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Current Students

Current Students

Your ongoing involvement with SSD is a great step towards your future successes in school and in life. SSD eliminates barriers faced by people with differences as they reach for their unlimited potential.

On our campus, we have assisted thousands of individuals with unique needs to successfully complete their college education. We commit to you: that we will work tirelessly to include you as a whole person, and we will honor your inherent as a person.

SSD is here to continue to guide you through a wonderful time in your life. I encourage you to stay in touch with us, communicate with us often, and fully utilize our office to support your greatest success.





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Frequently Asked Questions

What can the accommodations office assist me with?

The accommodations office is here to help students find the appropriate accommodations and implement them within their courses for student success. 

What if there is an accommodation that I need that is not offered? 

SSD provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities based on understanding your unique need. If there is an accommodation that is not offered that a student needs to succeed, please set a follow up appointment with a counselor to discuss your unique need with us further. 

What happens if a faculty member does not want to accommodate me? 

According to ADA and Section 504, schools must provide appropriate supports and accommodations so that students with disabilities can participate equally in classes, activities, housing, and other aspects of school. If a professor does not wish to grant accommodations, please notify our SSD office.   

Am I obligated to disclose my disability? 

You do not have to disclose your disability at your school. The professor may ask you about the accommodation to ensure you receive it, but you do not need to reveal your disability to your professor. Your professor only will have your accommodation letter which lists your accommodations. Whether or not you wish to share more directly with them is entirely up to you.

What does it mean to be a self-advocate?

When you go to college, you become responsible for your education. You also become the primary person who must ensure your rights are respected. Making sure your rights are respected is also called “self-advocacy.” Self-advocacy doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself. Your family and friends can give you support, and many schools also have independent disabled student groups. More on self advocacy is in a series of self advocacy videos and this one in particular is a great place to get started. 

Can SSD assist me with financial hardship? 

Financial aid is a different office at CSUSB. You can reach them at financial aid to provide financial assistance related to your disability, we will assist you with applying to WorkAbility-IV and DOR who can sometimes help with economic assistance in ways SSD can not. Additionally, if you need help with basic needs, we have a wonderful basic needs office that can assist you. 

What if I need an accommodation that is not offered?

SSD provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities based on understanding your unique need. If there is an accommodation that is not offered that a student needs to succeed, please set a follow up appointment with a counselor to discuss your unique need with us further. 

What is the Accessible Information Management (AIM)?

We call our accommodations portal AIM, which stands for Accessible Information Management. Here, we manage accommodations, appointments, and case management.

What if I need after hours services?

We have different hours for different services. Please see our full list of hours.

What are some important emails and contacts at SSD?

Please see the list of current team members, or contact the SSD main email at