CSUSB to continue in-person campus operations with some modifications for outdoor activities.

Dear Campus Community:

Our thoughts are with the families and community members impacted by the recent fires in our area. We recognize how difficult this time is for everyone at CSUSB and want you to know that your safety is our highest priority. We are working closely with local emergency services to stay informed and ensure the well-being of our entire community.

At this time, the CSUSB San Bernardino campus is not currently included in evacuation orders or warnings issued by CALFIRE for the Line Fire that started in Highland on Thursday. However, due to the ongoing fire situation in Highland and the Mountain Communities, the following modifications will be made to campus operations for Monday, September 9th:

  • In-person instruction and business operations will continue as normal
  • Building air handling systems will be modified to limit outdoor air to reduce the circulation of smoke and ash inside of campus buildings.
  • Outdoor activity classes, athletic practices, and other planned outdoor activities will be moved indoors or rescheduled. Students should check with faculty or event organizers for additional information.

Campus leadership will continue to monitor the situation and make operational adjustments as required to ensure the safety of our campus community.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know needs support during this challenging time.

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Telecommuting Program


CSUSB will offer a hybrid work schedule option to those employees whose positions allow them to telecommute starting September 9, 2024 and ending Friday, May 30, 2025.

All staff must be on-site at least 4 days per week, with the understanding that the operations of some individual units and/or positions require on-site work of 5 days per week. Part-time staff scheduling will be handled within each division on a case-by-case basis. All employees who wish to take advantage of the hybrid option, and whose positions allow for this option, must complete a telecommuting form found on this page. 

Employees interested in participating should follow the process described in the "Process for Establishing a Telecommuting Work Agreement" below. In addition, participating eligible employees will work with their appropriate administrator and division vice president to ensure no significant disruption of programs and services to students, faculty, and staff.

The program will be evaluated at the end of the spring 2025 term, looking at essential considerations like employee wellness, delivery of student services, and impact on overall campus operations. The duration of this round of telecommuting is from Monday, September 9, 2024 through the week ending Friday, May 30, 2025.

California State University Telecommuting Program
Telecommuting Program - CSUEU
Telecommuting Program - APC


The opportunity to telecommute is based upon consideration of the duties of the employee’s position and departmental requirements by the appropriate administrator. MPPs responsible for managing programs and supervising employees are not eligible to participate in the 2024/25 Telecommuting Program; this includes all MPPs III and IV positions. Telecommuting eligibility of represented employees varies among bargaining units based on the respective negotiated agreements.

If the employee is considered eligible for telecommuting after consideration of the employee’s duties per their position description, the opportunity to participate in the telecommuting program depends on the employee ensuring that a safe and productive work environment is established and maintained. 

Decisions concerning approval, terms, and termination of telecommuting are at the sole discretion of management, and there are no employee rights to appeal, grievance, or any other process to challenge the decision.

Termination of Telecommuting Agreement

The appropriate administrator or participating employee may terminate the Telecommuting Agreement at any time for any reason upon twenty-one (21) calendar days’ (or less by mutual agreement) written notice to the participating employee or Appropriate Administrator. The Appropriate Administrator may review Telecommuting Agreements as needed.

Establishing a Telecommuting Work Arrangement

STEP 1 - Preparation

  1. Ensure you have a current and accurate version of your Position Description.  As a reference, here is a current, blank Position Description form.
  2. Read the Telecommuting Program
  3. Schedule a meeting with your appropriate administrator to discuss if the responsibilities and duties indicated in your Position Description can be conducted remotely. 

 STEP 2 - Home Safety Checklist and Resources

Review the Home Safety Checklist and the Telecommuting Resources. The Home Safety Checklist form is now included in the Telecommuting Agreement. Consult with your appropriate administrator with any questions about satisfying the checklist. 

Home Safety Checklist (PDF)

Employee Telecommuting Resources

 STEP 3 - Telecommuting Agreement

If your request to telecommute is approved, you can initiate the Telecommuting Agreement approval process by selecting the link below. The Home Safety Checklist is included in the agreement form. Be sure to have the email addresses of your appropriate administrator, the vice president of your division, and your Position Description ready to be attached. The agreement will be sent to you, Human Resources, and your division's Vice President for signature. 

Telecommuting Agreement

Academic Affairs Staff Telecommuting Agreement


Will the University provide equipment and technical support for telecommuting?

A participating employee who needs equipment or supplies to telecommute must discuss the matter with their Appropriate Administrator/HEERA Manager. A laptop will be provided if needed. Laptop requests need to be made by the HEERA Manager to the Technology Support Center (TSC) on behalf of employees who need them. The TSC will provide technology support to participating employees, as it is provided to all employees. Campus-owned assets shall not be serviced anywhere other than by CSUSB ITS. Contact the TSC by emailing support@csusb.edu or calling (909) 537-7677.

Will student assistants be allowed to participate in the Telecommuting Program?

Student assistants are not eligible to participate in the Telecommuting Program.

Which employee categories may be eligible to telecommute?

CSUEU (Units 2,5,7,9), APC (Unit 4), and Confidential (C99) employees who have job duties that can be performed remotely may be eligible.

What days are available for telecommuting?

Positions deemed appropriate to telecommute may submit a teleworking agreement to work up to one day per week, contingent upon the needs of the department and the services it provides. Consult your appropriate administrator for additional details on your weekly working schedule.

Are auxiliary employees (UEC, SMSU, ASI) eligible to telecommute?

For more information, please contact the appropriate HR department: UEC HR (909) 537-7589 or SMSU/ASI HR (909) 537-7201.