The following guideline is meant to help you with the most important purpose of citation: providing enough information so that readers can find exactly the same image you are referencing in your paper. Please, cite the original source of an image. Follow link to the source to independently verify image attributions before reuse.
If a footnote/endnote entry is needed, list the artist, a title (in italics), and a date of creation or completion, followed by information about the medium and the location of the work. For works found online, add a URL.
Artwork in a gallery or museum seen in-person
1. Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Fidelity, c. 1485, fresco transferred to canvas, mounted on wood panel, 55.2 x 75.4 cm., Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California.
Image from a book or article
2. Alexei Savrasov, The Rooks Have Arrived, 1871, in Dmitri V. Sarabianov, Russian Art: From Neoclassicism to the Avant-Garde 1800-1917: Painting – Sculpture - Architecture (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers, 1990), 169, plate 31.
Image from a museum or gallery website
3. Marc Chagall, Orphée, 1969, stone and glass mosaic, overall size: 302.9 x 517.84 cm., National Gallery of Art, Washington, The John U. and Evelyn S. Nef Collection, accessed March 8, 2020,
Image from a specialized database or online image library
4. Marc Chagall, Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise, 1961, oil paint on canvas, 190.5 x 283.5 cm., The Visual Resource Center Image Collection, Art @Design Department, CSUSB, San Bernardino, accessed January 9, 2021,
Image from Creative Commons search engines
5. somethingstartedcrazy, Marina Abramović, May 28, 2010, accessed January 9, 2021,
"Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license."
Image in a Journal Article
6. Michelangelo Buonarroti, Tomb of Julius II, sculpture, completed 1545, (San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome), reproduced in Maria Ruvoldt, "Michelangelo's Slaves and the Gift of Liberty," Renaissance Quarterly 65 (Winter 2012): 1032, fig. 3. (Photo: Scala/Art Resource)
Citing Instagram image
7. judy.chicago, 'This excerpt from "Waiting" by Faith Wilding, developed in my performance workshop for "Womanhouse" seems to perfectly express the present moment.' Instagram, November 4, 2020, accessed January 7, 2021,
Numbered illustration
Illustrations, also called figures (and sometimes referred to as artwork or art), consist of images presented separately from the run of text.
The image caption should be placed below the illustration and include a citation to the source material. It also may be appropriate to add copyright information at the end of the citation.

Fig. 3. Caravaggio, The Denial of Saint Peter. Early 15th century. Oil on canvas, 94 x 125.4 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. From: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, (accessed September 29, 2020).
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