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Current Employees

Welcome UEC Employees!

Welcome to University Enterprises Corp. (“UEC”). We are excited to have you as part of our team. You were hired because we believe you can contribute to the success of California State University, San Bernardino and we look forward to the dedication and professionalism you will bring to work each day.

UEC supports the university’s educational mission by providing quality services that complement the instructional program. The University depends upon UEC to provide services that cannot be supported with state funds. Although UEC is a legally separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, it is a fully integrated part of the California State University San Bernardino campus.

UEC is responsible for business enterprises on campus including, but not limited to, dining services, bookstore, convenience store, and vending services. UEC also serves as the grantee for federal, state and other funding for research and sponsored projects.

For UEC to be successful, teamwork between employees is required. To that end , you play a valuable role in helping UEC to meet its objectives. As a UEC employee, you should emphasize cooperation with other employees and treat your co-workers and supervisors with dignity and respect.