CSUSB to continue in-person campus operations with some modifications for outdoor activities.

Dear Campus Community:

Our thoughts are with the families and community members impacted by the recent fires in our area. We recognize how difficult this time is for everyone at CSUSB and want you to know that your safety is our highest priority. We are working closely with local emergency services to stay informed and ensure the well-being of our entire community.

At this time, the CSUSB San Bernardino campus is not currently included in evacuation orders or warnings issued by CALFIRE for the Line Fire that started in Highland on Thursday. However, due to the ongoing fire situation in Highland and the Mountain Communities, the following modifications will be made to campus operations for Monday, September 9th:

  • In-person instruction and business operations will continue as normal
  • Building air handling systems will be modified to limit outdoor air to reduce the circulation of smoke and ash inside of campus buildings.
  • Outdoor activity classes, athletic practices, and other planned outdoor activities will be moved indoors or rescheduled. Students should check with faculty or event organizers for additional information.

Campus leadership will continue to monitor the situation and make operational adjustments as required to ensure the safety of our campus community.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know needs support during this challenging time.

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Vehicle Use Policy & Program

CSUSB follows the CSU Vehicle Use Policy, employees are encouraged to review the policy before operating a State-vehicle or driving a privately owned vehicle on University Business.

University vehicles shall be used only in the conduct of University business. This means “only when driven in the performance of, or necessary to, or in the course of, the duties of University employment.’’ No University employee shall use, or permit the use of, any University vehicle other than in the conduct of University or State business. Only University employees may drive University vehicles. The campus may not loan or lease a University vehicle to any non-state entity, including CSU auxiliary organizations.

CSU Vehicle Use GuidelinesCSUSB Vehicle Use Policy


Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures

Drivers representing the university are required to report all vehicle accidents that occur while driving State-owned vehicles as well as those occurring in personal or rental vehicles when driving on university business.

Check that all passengers (including yourself) are OK

Move far away from the road, but remain at the accident scene. Warn oncoming traffic by activating your hazard lights and/or setting flares if you have them.

Call 911 to report the accident

For non-emergency campus accidents, call University Police at (909) 537-7777.

Do not admit fault

To protect yourself legally, do not discuss the accident with anyone other than the police, your supervisor, authorized State officers, Risk Management, and your insurance company.

Exchange information

If you are driving a rental or private vehicle, use the information form on the left insert of this brochure as a guide. State-vehicle drivers should complete STD Form 269, before leaving the scene of the accident.

Notify your supervisor

Immediately report the accident to your supervisor. Additionally, complete STD Form 270 within 24 hours of the incident and send to riskmanagement@csusb.edu. Supervisors will need to complete STD Form 274, your supervisor may contact you for additional information to complete the form.

Contact your insurance company

Drivers of private or rental vehicles should contact their insurance to open a claim.

Vehicle Use Forms & Reporting

Defensive Driving Training

Employees (faculty and staff), approved volunteers and students driving on University Business are required to complete formal defensive driving training. Visit Parking & Transportation Services website to learn more.

Defensive Driving Course

Vehicle Accident Report Form (STD 270)

Must be completed by the driver involved in the accident and sent to riskmanagement@csusb.edu. Drivers of state vehicles should send a copy to the Grounds and Automotive Manager within 24 hours of an accident.

Download STD 270

State Driver Accident Review Form (STD 274)

Must be completed by the supervisor of the driver involved in the accident and sent to riskmanagement@csusb.edu. Drivers of state vehicles should send a copy to the Grounds and Automotive Manager within 24 hours of an accident.

Download STD 274

Vehicle Accident Information Card (STD 269)

Must be completed by the driver involved in the accident before leaving the scene and sent to riskmanagement@csusb.edu with a copy to the Grounds and Automotive Manager within 24 hours of an accident. Blank STD 269 cards should be readily available in the glove compartment of each State (rental, owned, leased or private vehicle).

Download STD 269

Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business (STD 261)

This form must be filled out when employees have been authorized to use privately owned vehicles to conduct official business. The form must be on file with the supervisor/department who has approved the travel and is valid for one year.

Download STD 261


Authorized Vehicle Driver Requirements

The following persons are authorized to drive on State-business and required to adhere to the below:

Cell Phone Use in Vehicle

Employees are expected to comply with the letter and intent of laws that prohibit the use of cell phones while operating a motor vehicle. 

The California DMV “Driver Handbook” notes that effective July 1, 2011, regardless of age, it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle while using an electronic wireless communication device to write, send, or read text messages, instant messages, and e-mail(s). 

Also, with certain exceptions, you may not use a cell phone while driving unless hands-free equipment is used. Cell phones can be a lifesaver in emergency situations. Use your cell phone in the following safe and responsible ways while driving:

  • Use hands-free devices.
  • When safe, drive to the side of the road to use your cell phone.
  • If your cell phone rings, let the call go to voicemail.
  • Don’t use the cell phone during hazardous conditions.
  • Don’t engage in distracting con­versations.
  • Pay attention to the road.
  • Use your cell phone to call for help in an emergency.

CSUSB expects that our employees obey the letter and intent of the new laws, especially when CSUSB provides the cell phone or other wireless communication device, or reimburses the employee for business-related personal mobile device charges.  Employees should further understand that any citations, fines and penalties for violating vehicle laws are the employee’s full responsibility.   Please consult with your supervisor regarding approval for reimbursable use of mobile communication device expenses.

Also see Vehicle Code Section 23123 Hand Held Wireless Telephone Prohibited Use.

Faculty & Staff

Driving State Vehicles

  • A valid California driver’s license
  • A current Defensive Driver Training Certificate (contact Parking Services)
  • A good driving record as verified by the Parking Services Department

Driving Privately Owned Vehicles

  • A current Defensive Driver Training Certificate (contact Parking Services)
  • A good driving record as verified by the Parking
  • Annual completion of the Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business form STD 261 
  • Proof of vehicle insurance for the minimum amount prescribed by law

Personal liability insurance is primary coverage when driving a personal vehicle



(approved persons as verified through Human Resources)

Driving State Vehicles

  • A valid California driver’s license
  • A current Defensive Driver Training Certificate (contact Parking Services)
  • A good driving record as verified by the Parking Services Department

Driving Privately Owned Vehicles

  • A current Defensive Driver Training Certificate (contact Parking Services)
  • A good driving record as verified by the Parking
  • Annual completion of the Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business form STD 261 
  • Proof of vehicle insurance for the minimum amount prescribed by law

Personal liability insurance is primary coverage when driving a personal vehicle



Student drivers may not drive state vehicles unless they are employed by the State of California or appointed volunteers. 

Instructors, if a student is driving a private vehicle ensure that field trip documents mention that travel is required for the field trip. Personal liability insurance is primary coverage when driving a personal vehicle, Proof of vehicle insurance for the minimum amount prescribed by law must be verified by the supervising staff or faculty. Please note, it is preferable for field trips to begin and end at the site location. Trips that transport from campus must be in a state owned or leased vehicle operated according to the Vehicle Use policy and Risk Management travel guidelines.

 If student has been designated as a volunteer by faculty or staff to drive a State vehicle on behalf of the university:

  • A current Volunteer Identification Form on file with HR (visit HR website and scroll down to 'Other Forms')
  • A current Defensive Driver Training Certificate (contact Parking Services)
  • A good driving record as verified by the Parking Services Department