Yela
Phone: 909-537-5723
Location: JB 460
MSIST's Department Page | MSIST's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • GRE or GMAT score
  • Statement of purpose
  • A letter of recommendation (required)
  • Resume’ or CV (optional)
Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • A bachelor's degree (major or minor) from an accredited college or university; 
  • Attained a minimum of a 3.0 GPA in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units of course work (Applicants with a GPA between 2.5 and 2.99 will be considered for admission by the program as an exception);
  • If the Bachelor degree was not taught principally in English, then you must take the TOEFL or IELTS (score of 6.5) or complete Level 6 of CSUSB’s ESL program and have official scores sent to the CSUSB Graduate Admissions Office;
  • Submission of official transcripts in sealed envelopes from all institutions attended to CSUSB Graduate Admissions Office. CSUSB students are not required to submit any CSUSB transcripts. If your transcript is not in English, then you must also send a certified literal English translation of the transcripts along with the official original-language transcripts with proof of degree to CSUSB Graduate Admissions Office, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407;
  • Submission of an acceptable Graduate Management Admission (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score by the deadline for the term in which the applicant wishes to enroll. If the test result is not submitted on time, admission status will be unclassified post-baccalaureate unless the GMAT or GRE requirement has been waived. Send GMAT or GRE score to MSIST Program Coordinator, Information and Decision Sciences Department, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407. The current acceptable exam scores with a 3.0 GPA:
    • GMAT score of 470 (minimum 10% on GMAT Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings)
    • GRE score of 298 (minimum 10% on GRE Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability percentile rankings)
  • An applicant may request a waiver of the GMAT or GRE upon proof of completion of graduate work (e.g., J.D., Ph.D., M.D., etc.) from an accredited U.S. college or university, or upon meeting other GMAT or GRE waiver criteria as set by the MSIST Program Coordinator;
  • Submission of a 200 – 250-word statement that demonstrates academic motivation, reasons for wishing to pursue the MSIST at CSUSB, and personal qualifications that will contribute to the successful completion of the program. Although work experience is not required, at least two years of professional work experience will make an application more competitive. Any letters of recommendation or a rĂ©sumĂ© are optional. Send Statement of Purpose to MSIST Program Coordinator, Information and Decision Sciences Department, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407;
  • Additional requirement for international students: International students must also submit a completed affidavit of financial support form. International students should follow all instructions of the application procedures and submit all necessary documentation as listed on the International Admissions website:;

Students who meet all entrance requirements may be admitted to the program in a conditionally classified status until the Foundation Course requirements are met. Once students meet the minimum passing level of “B” for each of the two foundation courses (IST 6110 & IST 6030) they will be advanced to classified graduate standing in the program. Conditionally classified students cannot enroll in the other 6000-level core courses (with the exception of IST 6090 if taken concurrently) unless they have written consent from the MSIST Program Coordinator.

Instructional Design and Technology, M.A.


COE Building

Program Description:
The Instructional Technology (ETEC) program at CSUSB prepares students to improve their creation and use of instructional media in their teaching practice or to take their place in any number of careers. Students have the choice of face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online courses, allowing each person to choose a course delivery format that best fits their situation.
The mission of the Instructional Technology program is to prepare professionals to improve their learning and performance applying a systemic and systematic instructional design process with the effective use of technology. The program values lifelong independent and collaborative learning that fosters leadership for change.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Eun-Ok Baek
Phone: 909-537-5454
Location: CE 323
Instructional Technology's Department Page | Instructional Technology's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to "classified" graduate status are:

  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 ("B") in all upper-division courses; and
  • Three letters of recommendation, from individuals familiar with the applicant's work history or educational background, using a program approved template of the letters of recommendation. 

Students who do not meet these criteria may be admitted as “conditionally classified” graduate students. Students admitted in this category may be changed to classified standing with approval from the College of Education. No more than 15-semester units may be used to demonstrate fitness to complete the program.

Interdisciplinary Studies, M.A.



Program Description:
The M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies is coordinated by the Dean of Graduate Studies. This unique multidisciplinary program gives highly motivated students the opportunity to craft their own course of study and pursue knowledge in an area not otherwise available in the university's degree programs. Students consult with the Dean of Graduate Studies and their committee (three faculty members) to develop their individual program. Interested students should consult the guidelines for Interdisciplinary Studies candidates and complete the proposal form available from the Office of Graduate Studies.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Caroline Vickers
Phone: 909-537-5058
Location: CE 356
Interdisciplinary Studies' Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Cal State Apply application
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

*** Apply by invitation code only. ***

*** Apply by invitation code only. ***

*** Apply by invitation code only. ***

Application Details:

In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0;
  • Prerequisite of at least five upper-division courses, each with a grade of "B" (3.0) or better, in the major discipline of the proposed program. The determination of the major discipline is subject to the approval of the University Curriculum Committee;
  • A three-member faculty committee, the chair of which serves as primary advisor, to supervise the course of study;
  • Approval of the Interdisciplinary Studies program proposal by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Materials Science, M.S.

Materials Science

Program Description:

The interdisciplinary Master of Science in Materials Science program is offered jointly by the Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Physics & Astronomy. The program is partnered with our Center for Advanced Functional Materials, and employs state-of-the-art scientific equipment across both participating departments as well as the College of Natural Sciences. 

Students can choose from two concentrations in the program that share a common core of coursework in the fundamental science of material structure and reactivity and includes practical experience. Our Interdisciplinary Materials Investigation Concentration culminates in laboratory research on a problem in materials science, with a written thesis and oral defense. Our unique Entrepreneurial Concentration culminates in Entrepreneurial coursework (In collaboration with the School of Entrepreneurship at CSUSB), as well as a final project in conjunction with a community partner or employer. Students with undergraduate majors in physics, chemistry, or materials science will be well prepared to enter the program, and other STEM majors may be admitted with additional undergraduate coursework in physics or chemistry required. 

Program Coordinator: Dr. Kimberley Cousins
Phone: 909-537-5391
Location: CS 213

Materials Science's Department Page | Materials Science's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Resume’ or CV
  • General GRE Score (optional)
  • Writing Sample
  • Three letters of recommendation
Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 3/31/2025 Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details: 

Specific requirements to be considered for admission to the program are: 

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. 
  • Completion of an undergraduate major in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related majors. Additional undergraduate coursework may be required for related majors. 
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.5 overall and in all courses used for credit in the major (3.0 recommended). 
  • Submission of scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) to Graduate Admissions is optional and may provide evidence of mastery of quantitative skills in the absence of a high GPA. 

Students are accepted by the Program Graduate Committee as classified students for admission for the Fall semester. Spring admissions may be considered under compelling circumstances. In some cases, students who do not meet these criteria may be conditionally admitted to the program. Please consult the Graduate Coordinator for more information. 

Mathematics, M.A.



Program Description:
The Master of Arts in Mathematics program offers a broad education in grad­uate mathematics as well as the opportunity to develop a deep understand­ing in a specific field of mathematics by engaging in research or expository work in that field. Students in this program will take graduate-level courses in problem-solving, geometry, abstract algebra and analysis, in addition to a variety of elective courses. The program culminates with the preparation and presentation of a thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor in a topic that interests the student. In addition to these academic endeavors, we offer a highly selective Teaching Associate program.
Program Coordinator:

Dr. Corey Dunn
Phone: 909-537-5368
Location: JB 368B
Mathematics' Department Page | Mathematics' Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • Successful completion with a grade of at least "B" (3.0) of course work in abstract algebra, real analysis, in addition to upper-division course work in pure, applied, and advanced mathematics deemed equivalent to the core of the mathematics major at California State University, San Bernardino.  More specifically, course work in pure mathematics must include one of number theory, geometry, combinatorics, or graph theory.  Course work in applied mathematics must include one of the ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis, Fourier analysis, or mathematical modeling.  Course work in advanced mathematics must include one of topology, complex analysis, or differential geometry.  Substitutions may be made in certain circumstances at the discretion of the MA coordinator. In addition, an overall GPA of at least 3.0 is required;
  • In some cases, students who do not meet these criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students following review by the Department of Mathematics Graduate Committee;
  • Submission of a completed M.A. in the Mathematics application form, including all undergraduate transcripts;
  • Three letters of recommendation submitted to the Department of Mathematics main office;
  • A letter of not more than three pages, outlining the background, interest in this program, and career goals.

National Cyber Security Studies, M.S.



Program Description:
The M.S. in National Cyber Security Studies (NCSS) is a professionally-oriented, interdisciplinary, graduate-level program designed to develop an understanding of the substance and principles of cybersecurity and intelligence analysis in relation to the contemporary international environment. The Master of Science in National Cyber Security Studies is one of a few graduate programs in the country that is devoted to the study of U.S. national cyber security and intelligence. The fully accredited program provides a comprehensive curriculum with foundations in strategy and strategic studies for students interested in pursuing careers in service for the U.S. government. NCSS alumni serve in many different career fields, including defense, security, and intelligence.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Antony Field 
Phone: 909-537-5539
Location: SB 119

National Cyber Security Studies' Department Page | National Cyber Security Studies' Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Two letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.5 overall and at least 3.0 ("B") in the student's undergraduate major;
  • A personal statement (one or two double-spaced typewritten pages) describing the student's interest in graduate study and career aspirations following receipt of the master's degree;
  • Submission of two letters of recommendation.

National Security Studies, M.A.



Program Description:
The M.A. in National Security Studies is a professionally oriented, interdisciplin­ary, graduate-level program designed to develop an understanding of the sub­stance and principles of defense policy analysis, strategic planning, and intelli­gence analysis in relation to the contemporary international environment. Our fully accredited Master of Arts program provides a comprehensive curriculum with foundations in strategy and strategic studies for students interested in pursuing careers in service for the U.S. government. Designated as an Intel­ligence Community Center of Academic Excellence, this program is uniquely designed for students interested in developing critical skills for careers within the intelligence community.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Steven Childs
Phone: 909-537-7316
Location: SB 109

National Security Studies' Department Page | National Security Studies' Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Satisfy the National Security Studies graduate admissions committee that sufficient preparation and a satisfactory course of study has been pursued in preparation for graduate study;
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.5 overall and at least 3.0 ("B") in the student's undergraduate major;
  • Completion of the graduate entrance writing requirement;
  • Competence in the following prerequisite courses or their equivalents: PSCI 2030 and MATH 1301
  • Competence in these areas may be demonstrated by:
    • Formal completion of the course or its equivalent,
    • Credit by examination.
  • Submission to the National Security Studies Admissions Committee of a brief statement (one or two double-spaced typewritten pages) of the student's preparation for graduate study and professional aspirations following receipt of the master's degree;
  • Submission of three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the student's academic or professional work and potential to complete the program successfully. Letters must come directly from the writer on National Security Studies forms, which may be obtained at the department office.

Nursing, M.S.


Program Description:
CSUSB’s Department of Nursing offers a hybrid-online graduate program leading to a Master of Science in Nursing. Students may choose to complete one of three concentrations, all with a focus in population-based nursing. Every student takes a series of core advanced nursing courses (20units). Additional courses are required for each specialization concentration: 1) Population-Health Clinical Leaders (13 units); 2) Nurse Educator (18 units); 3) Advanced Community/Public Health Nursing (12 units). The total units for the degree range from 32 to 38 depending upon the selected concentration. 
Program Coordinators: 

Dr. Cheryl Brandt
Phone: N/A
Location: HP 221

Dr. Anne Lama
Phone: 909-537-7798
Location: HP 225

Nursing's Department Page | Nursing's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • Baccalaureate degree in nursing from an accredited college or university, OR a regionally-accredited baccalaureate degree in a discipline related to nursing
  • Proof of a current California Registered Nurse (RN) license, unencumbered, unrestricted, with no disciplinary action pending or imposed
  • A personal statement of professional goals
  • Three (3) satisfactory letters of professional recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree in nursing from a CCNE-accredited program, OR a regionally-accredited baccalaureate degree in a discipline related to nursing;
    • Applicants with non-nursing baccalaureate degrees or with a baccalaureate degree in nursing from a Department of Education-recognized accrediting body other than CCNE must meet competencies as defined in the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education which include but are not limited to:
      • Health assessment
      • Research
      • Leadership
      • Community/public health
    • Competency may be verified through completed courses, credit by examination, certification, or documented professional expertise in the subject. Applicants are encouraged to discuss options with the Program Coordinator.
  • 3.0 ("B") minimum GPA, calculated according to the recommended practice of the CSUSB Graduate Council;
  • Successful completion of an undergraduate statistics course;
  • Current California registered nurse (RN) license, unencumbered, unrestricted, with no disciplinary action pending or imposed;
  • Three (3) satisfactory letters of professional recommendation; referring persons should be in an official capacity in relation to the applicant and familiar with the applicant's academic performance or performance in a professional work role;
  • A personal statement of professional goals that should include, but need not be limited to, a description of the factors motivating the applicant to pursue a graduate degree, career/educational goals, and how they relate to the MSN concentration selected;
  • Applicants may consult the information on the Department of Nursing webpage for details about the significant clinical compliance requirements that must be met upon admission to, and while enrolled in, the MS in Nursing program.

Nutritional Science, M.S.

Nutrition Science (MSNS)

Program Description:

The Master of Science in Nutritional Science (MSNS) prepares students for careers in nutrition and related fields by developing their knowledge and skills in nutrition science, cultural competencies, and applied research methods. Students may be jointly enrolled in an Individualized Supervised-Practice Pathway (ISPP) program or a Dietetic Internship (DI) in order to meet the ACEND requirements to sit for the RDN exam. The MSNS course schedule is designed to accommodate students who are completing their 1200 supervised hours during the second year of the MSNS program.

The application process for the MSNS is separate from the ISPP application process. Students who are interested in completing both the ISPP and MSNS must apply for and be admitted to both programs. 

Program Coordinator: Dr. Terezie Tolar-Peterson
Phone: 909-537-7229
Location: PS 226A

Nutritional Science's Department Page | Nutritional Science's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Resume’ or CV
  • Personal statement
  • Writing Sample
  • Three letters of recommendation
Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details: 

  • Meet all university admissions requirements.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (“B”) in the last 60 semester units of undergraduate coursework and in all post-graduate coursework.
  • A copy of most recent resume or curriculum vitae.
  • Three letters of recommendations that highlight the applicant's (1) academic ability and potential to succeed in the graduate program and (2) professional experiences that make the candidate ideal for nutrition science.
  • A statement of purpose, double-spaced and no more than 1,000 words, detailing: (1) practical experience(s) in nutrition science and how it relates to the program (this is weighted most), (2) academic experience(s) in nutrition or related field, (3) immediate and long-term professional goals and how that relates to the program, (4) reasons for being interested in the Nutrition Science M.S. program at CSUSB, and (5) key skills the applicant can bring to the program.
  • Writing sample based on a nutrition topic of interest to the applicant, typed, approximately 1,000 words, double-spaced, with appropriate references (not counted in the word limit). The writing sample should highlight the applicant's basic understanding of human nutrition science and relevant concepts to solve health issues.
  • Minimum prerequisites for the Master of Science in Nutrition Science include completion of the following college-level courses with a grade of “C” or better: General Chemistry series with lab (CHEM 2050 & 2050L), Organic and biochemistry series with lab (CHEM 2060 & 2060L), Nutritional Biochemistry (e.g., HSCI 4661), Anatomy & Physiology with lab (BIOL 2230 & 2240), Statistics (MATH 1201 or HSCI 3205), Fundamentals of Human Nutrition (HSCI 3601). Exposure to life cycle nutrition as part of another course or as a devoted course is highly recommended (HSCI 3602). Most students with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition degree will meet the prerequisite requirements.

Physician Assistant, M.S.

 Master of Science in Physician Assistant Program

Program Description:

California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) is developing a 27-month Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MSPA) program to help meet the current and future healthcare needs of communities. As essential members of the healthcare delivery team, physician assistants (PA) can address existing health disparities by providing access to more affordable, high-quality healthcare. PAs are certified healthcare providers who diagnose conditions, develop patient-centered treatment plans, prescribe medications, and provide preventative care.

The CSUSB MSPA program believes that a dynamic, innovative curriculum is required to develop truly multidimensional PAs. Therefore, the program integrates active learning methods, educational technology, and practical experiences to empower student learning inside and outside of the classroom. Our thoughtfully designed classrooms and laboratory spaces encourage students to be actively involved in interactive sessions, group work, case-based learning, and interprofessional experiences. Students will be challenged to integrate individual and larger contextual factors affecting health into their clinical decision-making. Our program focuses on not only developing clinical knowledge but also learning to communicate with empathy and compassion.

Graduate Admissions Counselor: Jocelin Monge
Admissions inquiries:
General program inquiries:

Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MSPA) Program Page | MSPA Admissions Requirements

Overall Application Requirements:

CASPA and Supplemental Applications

Cal State Apply Application

  • Only required for accepted CSUSB MSPA program students who are matriculating into the program.

Bachelor’s Degree

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university

GPA Requirements

  • Category 1: 3.0 Overall GPA or 3.2 last 60 credits GPA and
  • Category 2: 3.0 Science GPA or 3.2 Prerequisite GPA

Seven Prerequisite Courses

  • Must be at least a grade of C (2.0), at a regionally accredited institution in the United States, and within 10 years of the application deadline.

Clinical Experience

  • Minimum 1,000 hours of clinical experience at the time of application

Letters of Reference

  • Three letters of reference
    • One letter from a practicing clinician (MD, DO, PA, or NP) or member of a healthcare team.
    • Two letters from a:
      • Practicing Clinician,
      • Member of the healthcare team,
      • Professor, or
      • Professional reference.

Standardized Entrance Exams

  • No standardized entrance exams required

Technical Standards

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 12/1/2024 Not Offered

Application Details: 

Admissions Preferences: 

The CSUSB MSPA program strives to matriculate applicants who demonstrate a strong alignment with the mission and values of the program and institution. Therefore, the MSPA program provides special consideration to applicants who demonstrate one or more of the following:

  • Current degree-track student or graduate of CSUSB
  • Current resident or spent the majority of childhood + in the Inland Empire (San Bernardino and Riverside counties), a federally designated medically underserved area + (MUA), or a health professional shortage area (HPSA) per
  • Clinical experience in a health professional shortage area (HPSA) or medically underserved area/population (MUA/P) per
  • Received state or federal assistance as a child +
  • First generation in the family to attend college (defined as your parent(s) did not complete a four-year college or university degree)
  • Fluency in Spanish (or language other than English)
  • Current or former member of the Military * (i.e., veterans, active members, and reserves)

       + Based on childhood and socioeconomic questions within the CASPA application.

Accreditation Status

California State University – San Bernardino has applied for Accreditation - Provisional from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). California State University – San Bernardino anticipates matriculating its first class in August 2025, pending achieving Accreditation - Provisional status at the March 2025 ARC-PA meeting.

Accreditation-Provisional is an accreditation status granted when the plans and resource allocation, if fully implemented as planned, of a proposed program that has not yet enrolled students appear to demonstrate the program’s ability to meet the ARC-PA Standards or when a program holding accreditation-provisional status appears to demonstrate continued progress in complying with the Standards as it prepares for the graduation of the first class (cohort) of students. In the event the program does not earn accreditation-provisional status, students will not matriculate, and admissions deposits will be refunded. The California State University – San Bernardino is fully accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

The MSPA degree has been fully approved by the CSU Board of Trustees and Chancellor’s Office.

Psychological Science, M.A.



Program Description:
The M.A. in Psychological Science program provides a broad background in psychology suitable for employment requiring a Master of Arts degree. The program is specially designed to improve the candi­dacy of students who wish to enter doctoral programs in any academic area of psychology. In the past ten years, over two-thirds of students awarded an M.A. degree from CSUSB’s Psychological Science program were subsequently admitted to doctoral programs in the United States and Canada.
We pride ourselves on being a program that emphasizes individual educational mentoring. Thus, admission is competitive; between 10 and 15 students are enrolled each year. All Psychological Science master’s students conduct original research as a thesis project. Research productivity of our students and faculty ranks favorably when compared to that of other M.A. psychology programs across the country.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Dionisio (Dennis) Amodeo
Phone: 909-537-3587
Location: SB 535
Psychological Science's Department Page | Psychological Science's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree with a major in psychology; or with any other undergraduate major;
  • Satisfy the graduate admissions committee of the Department of Psychology that a satisfactory course of study has been pursued in preparation for graduate study in psychology;
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 ("B") overall and in the major;
  • A brief statement describing preparation for graduate study (e.g., research experience, academic accomplishments), identifying a specific Psychological Science faculty member (or two) whose research is of particular interest to the applicant, and discussing the applicant's professional aspirations and goals for graduate study. To be submitted to the department;
  • Three letters of recommendation, with at least two from former professors. Letters should come directly from the writers or be included in a placement file. (It is the applicant's responsibility to determine if letters have been received.);
  • The satisfaction of the prerequisites or their equivalent: PSYC 1100, PSYC 2210, PSYC 3311

Public Administration, M.P.A.


MPA Program

Program Description:
The Master of Public Administration program at CSUSB is proud to be nationally accredited by NASPAA, the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration. The MPA is designed to prepare students for a career in administration in the public sector. The major objective is to provide the student with a generalist perspective of public administration systems and a capacity for excelling in management and executive positions. This degree is intended for graduate students and career employees seeking to devel­op and strengthen academic and professional skills for admission and advancement in the professional practice of public administration.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Robert Stokes
Phone: 909-537-5759
Location: JB 456C
MPA's Department Page | MPA's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




Application Details:

  • Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s degree.
  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  • Students who do not meet the 3.0 GPA requirement but who have at least a 2.70 GPA in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units completed, including post-baccalaureate coursework, may submit alternative measures of competence such as work experience.
  • A 500-word personal statement that includes academic motivation and personal qualifications for pursuing the MPA at CSUSB.
  • Letters of recommendation are not required.

Public Health, M.P.H.



Program Description:
The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree is designed for those public health professionals seeking to advance to management levels in the design, implementation, and administration of public health agencies. The two-year program is ideal for professionals who wish to expand their skills, knowledge, and expertise, as well as for students wishing to advance their knowledge and build a career in the field. The foundation of the curriculum is the five core areas of public health: health status and determinants of health, public health statistics, epidemiology, environmental and occupational health, and health systems organization and delivery.
Program Coordinator: Amber Olney
Phone: 909-537-3525
Location: PS 212
MPH's Department Page | MPH's Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Resume’ or CV
  • Personal statement
  • Writing Sample
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • Meet all university admissions requirements.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (“B”) in the last 60 semester units of undergraduate coursework and in all post-graduate coursework;
  • Undergraduate coursework in the natural and social sciences, including those focused on diversity and population health;
  • A copy of the most recent resume or curriculum vitae;
  • Three letters of recommendation that highlight the applicant’s (1) academic ability and potential to succeed in the graduate program and (2) professional experiences that make the candidate ideal for public health. At least one letter of recommendation must be from the coordinator/director or an instructor from the school where applicant most recently completed coursework that highlights how the student met the standards of the undergraduate program (if such a coordinator/director does not exist, a faculty member may write such a letter);
  • A statement of purpose, double-spaced and 2-3 pages maximum, detailing: (1) practical experience(s) in public health and how it relates to the program (this is weighted most), (2) academic experience(s) in public health or related field, (3) immediate and long-term professional goals and how that relates to the program, (4) reasons for being interested in the MPH program, and (5) key skills the applicant can bring to the program.
  • Writing sample based on a public health topic of interest to the applicant, typed, approximately 1,000 words, double-spaced, with appropriate references (not counted in the word limit). The writing sample should highlight the applicant's basic understanding of community health needs, epidemiology, and the application of public health concepts to solve population health issues.

Rehabilitation Counseling, M.A.


COE Building

Program Description:
The Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling is a gateway to training opportunities that will sustain you throughout your future career. The three-year course of study will train you in rehabilitation counseling, vocational evaluation, and job placement of persons with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. Rehabilitation counselors work in a variety of agencies that serve individuals from teens to older populations. Graduates will learn to assist individuals who have disabilities with achieving their vocational, educational and independent living goals through a counseling process. Graduates of the program will be prepared to take the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor examination. The focus of a rehabilitation counselor is to help develop effective strategies to eliminate barriers that prevent people from living their best lives (regardless of their age). If you want to make a difference in peoples’ lives, consider the rehabilitation counseling degree as the pathway to your future!

Program Coordinator: Dr. Priyanka Yalamanchili 
Phone: 909-537-5670
Location: CE 226
Rehabilitation Counseling's Department Page | Rehabilitation Counseling's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Letter of Intent
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Interview 

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

 Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree with a major preferably in education, psychology, sociology, or a related social service field;
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 ("B") overall;
  • Completion of the graduate entrance writing requirement, as required;
  • Letter of Intent (typed and double-spaced) - A brief autobiographical section; professional work history, interest/history working with individuals with disabilities, reasons for pursuing the Rehabilitation Counseling degree, description of your potential contributions to the field. 
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation - The recommendation letters need to attest to your ability to perform graduate-level work and/or your interest/history in working with people who have disabilities.
  • Completion of an interview to assess competence in interpersonal skills and aptitudes for the rehabilitation counseling profession.

School Psychology, Ed.S.


COE Building

Program Description:

The Ed.S. in school Psychology is a 63 semester unit sequence program designed for students wishing to pursue a career in school psychology. In addition to the two years of coursework in assessment, consultation, evidence-based intervention, legal and ethical issues, multicultural counseling, research, measurement and cognitive assessment, students must complete 450 hours of applied practica.  A 1200 hour internship in a school setting is completed during the third year. A comprehensive examination given by NASP consistent with Nationally Certified School Psychologists must also be passed during the third year.

The Ed.S in school psychology fulfills all coursework needed to comply with the common and generic standards for the Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPS) as well as advanced coursework which meets the CA state standards for school psychology specialization.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Sharon Ward
Phone: 909-537-5693
Location: CE 340
School Psychology's Department Page | School Psychology's Bulletin Page 

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Certificate of Clearance (issued through
  • TB test
  • Letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines

Spring 2025

Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

Application Details

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university in psychology, child development, or related social science field;
  • Official transcripts;
  • Personal statement of why a candidate wants to pursue a graduate degree in school psychology;
  • Two reference forms and letters of recommendation from persons having knowledge of the applicant's potential as a school psychologist;
  • Evidence of current negative TB test;
  • Submission of an application for a certificate of clearance or evidence of a credential or permit authorizing public school teaching in California;
  • Minimum grade point average of 3.0;
  • Prerequisite classes include one class in each of the following: typical child development, statistics, intro to special education (Exceptional Development).

Social Work, M.S.W.



Program Description:
The Master of Social Work program emphasizes the National Association of Social Workers’ core social work value, professionalism, and excellence in critical analysis. Students will experience an education that provides training to enter the social work profession through academic and field practicum curricula areas: research, human behavior, social policy, and practice with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. The competitive program has been fully accredited since 1989. Three models are offered: Model (1) offers two academic years of courses. Model (2) is an online option that offers a three-year program via distance education. Model (3) offers the same course work in Model (1) over the three academic years. Graduates of the program demonstrate social work competencies as defined by The Council of Social Work Education (CSWE).
Program Coordinator: Dr. Carolyn McAllister
Phone: 909-537-5501
Location: SB 423B
MSW's Department Page | MSW's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
  • Personal statement
  • Three references (to be requested and completed through Cal State Apply)

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*

Spring 2025

Fall 2025 Spring 2026

Not Offered


Not Offered

 * For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university; 
  • A grade point average of 3.0 ("B") or better in all coursework; or
  • A grade point average of 3.0 ("B") or better in the last 90 quarter units or last 60 semester units; *A GPA of 2.8 or higher (cumulative or last 60-semester units/last 90 quarter units) may be considered with significant social service experience and overall application. 
  • An academic background in the liberal arts; with social and behavioral sciences preferred;
  • A year of full-time paid experience, and/or applicable internship or volunteer service in the field of social work (this requirement may be waived);
  • Evidence of personal qualifications, motivation, and experience that indicate the likelihood of becoming a successful social worker; an autobiographical statement and three letters of reference from individuals who are familiar with the student's work, academic background, potential, and level of maturity;
  • A course in each of the following:
    • Social Science Research Methods
    • Human Behavior Theory
    • Human Biology

Spanish, M.A.



Program Description:
Courses offered in the Master of Arts in Spanish program at CSUSB provide intensive study of Spanish and Spanish American literature and civilization, as well as Spanish linguistics. Our program is designed for those students seeking to enhance their teaching skills at the secondary or community college level, as well as those who wish to continue their studies and pursue a Ph.D. degree. Students will take 46 units and a comprehensive exam based on the core courses and a reading list. The program may be completed in two years.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Bibiana Diaz-Rodriguez
Phone: 909-537-3670
Location: UH 201.29
Spanish's Department Page | Spanish's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Personal statement
  • Writing Sample
  • Two letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • Completion of an undergraduate major in Spanish from an accredited institution consisting of at least 30-semester units, or 45 quarter units, or equivalent, of upper-division course work;
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 ("B"), and a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all Spanish classes;
  • Good standing at the last college attended (verified by student transcripts, see below);
  • Three letters of recommendation;
  • A one- to two-page statement describing the student's professional goals in the area of Spanish;
  • Submission of official transcripts from all previous college work to the department's graduate committee;
  • Verification of oral and written proficiency in Spanish at the ACTFL level of advanced mid or higher as determined by an entrance exam given by the Department of World Languages and Literatures, CSUSB. (This requirement is waived for candidates who received their B.A. in Spanish from CSUSB within the last five years of application to the M.A. in Spanish.);
  • Students who do not meet the above criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students per approval by the Graduate Committee and may be required to take additional upper-division Spanish undergraduate courses. Students who do not possess a B.A. in Spanish (but have a degree in another discipline) may also be required to take selected upper-division undergraduate courses (earning a minimum grade of "B" (3.0) in each assigned class).

Special Education, M.S.


COE Building

Program Description:
The M.S. in Special Education will provide students with advanced preparation in research methodologies and research-based practices that address contemporary topics and issues in the field of Special Education. Options for concentration in Early Childhood Special Education, Mild to Moderate Disabilities, and Moderate to Severe Disabilities are available. We prepare professionals to promote knowledge, social justice, and compassion through practice in special education. Our goal is to inspire professionals to create and champion practical knowledge and theoretical principles.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Jemma Kim
Phone: 909-537-7237
Location: CE 343
Special Education's Department Page | Special Education's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • TB exam
  • Teaching credential or permit
  • Two letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

 Application Details:

  • Original written verification of passing score for the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
  • Two written recommendations by persons who can address scholastic performance;
  • Verification of a negative tuberculin examination within the last four years;
  • Academic Achievement, verified through official transcripts from ALL institutions of higher education attended. Applicants must possess a minimum undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 in all baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate course work or at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units attempted;
  • Submission of an application for a certificate of clearance or evidence of a credential or permit authorizing public school teaching in California;
  • Satisfactory completion of prerequisite courses, ESPE 5530 and ESPE 5531, with a grade of "B" or better.

STEM Education, M.A.

COE Building

Program Description:

The Master of Arts in Education: STEM is designed to prepare 21st century STEM educators and leaders by facilitating a broader understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of STEM, a deeper knowledge of discipline-specific content, and integrative approaches for the teaching and learning of STEM content. Our goal is to prepare K-12 STEM teachers who will be able to prepare students for the 21st-century global society through engaging them in authentic inquiry, real-world problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, productive collaboration, and effective communication.

The program offers a sequence of courses to enhance teachers' knowledge and practice in STEM education through hands-on experiences, collaborations, and reflections,  with a focus on Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Next Generation Science Standards. The program courses include foundational courses in science education, educational research and assessment, inquiry methods course, integrated STEM curriculum, as well as courses in the mathematics and science content areas.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Xinying Yin
Phone: 909-537-5696
Location: CE 328
STEM's Department Page | Bulletin Page

Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • A valid California Teaching Credential or related teaching experience
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Three letters of recommendation

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.


Application Details:

Program Admission 

In addition to the university Graduate School admission requirements, additional requirements for admission to classified graduate status are:

  • Relevant K-12 teaching experiences including but not limited to: public or private school teaching, substituting teaching, and teaching in informal settings.
  • Two letters of recommendation, from individuals familiar with the applicant's work history or educational background. 
  • Students need to attend an information meeting with the program coordinator and/or the admission advisor before submitting their application. An advising form will be submitted together with other application materials.

 Students who do not meet these criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students. Change to classified standing can be made only with approval of the College of Education. No more than 15 semester units may be used to demonstrate fitness to complete the program. 

Studio Art, M.F.A.


Studio Art

Program Description:
The Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art program provides a rigorous study for students with a strong direction and focus in art and a high level of technical proficiency. The program provides advanced study and practice in preparation for professional careers in studio art or teaching in higher education. Graduates will be prepared to take their places in the visual arts community and make significant contributions to our visual culture. The program focuses on creative studio work, supplemented by art history and theory, professional and critical writing, graduate studio critiques, studio electives, professional development, and independent study.
The MFA in Studio Art is a non-media specific, full-time, three-year terminal degree, with courses that embrace the multiplicity of artistic expression, augmented with graduate-level critical art theory seminars. Visiting artists, critics, field trips, and exhibition opportunities round out the curriculum.
Program Coordinator: Alison Ragguette
Phone: 909-537-3372
Location: VA 210
MFA's Department Page | MFA's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Portfolio
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation 

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 2/15/2025 Not Offered

* For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Application Details:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a minimum of 30 semester units of upper-division art courses comparable to those required of a major in art at this university. The Art Department determines which courses are comparable.
  • Completion of a minimum of 14 semester units of upper-division studio art.
  • Completion of a minimum of 14 semester units in art history; a minimum of 5 should be upper-division units, and at least one course that is equivalent to AH 4250 and/or AH 5250.
  • A grade point average of 3.0 ("B") or better in all art courses taken.
  • Admission to the program will additionally be based upon evaluations by the Art Department graduate committee of the following items:
    • A portfolio displaying a comprehensive body of work with strong technical abilities and potential for a clear direction in graduate study. A portfolio consists of 15 images of the applicant's artwork in the form of a single PDF. The portfolio needs to be accompanied by a typed list of artworks with the applicant's name, and title, medium, size, and date for each artwork.
    • A 500-word "Statement of Purpose" describing the conceptual and technical aspects of the artwork and the applicant's reason for seeking graduate studies in art. This statement should also demonstrate the applicant's knowledge of historical and contemporary art in relation to their work. This statement should be carefully crafted and will be used to evaluate the student's writing ability and critical thinking skills.
    • Three letters of recommendation supporting the student's application. Letters should be from professionals and/or educators in the field able to assess the student's competence and to make relevant comments on the student's likely success in a graduate art program.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - TESOL, M.A.


COE Building

Program Description:

The M.A. in TESOL is a program designed to meet the needs of English teachers in classrooms with English learners both in the United States and abroad. We offer courses that cover the broad areas of K-12 education, adult ESL, and college-level English teaching.

The College of Education now offers a fully online M.A. in TESOL program as well as partially online (hybrid) and face-to-face classes. The fieldwork component (EESL 6900) requires supervised instruction; special arrangements can be made for online candidates to complete this at their locality. The M.A. in TESOL can be a one-, two-, or three-year program. Many classes are scheduled in the late afternoon and evening for the convenience of practicing teachers. Summer courses can be offered if enough students enroll in the course.


The program features outstanding faculty with teaching and research interests in diverse areas such as oral language and literacy development, social justice and equity in education, computer-based instruction, and discourse analysis. A unified focus on language for communicative purposes draws together contemporary theories of social, personal, and intellectual development toward an understanding of the language learner as a whole person.

Center for Teaching English Learners

The Center for Teaching English Learners (CTEL) is a resource center for prospective and practicing teachers whose classroom teaching is impacted by the presence of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners and who seek innovative strategies for teaching English. Maintained by the College of Education, the center also serves as a materials development laboratory for educational master’s projects in TESOL, as a resource and referral service for partnership school districts who seek training for teachers, and as a locus for initiation of grant proposals providing high-quality education for English learners.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Golge Seferoglu
Phone: 909-537-5658
Location: CE 273
TESOL's Department Page | TESOL's Bulletin Page
Application Requirements:

  • $70 Application fee
  • Prior college transcripts (unofficial accepted)
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;

Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines (Accelerated Program for International Students)*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Not Offered 6/1/2025 Not Offered
Application Deadlines*
Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026




 * For international students, the application deadlines may differ. To confirm the correct deadline, please check the International Education website. If the deadline listed above is earlier than the one on the website, please follow the deadline provided here.

Admission Requirements:

  • Completion of general admission requirements, as stipulated by CSUSB Division of Graduate Studies at  
  • Completion of B.A or B. S. degree from accredited a four-year college or university
  • Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5
  • One-page Statement of Purpose:
    • Introduce yourself, your interests, and motivations for TESOL
    • Describe your professional goals as they relate to the TESOL program
    • Explain why you are interested in the CSUSB TESOL program and what you can bring to the table
  • Provide 2 letters of recommendation
  • International students for whom English is not their first language, please check with the International Admissions Office in the College of Extended and Global Education at International Education
  • GRE not required