Faculty Welcome
Hello and welcome to Services to Students with Disabilities here at CSUSB. Together in our partnership with you, our valued faculty, we will assist our students with differences to succeed in the classroom and in life.
Faculty-Specific Resources for Accommodating Students
Should you ever find that you have questions or are in need of support in your efforts to clearly understand, implement or provide accommodations to your students, please reach out right away to our office by email or by phone or in person in order to get the information you are seeking.
Course Syllabus Policy and Accommodation Language
The Faculty Administrative Manual (FAM 820.9) indicates that all course syllabi must include a: statement of
- ADA compliance,
- including contact information to SSD, and
- a reminder that it is the student's responsibility to seek academic accommodations for a verified disability in a timely manner.
Syllabus Language
Please feel free to cut and paste this language directly into your syllabus.
"If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the ADA, you are required to register with the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD). If you are taking classes at the San Bernardino Campus (SBC), SSD is located in UH-183. At the Palm Desert Campus (PDC), SSD is located in RG 203A. You can telephone the SBC-SSD at (909) 537-5238, or the PDC-SSD at (760) 341-2883, ext. 78117, or email them at ssd@csusb.edu. To receive academic accommodations for this class, please obtain the Faculty Notification Letter from SSD. Students should inform their instructors about the type of assistance that may be required in the event of any emergency, and also to contact the SSD office regarding special needs for evacuation."
Points of Contact
- Ssd@csusb.edu
- Director - Lori.palmerton@csusb.edu
- Faculty Inclusion Fellow - chadsw@csusb.edu
- Other contact points for SSD
Open Weekly Drop-in Hours with Dr. Chad Sweeney, the Faculty Inclusion Fellow for Disability, Difference, and Accommodation configuration options
Weekly Drop-in Hours with Dr. Chad Sweeney, the Faculty Inclusion Fellow for Disability, Difference, and Accommodation
Dr. Chad Sweeney is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about providing access to our students live on Mondays from 8 AM-1 PM via Zoom at this link: https://csusb.zoom.us/j/6767342040.
Dr. Sweeney may also be reached by email at chadsw@csusb.edu.
You may also reach out to the College-Level Disability Liaisons!
- College of Natural Sciences - Phoebe (Yeon) Kim and Lisa Anderson
- Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Admin - Taewon Yang
- College of Arts and Letters - Nicole Scalissi
- College of Social and Behavior Sciences - Gino Howard and Jamie O’Quinn
- Watson College of Education - Shannon Sparks
- Pfau Library - Sanjeet-Singh Mann
SSD Accommodation Descriptions