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Advancement to Candidacy

Advancement to Candidacy Requirements: 

  • Complete at least 15 semester/20 quarter units (five courses) of applicable graduate-level course work with a minimum GPA of "B" (3.0).
  • Have evidence of public service employment experience or completion of MPA Internship (PA 6750).
  • Quarter Students must prepare and file a Request for Advancement to Candidacy (found on our Forms page). This will list all the courses you will take before the degree can be awarded. Drop off the form at the PA office or email to 
  • Semester Students must submit their my Coyote Academic Plan (myCAP) request for Advancement to Candidacy. Create a course plan for yourself following the guidance in the MPA Handbook and your PAWS.
  • Attend a mid-program Advising session. A session is held once each term where you will review your program plan, and talk about completing the MPA. At that point, we can approve your Advancement to Candidacy.

Important notes:

  • If you change the courses you plan to take after filing the Advancement to Candidacy (for instance, change electives) you must contact the PA Department Office to submit a Change of Program Plan Form to Records.
Advancement to Candidacy Advising Session
Term Date  Time Zoom Link

Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Tuesday, October 01, 2024




Sent via email to eligible students