Veterans Success Center Services
The VSC is a one-stop shop for CSUSB student veterans, service members, and their families. Our center provides a comfortable area where student veterans can study, access the internet, relax, and connect with the campus community as well as other veterans. The resources include:
- Thirteen computer work stations
- New Student Veteran’s Orientation
- Eight laptop workstations on reserve
- Complimentary printing for veterans
- Free scantrons and bluebooks for veterans
- A refrigerator and freezer
- A microwave
- A multipurpose group room for studying and socializing
- Veterans Writers Group
- Tutoring services during the regular academic year
- Events honoring the branches' birthdays and other military related holidays to spread military culture across campus
- Veterans Graduation Ceremony
- SALUTE Honor Society for active duty service members, reservists, veterans and National Guard members
- Monthly seminar series
- Advocacy and referral services
Stop by and visit us at in Building 23 , Lower Level, Room 006A

Staff Training on Military/Veteran Education Benefits:
The Veterans Success Center is the dedicated space for current and former servicemembers of the US Armed Forces, and is responsible for institutional accreditation for certifying VA and DoD benefits, and compliance with state and federal regulations that govern VA and DoD benefits. The Veterans Success Center offers training modules for faculty, staff, and advisors that cover the multiple benefits offered by the VA, DoD and CalVet, and the responsibilities of the student, the institute and the Veterans Success Center with regard to these benefits.
For more information on when these modules are offered through the Staff Development Center, or to arrange individual or small group trainings, please contact Jaime Espinoza, SCO, at