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Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)

The Aerospace Studies mission is to commission second lieutenants through the campus program offered at Cal State University, San Bernardino. Students enrolled in Air Force ROTC earn college credits that can be used to fulfill elective requirements or to obtain a minor in aerospace studies. All full-time college or graduate students enrolled at the above named schools can pursue an Air Force commission.

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

Please visit Center for the Study of Muslim & Arab Worlds (CSMAW) for detail.

Military Science (Army ROTC)

Military Science is the process of translating national defense policy to produce military capability by employing military scientists, including: theorists, researchers, experimental scientists, applied scientists, designers, engineers, test technicians, and military personnel responsible for prototyping. In so doing, military science seeks to interpret policy into what military skills are required, which, by employing military concepts and military methods, can use military technologies, military weapon systems and other military equipment to produce required military capability.

Model United Nations

The Model United Nations Program at CSUSB are interdisciplinary programs housed in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, which teach students about international affairs, diplomacy, public speaking, diplomatic writing, and parliamentary procedure. Additionally, both programs provide students with a 'hands-on' approach to the study of international politics, economics, security issues, and social affairs. For additional information please contact Eric Lowe.