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Records Available Services

The records unit works on many different processes that affect a student's university record. These processes include: name changes, grade discounts for repeated courses, end of term grade postings, readmission from a leave of absence, management of the National Student Exchange program, CSU IntraSystem Visitor/Concurrent Enrollments and CSUSB transcript requests; among other items.

Quick Links

Below is a set of links to our most requested services.  See the top menu for a complete list of services available through the records unit in the Office of the Registrar.

Notarization & Authentication of Documents

Transcript notarization requests can be made in-person in the Office of the Registrar (UH-171) or by mail using the following address:

California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino, CA 92407
ATTN: Office of the Registrar, UH-171

Documents will be available for pick-up or we can mail to the address provided.