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Data Collected

We invite you to review the data collected on our graduate programs. The Strategic Analysis and Evaluation of Graduate Programs provides a concise summary of the data that was analyzed during our fact-finding stage.  We hope you find it informative. 

Data collection and analysis process:

CSUSB, CSU, and CGS Data

  • CSUSB, CSU, and Council of Graduate School (CGS) data on graduate applications, admission, enrollment, retention, graduation rates, student demographics and grade point averages provided us with a starting point for our journey. We analyzed CSUSB data at the university, college, and program levels. At the program level, individual program admission requirements, student learning outcomes, and self-study reports were reviewed.
  • We used CSU data to compare CSUSB to other campuses in the CSU system.
  • CGS data provided us with broad national trends and the big picture in graduate education.

Faculty and Administrators

  • To ensure graduate programs were fairly represented, in fall 2016, we expanded the steering committee to include two faculty members from each college.
  • The Interim Dean of Graduate Studies arranged meetings with College Deans, Associate Deans, and faculty to share our progress and gather feedback.
  • College Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs, Graduate Coordinators, and faculty were invited to Open House events in spring 2016. During the five events, the data that had been collected at that time was made available and was open to discussion.
  • The Interim Dean of Graduate Studies informed graduate coordinators of the analysis process during their quarterly meetings.
  • The Interim Dean of Graduate Studies invited Graduate Coordinators to attend one-on-one meetings to discuss individual program needs.
  • The Interim Dean of Graduate Studies collaborated with the Graduate Council.
  • The strategic analysis process was presented to the Faculty Senate, Executive Committee, and Dean’s Council. The Interim Dean also reached out to colleges and departments and shared the presentation at their meetings when requested.
  • We created, piloted, administered, and analyzed a faculty survey to gather input from those who teach graduate courses.
  • The results of the 2013-2014 Survey of Graduate Coordinators were considered and included.

Graduate Students and Alumni

  • We developed, piloted, administered, and analyzed a graduate student survey.
  • We worked with Alumni Relations to develop a contact list of master’s program graduates from the past five years.
  • We developed, piloted, administered, and analyzed an alumni survey.
  • We added a graduate student representative to the steering committee.

Campus Community and Beyond

  • To reach out to the CSUSB community, the process has been carefully documented and shared online. Steering committee meeting notes, campus events, and strategic analysis data are available on the Graduate Studies website.
  • Throughout the 2016-2017 academic year, the campus was invited to attend monthly Open Forums. Staff, students, and faculty shared their ideas and concerns during these events, which were then incorporated into the analysis. 
  • Data provided by Gray Associates helped measure our visibility, the job market, and the demand for our programs. We must evaluate the collective interest for our programs to adjust for marketing and community needs.