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Multimedia Language Center

Welcome to the MLC—where language, culture, and friendship collide!

The Multimedia Language Center (MLC) for the Department of World Languages & Literatures provides resources to students who are studying world languages.

We welcome you to visit us in UH-007

  • Tutoring
  • Watch world language movies
  • Play games in different languages
  • Computers (Windows and Mac)
  • Multiple rooms
  • Areas for individual and group work
  • And more!

Sometimes, a specific room is reserved for special events, but other rooms will be available.  Calendars stating which days and times the rooms are reserved are posted inside the respective rooms. Please read all postings carefully so you can plan ahead for such closures. You may also view the reservations on the MLC calendar.

Have Questions?

Email us

Chat with us

You can chat directly with us if you see the blue "We Are Here!" button in the bottom right corner.  Otherwise, feel free to click on the blue bubble and send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call Us

You may also reach us at (909) 537-5848.

MLC Hours

Spring 2025

Monday: 8am - 8pm

Tuesday: 8am - 8pm

Wednesday: 8am - 8pm

Thursday: 8am - 8pm

Friday: 8am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

How To Guides

Wireless Network (WiFi) Access at CSUSB

How to connect to CSUSB WiFi


There are various methods to type accents. Below are the codes needed for entering them in Windows using the ALT key and a number sequence.  Below the tables, is another method using the US International Keyboard.

Accents using ALT + #

Orientation Video

Want to find out more about the Center? Missed the class orientation? Check out the Orientation Video:

Play Orientation Video


Alysha Timmons

(909) 537-5848


Letter Keys


é ALT+0233
í ALT+0237
ó ALT+0243
ú ALT+0250




Letter Keys
Á ALT+0193
É ALT+0201
Í ALT+0205


Ú ALT+0218
Ñ ALT+0209
Ü ALT+0220
Mark Keys
¿ ALT+0191
¡ ALT+0161
º ALT+0186
ª ALT+0170
« ALT+0171
» ALT+0187

Accents using US-International Keyboard

On a Chromebook, you need to first change your language settings.  

  1. Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Language and Input -> Input Method.  Click the box to enable the US International Keyboard.
  2. Use CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE to toggle between US and INTL.
  3. With INTL enabled the right ALT key makes the accents.  Use the codes below to make accents.

On a Mac or PC, the first set of keys you press adds the accent. Then, type the letter you want.


`  accent grave, also known as backtick is the key in the upper left of the keyboard on the same key as the tilde, ~. Using ` where indicated will result in accents such as à.

'  apostrophe is on the same key as the quotation, ".  Using ' where indicated will result in accents such as á.

^  caret is on the same key as 6.

In the chart below, + indicates holding down the key while pressing the next one(s); - indicates releasing and then pressing the next key.  Example: alt + n - n. Hold down alt, and then, press n; release both and press n.

Quick Guide to Type Accents with US-International
On a Chromebook On a Mac On a PC

` + e = è 
rightalt ­+ e = é 
` + a = à 
rightalt + a = á 
rightalt + 5 = € 
rightalt + c = ç (cédille) 
rightalt + shift + c =Ç
rightshift­ + 6 + a = â
rightshift + 6 + e = ê
rightalt + q = ä 
rightshift + " - e = ë 
rightshift + " - i = ï 
rightshift + "­ - o = ö 
rightshift + " - u­ = ü
rightalt­ + n = ñ 
rightalt­ + 1 = ¡ 
rightalt­ + ? = ¿
rightalt + k = œ

alt + ` - (letter) = à,è,ì,ò
alt + e - (letter) = é,á,ó,ú
alt+ u - (letter) = ü,ï,ö
alt + o - (letter) = î,â,ô,ê
alt + n - n = ñ 
alt + n - shift + n = Ñ
alt + c = ç
alt + shift + c = Ç
alt + 1 = ¡
alt + shift + ? = ¿

ctrl + ` - (letter) = à,è,ì,ò
ctrl + ' - (letter) = é,á,ó,ú
ctrl + shift + ^ - (letter) = î,â,ô,ê                                                                                                                    ctrl + shift (hold down) + ^ - (letter) = Î, Â, Ô, Ê
ctrl + shift (press quickly, then release) + ~ - n = ñ
ctrl + shift (hold down) + ~  + n = Ñ
ctrl + shift (press quickly, then release) + : - (letter) = ü, ï, ö                                                                          ctrl + shift + : - (letter) = Ü, Ï, Ö                                                                                                                        ctrl + , - c = ç
ctrl + , - C = Ç

From Bethany Thompson's Guide to Accents.

Add a Language Keyboard

Below are various guides to assist with setting up another language keyboard and/or setting a keyboard shortcut to access the keyboard.  If you will be using the Lockdown Browser, a shortcut is required to access the keyboard.

Guide - Windows 10 - Using Another Language Keyboard

Guide - Windows and Mac - Using Multiple Language Keyboards

Guide - Chromebook - Lockdown Browser - Using Another Language Keyboard


Many great world language movies are available to watch in the Multimedia Language Center.  They must be watched in the Center and cannot be checked out to take home.

Check out the Movie Catalog for descriptions.

Opt-Out of Inclusive Access

Please note that the Deadline to Opt-Out is CENSUS DATE, which is the same as the add/drop deadline.  If you drop the course by Census date, no other steps are needed to opt-out. Contact the Coyote Bookstore if you have any questions. For more details, see the ​Inclusive Access - Spanish Textbook​ section. 


Using Portfolio via Blackboard

Talk Abroad

Student Manual and Video

Faculty Manual and Video

Transparent Language Learning Software

Jump to the Transparent Language section for Instructions and Tips

Tutoring Online Sessions

Jump to the Tutoring section for guides on joining the tutoring channels in Microsoft Teams.


How to Turn Your Smartphone Into a Wireless Webcam

Software Available

On Lab Computers

Microsoft Office Products (Word, PowerPoint, etc.)

Tell Me More Language Learning Software

Adobe Acrobat Pro

Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus Lockdown Browser is used for many online exams in the Department.

Introduction to the Lockdown Browser

Lockdown Browser – Student Experience

How to open the Lockdown Browser - video

Typing accents in the Lockdown Browser

When accessing Blackboard through the Lockdown Browser, you will have access to the accent toolbar in a text box by clicking the © button in the 'edit tools' section.

If you need to type your answer in another language, for example Japanese, or prefer using a language keyboard, you need to set the keyboard accessible via shortcut before you open Respondus. 

Check out the Add a Language Keyboard section above for guides. 

Option for using your Smartphone as a Webcam

How to Turn Your Smartphone Into a Wireless Webcam

Disclaimer: This is a suggestion only.  We do not take any responsibility and we are not liable for any damage caused through the use of these products.

Transparent Language Learning Software

Must be enrolled in a World Language Course to access Transparent Language.

  • How to use Transparent Language - Access through your language course in Canvas. See Student Guide - Using Transparent Language for a step by step guide.
  • Need an Account? - Accounts are created 1 week before the first day of class.  If you enrolled in the course after that, please contact the Multimedia Language Center ( with the world language course in which you are enrolled this term. 

    After registration, you will be able to use Transparent Language Online from your course in Canvas.

  • Different activities - You can select a type of activity, such as pronunciation practice.
  • Browse for activities - You can browse the topics to get started.
  • Generating Reports - Click My Transcript at the top navigation bar to run reports of your total hours. See 'Generating Activity Reports' for more details. 
    • Make sure to enter the beginning date as the first day of the semester.
    • Select All Languages and All Learning Languages to include all activities you have completed.

On iPads

Note: iPads are for use in the lab only.

Various apps available on the iPads, including:

Other Suggestions for Language Learning:
Lyrics Training

If you have a suggestion for another app, please let us know.


Tutoring for world language courses will be offered in person in the MLC, UH-007 and via Microsoft Teams. 

Are you interested in Tutoring? Please check out the Practicum section in Forms for more information.

How to Access Tutoring Area

Tutoring In Person

Stop by UH-007, the Multimedia Language Center. We are located in the lower level of University Hall.

Tutoring via Teams

Step 1

Log in to myCoyote.

Important You must log into MyCoyote to access the tutoring Microsoft Teams.

Step 2

Select the link for the language you are studying. Note: If you have not used Microsoft Teams before, please see the Guides and Tips section.

Step 3

Type something into the "Send a message" area.  Tutors will type into the chat when they arrive and when they leave the tutoring area.

Guide and Tips

Accessing the Tutoring workspace for the first time on Microsoft Teams

What to do if you are a Tutor

What to do if you are a Tutee/Student who needs tutoring

WLL Tutoring via Teams FAQs

Tutoring Schedule

The tutoring schedule applies from the first day of classes to the last day of regular classes. If tutoring is available during finals week, the schedule will be posted.  Hours are tentative and subject to change.

Tutors are not available when the campus is closed or classes are not in session (e.g., Spring Break).

During open MLC Hours, Tutors are available in-person in UH-007 and online through the Microsoft Teams Channels. When the MLC is closed, tutors are available online.  See Step 2 above for the the Microsoft Teams Channels links.

Tutoring Schedule - Spring 2025
Language  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


9 am - 11 am

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 3 pm


4 pm - 5 pm

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 3 pm

3 pm - 5 pm

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 3 pm

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 3 pm

4 pm - 5 pm

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 2 pm



12 pm - 2 pm

4 pm - 5 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 3 pm

3 pm - 4 pm

4 pm - 5 pm

11 am - 1 pm

1 pm - 2 pm

2:30 pm - 4 pm

4 pm - 5 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

1 pm - 2 pm

2 pm - 4 pm

4 pm - 5 pm



8 am - 9 am

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

3 pm - 4 pm

6 pm - 7pm

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

4 pm - 5 pm

8 am - 9 am

11 pm - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

3 pm - 4pm

9 am - 10 am

11 am - 12 pm

12 pm - 1 pm

6 pm - 7pm

5 pm - 6 pm

6 pm - 7 pm

8 am - 9 am

9 am - 10 am

6 pm - 7pm

8 am - 9 pm

* online only, please follow instructions above for joining via Microsoft Teams

Writing Tutor

A fluent Spanish-speaking writing tutor is available at the writing center. If you would like to make an appointment with a Spanish-speaking tutor at the writing center and are a first-time visitor, you will need to create an account first.

After creating your account or if you are a returning visitor, log into the writing center portal. After logging in and using the drop-down menu next to the words, "Limit by appt. or topic," select the option that says, "Escritura en Español."

Fun Language Links


American Sign Language













MLC Policies and Procedures

The Multimedia Language Center is an entity of the Department of World Languages and Literatures in the College of Arts & Letters. As such, only students who are registered for world language classes (regular courses, service courses, internships, and documented volunteer work) can have use of the facility and all its services.

  1. The MLC is to be used for language study activities/tutoring.
  2. Students must not eat or drink in the MLC. Please enjoy them elsewhere.
  3. Students must log in and out of the MLC with the front desk staff or by using the iPad at the front counter.
  4. A current CSUSB ID card issued to the student is required to check out materials.
  5. Students must have a myCoyote account to access lab computers.
  6. Students may be asked to move to a new seat or leave (at the instructor’s or coordinator's will) if present at the beginning of an Instructed Lab, Exam, or Reservation.
  7. Students are asked to treat all equipment with care and to leave the area in order.
  8. Students are NOT to alter any of the settings on any computer without prior permission from the MLC staff.
  9. Children are not allowed in the MLC.
  10. Check in and out for the proper class. We cannot make changes later or adjust student hours.
  11. No visiting/loud talking or disturbing others who are studying.
  12. Behave in an orderly manner, respecting other students using the MLC. All inappropriate behavior, including public displays of affection, language, and topics are especially prohibited.
  13. Computer/Internet use is for course-related activities only. Printing must be world language class-related.
  14. Students are not to use the MLC or the equipment for any purpose other than (1) those assigned by an instructor or (2) to supplement language learning in general (i.e., NO social chat, IM, eBay bidding, music downloading, gaming, etc., unless part of a language lesson).
  15. Students will be asked to leave 5 minutes before closing each day.

It is at the discretion of the MLC Coordinator to suspend any or all services noted above for any infraction of the policy or disruptive behavior.

Thank you for cooperating with these procedures and policies to create a safe and effective learning environment for everyone.