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Worker's Compensation

Workers' Compensation


In 1997, the California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA), a Joint Powers Authority, was created pursuant to Executive Order No. 638 to establish a risk pool program that includes Workers' Compensation benefits for all CSU campuses. On May 1, 2004, a qualified self-insured group known as Auxiliary Organizations Workers' Compensation Plan, Inc. (AO-COMP) was established to provide similar coverage to the auxiliary organizations.

If you are injured or become ill because of your job, you may be entitled to Workers' Compensation Benefits. With more than 44,000 faculty and staff, each of the 23 campuses has a Workers' Compensation Coordinator that provides assistance if a worker or CSU volunteer becomes injured.

If you are injured on the job, be sure to immediately report your injury to your Supervisor who will provide you with the necessary forms and conduct an accident investigation (Submit form online) and contact Risk Management at (909) 537-3937.

The third party administrator for Worker's Compensation is Sedgwick CMS and can be reached at (510) 302-3000.

For more information, please visit the Risk Management webpage