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How does it work?

How does it work?

Research shows that failing to apply new material within six (6) days of learning will lead to losing 75% of that information! This means time invested in a 90-minute workshop could potentially result in only 25% retention of information.

Source: Harvard Business Review

Attending workshops, conferences and programming is a noble endeavor; however, the application of the material learned is what counts. P4L is a strategic approach to not only increasing the quantity of self-development, but also encouraging the practice of applying newly learned information.

Additionally, P4L naturally lends itself to the crafting of a year-long Individual Learning Plan. Simply map out your professional development goals and interject milestones to complete P4L hours along the way.

Step 1

Step 1: Dedicate one (1) hour per month.

Set aside at least one (1) hour of professional development

each month for 12 consecutive months.

Step 2

Step 2: Submit your learning activities.

Track your learning hours and submit your total monthly hours completed

at the end of each term (3 months) online or via email (see form).

Step 3

Step 3: Be recognized for your investment!

If your learning hours total at least 12 hours (consecutively) for the entire year,

you will a recognition incentive.