Vision Statement
To be the premier provider of teachers, counselors, and educational leaders.
Mission Statement
Through compassion and collegiality, we are committed to inspire students and serve our communities.
Vision & Mission statements were adopted by the College faculty and staff approved by the Dean’s Cabinet in March 2019 and reaffirmed annually until 2023. In September 2023, the consensus of the WCOE is to revise/update the Vision & Mission statements. We are currently in this process.
Our core beliefs in
- the dignity and inherent worth of all people,
- diversity and multiple perspectives as essential, treasured assets,
- a collaborative teaching/learning community,
- the crucial leadership role of education professionals in promoting positive social change fostering human development, achieving social justice, and promoting human rights form the foundation for our work.
- In collaboration with university and P-12 colleagues, clients, students, alumni, and the community at large, we apply our values and beliefs in responding to evolving needs and priorities in the schools, agencies, and communities of the region we serve.
As outlined in our Conceptual Framework, we accomplish our mission through our personal and professional commitment to practice the following behaviors, which we model for and encourage in our students:
- develop and maintain knowledge, skills, and expertise in our fields through scholarship and reflection;
- behave ethically, responsibly, and professionally;
- comprehend the specific contexts experienced by our students and use that understanding to make instructional decisions;
- respect the experiences of various groups with whom we interact and make concerted efforts to incorporate knowledge of and sensitivity to those experiences in (a) professional decisions and (b) interactions with students, colleagues, and members of the broader community;
- reflect on the outcomes of our actions and make adaptations as necessary.
Adopted by the College faculty and staff and approved by Dean Patricia Arlin: April 22, 2008
Conceptual Framework
The Wise Professional Educator
- Possesses rich subject matter knowledge
- Applies sound judgment to professional practice and conduct
- Applies a practical knowledge of context
- Respects multiple viewpoints
- Reflects on professional practices and follows up with appropriate action