Dual Immersion Symposium at the James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education
2nd Dual Immersion Symposium
2nd Dual Immersion Symposium Program Repository2nd Symposium Report
The WCOE is proud to present the annual DLI Symposium. This is the first event of its kind in our area. We aim to bring students and practitioners together to collaborate and learn about best practices for Dual Language Immersion Programs (DLI) or TWI. In collaboration with our Spanish Bilingual Authorization at CSUSB, it will focus on Spanish programs since they are the most common in the Inland Empire, but not restricted to this language, as other partner languages are also frequent in DLI. In the Symposium first edition, five workshops in English and Spanish were delivered from the perspective of teacher education faculty, administration, and classroom teachers. Our motto was "Equidad y Justicia" [Equity and Justice].
Strong partnerships need to be forged between schools, districts, and universities to support program's development and implementation in the Inland Empire. Symposium attendees are meant to encounter materials and resources, including specific language assets, instructional strategies, and learning tools. The Symposium serves as a platform for building connections and sharing ideas, creating a network of support for Dual Immersion Programs in the region. Ultimately, the symposium is bound to have a significant impact on the area, fostering the development of high-quality bilingual education programs that will prepare students for success in an increasingly globalized world. We are already preparing to celebrate the third edition of this event on March 8th, 2025. The second edition motto is "Equity in Technology". Coherent with the Global California 2030 report, the California Department of Education (CDE) has a brochure on their stance on the Benefits of Multilingualism.
Bilingual AuthorizationIBAP grant
Dr. Jordi Solsona-Puig. Chair
Dr. Nena Tórrez. Co-Chair.
3rd. Dual Immersion Symposium.
Equity in Technology.
March 8th, 2025.
CSUSB James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, CE 105
2nd. Dual Immersion Symposium.
Equity in Translanguaging.
March 8-9th, 2024.
CSUSB James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, CE 105
The 2nd Dual Language Symposium was held on March 8th-9th, 2024 an extended two-day event at the Watson College of Education. The event brought together 135 passionate participants under the theme of Equity in Translanguaging. Teacher Candidates, DLI practitioners and administrators joined faculty and bilingual education enthusiasts to advance the understanding of multilingualism and multiculturalism in the Inland Empire. Whether joining in person or via Zoom, attendees immersed themselves in insightful discussions and collaborative sessions on this interesting topic of Bilingual Education.
The 2nd symposium was a resounding success, thanks to the active engagement and contributions from all attendees and the student ambassadors. On Friday, a panel of experts reviewed the status quo of DLI programs in the Inland Empire. On Saturday, a Keynote session and three concurrent workshops by Dr. Muñoz-Muñoz, Dr. Herrera and Dr. Palmieri were delivered. Both Dr. Solsona-Puig as Chair of the event and Dr. Tórrez as co-chair were delighted with the outcome and are grateful for the participation and enthusiasm displayed by everyone, which made this event truly memorable.
For those who missed any sessions or wish to revisit the discussions, we are excited to announce that presentations and session recordings, materials and other information are available on the event program link.
One highlight of the symposium was the presentation of a groundbreaking research study on the implementation of Translanguaging in Dual Language programs. Pre and posttest responses revealed a remarkable 26 percent increase in attendees' understanding and approach to Translanguaging, indicating a significant shift towards a more knowledgeable perspective. Stay tuned as we work on coding the responses from Focus Groups for further analysis, a part of an ongoing research study on the topic, with the CSUSB IRB approval.
Furthermore, we are pleased to have offered the attendees the opportunity to earn 1 unit credit through CEGE for a nominal fee of $105. In addition to enriching discussions and research findings, we introduced two valuable resources as a novelty during the symposium:
We give our heartfelt thanks to all participants' involvement and enthusiasm. We are already looking forward to preparing for the 3rd edition of the Dual Language Symposium, incorporating your ideas and insights to make it even more impactful. Stay tuned for updates and announcements!
1st. Dual Immersion Symposium. Equidad y Justicia.
March 4th, 2023.
CSUSB James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, CE 105
The 1st Dual Immersion Symposium at CSU San Bernardino was the first event of its kind at CSUSB, addressed to pre-service, in-service teachers and administrators in multilingual settings. At CSUSB, we offer the Added Bilingual Authorization for our teacher credentialing programs. This event aimed to gather the community around these type of bilingual programs, solidify a network of multilingual educators, and centralize the resources available in the Inland Empire. Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs are a type of quality Bilingual Education - most scholars in the field consider them the strongest form- to help all students become fully bilingual and biliterate, especially English Learners. As opposed to other bilingual programs -that aim to quickly assimilate emergent Bilinguals (English Learners) into the English mainstream classes from a deficit perspective (subtractive bilingualism)-, DLI programs strive to invigorate students culture and identity based in their assets, value their cultural heritage and incorporate their linguistic repertoire in the academic discourse (additive bilingualism). Most of the programs use Spanish as the partner language, and we will center this 1st Symposium around Spanish language strategies and resources. In implementing DLI programs, we can find clear components of equity and social justice, with subsequent opportunities and challenges. Hence, the Spanish motto “Equidad y Justicia” (Equity and Justice). The event will have 5 sessions in Spanish and English, share data and resources for the teachers and school districts.
Program & Digital RepositoryFull ReportBilingual Authorization