MPA Mission
The Master of Public Administration program at California State University, San Bernardino prepares students to become effective public service professionals and community leaders. We serve a diverse set of students and communities throughout the state of California, with a primary focus on the Inland Empire region of Southern California. Both our curricular and extracurricular programming seek to enhance the knowledge of public affairs, administration, and policy, with a focus on their practical applications to public service administrators. In addition to technical public management skills and competencies, we are committed to teaching ethical behavior, democratic values, and community engagement models, with the goal of supporting a more inclusive and equitable society. To sustain and enrich our educational offerings, we are committed to encouraging, and directly supporting, our faculty's commitment to excellence in their research, publication, pedagogy and public service endeavors.
Chair: Robert Stokes, Ph.D.
The MPA Program at CSUSB is proud to be nationally accredited by NASPAA, the Network of Schools of Public Affairs, Policy and Administration.

Students who graduate from the MPA program should have the ability:
- To lead and manage in public governance;
- To participate in and contribute to the policy process;
- To analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions;
- To articulate and apply a public service perspective;
- To communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry.
See our MPA program learning objectives
Quick Facts
- Our learning outcomes are assessed through student pre and post surveys; assessment of course based competencies mapped to specific outcomes; and the final capstone project.
- The MPA program enrolls approximately 202 students per semester. Class size is 20-30 students.
- For general demographics of CSUSB and the MPA program see the University Statistical Factbook.
- The CSUSB Master of Public Administration program was reaccredited in 2017. See the 2017 NASPAA Decision Letter
- For more Information see: NASPAA's Information for Students
- Employment of 2022 - 2023
- Faculty Nucleus 2023
- Graduation Rates for 2021 - 2022 MPA Cohort
- Student Internship Placements 2023
- Total number of graduates in 2022 - 2023