About the Campus-wide Health & Safety Committee
Under the enhanced Campus-wide Health & Safety Committee (CWSC) structure every employee at the University is represented on one of these committees. Each committee meets at least three times annually to discuss health and safety-related topics and concerns within their represented departments. Employees are encouraged to run for committee membership, vote for representatives, and communicate health and safety concerns to the committees.
Those programs housed and co-chaired by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) are under the Campus-Wide Safety Committee (CWSC) program. The CWSC program is managed by EH&S in collaboration with Risk Management (RM). Each committee under the CWSC program is supported by executive leadership and elections for members of these committees are held every year.
Responsibilities of the campus-wide safety committees include:
- Review and evaluate accident investigations and/or near-miss reports
- Review and evaluate departmental health and safety plans for compliance
- Review and discuss health and safety suggestions and/or concerns from employees
- Provide feedback on safety-related material provided by EH&S
- Recommend actions to resolve health and safety concerns or a collaborative process to achieve resolution