CSUSB to continue in-person campus operations with some modifications for outdoor activities.

Dear Campus Community:

Our thoughts are with the families and community members impacted by the recent fires in our area. We recognize how difficult this time is for everyone at CSUSB and want you to know that your safety is our highest priority. We are working closely with local emergency services to stay informed and ensure the well-being of our entire community.

At this time, the CSUSB San Bernardino campus is not currently included in evacuation orders or warnings issued by CALFIRE for the Line Fire that started in Highland on Thursday. However, due to the ongoing fire situation in Highland and the Mountain Communities, the following modifications will be made to campus operations for Monday, September 9th:

  • In-person instruction and business operations will continue as normal
  • Building air handling systems will be modified to limit outdoor air to reduce the circulation of smoke and ash inside of campus buildings.
  • Outdoor activity classes, athletic practices, and other planned outdoor activities will be moved indoors or rescheduled. Students should check with faculty or event organizers for additional information.

Campus leadership will continue to monitor the situation and make operational adjustments as required to ensure the safety of our campus community.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know needs support during this challenging time.

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Dropping A Class

During Priority, Open Enrollment - by Census:

No record will be made of enrollment (no grade of "W") in courses that are dropped by the semester's CENSUS date. To drop a course use the online registration system (MyCoyote) by the census date specified for each semester. Last day to drop without permissions is the census date specified for each semester (see below).

Census Deadline

Drops will not be possible after the Census deadline except for serious and compelling reasons. Drops after census are then considered withdrawals. If you need to withdraw from a class or classes, you will be required to provide supporting documentation in order for the request to be considered.  Furthermore, withdrawals will require the approvals of the class instructor, department chair and the College Dean of the student’s major. Use the online Permission Request to request a withdrawal. The Permission Request can be found in the myCoyote portal, located under the My Academics tile.  

It is the students’ responsibility to verify their class schedule prior to the Census deadline as they will receive a grade for every course in which they are shown to be officially registered. It is also the students’ responsibility to drop by the Census deadline from any class(es) which they do not plan to attend and complete. Although an instructor may initiate to drop a student from a class based on the Administrative Drop Policy, students should not assume that the instructor would drop anyone from a class. (Refer to the university bulletin for information regarding the Administrative Drop Policy.)

  • Spring 2024: February 16, 2024