(Click here if you are looking for the Quarter Program of Study information.)
There is an Orientation session with program faculty and advisors in the first week of ETEC 500 during which you should meet with your advisor and beginning filling our your program plan. The Program Plan can be found on the Resources page. This form will help you plan your coursework in the ETEC program. These files require the Acrobat Reader from Adobe.
Program Plan: Draft or develop your Program (Study) Plan in consultation with your adviser.Please refer to the Program Plan section on this page.
Admission to the Program
In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to "classified" graduate status are:
1. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 ("B") in all upper- division courses; and
2. Three letters of recommendation, from individuals familiar with the applicant's work history or educational background, using a program approved template of the letters of recommendation.
Students who do not meet these criteria may be admitted as “conditionally classified” graduate students. Students admitted in this category may be changed to classified standing with approval from the College of Education. No more than 15 semester units may be used to demonstrate fitness to complete the program.
Advancement to Candidacy
In order to be advanced to candidacy, a student must have:
1. Achieved classified standing.
2. Met Writing Requirement for Graduate Candidacy.
Writing Requirement: “Graduate students are required to complete the WRGC before being classified or advanced to candidacy.” There are three options you can choose from to meet the writing requirement.
- The student completes ETEC 5200 and attain a grade of B or better. This is in addition to the 30 required units to complete the MA degree.
- The student will achieve and score an acceptable standardized test score (WREE), GRE, or GMAT
- The student will submit a paper(s) that will receive(s) a passing score according to the approved rubric. The student may submit an academic paper that would meet the rubric to the program coordinator for review. Otherwise the student may use an academic paper s/he would write in one of ETEC program courses like ETEC 6430 and submit it to the program coordinator.
3. Completed with a grade point average of 3.0 ("B"), at least 15 semester units of applicable course work in graduate standing, at least 12 of which have been taken at this campus and approved by an advisor in the College of Education.
4. Between the time of completing 12 units and 15 units of applicable course work, the student is required to apply for advancement to candidacy.
5. Satisfactorily completed ETEC 5000, ETEC 5430, ETEC 5440, and ETEC 6430.
6. Filed an official document entitled “Instructional Design and Technology Graduate Approved Program Plan.” This must be approved by the student's advisor and the graduate coordinator of the program.
Requirements for Graduation
1. A minimum of 30 semester units of acceptable graduate-level work, with a minimum of 21 completed in residence at this university;
2. A grade point average of 3.0 ("B") and grades of "C" (2.0) or better in course work taken to satisfy the Master of Arts degree requirements;
3. Successful completion of comprehensive examination or a master's degree project.
A. Comprehensive Examination
The written comprehensive examination is designed to test the student's knowledge in the field of Instructional Design and Technology. Before taking the comprehensive examination, students are required to attend their ePortfolio defense and successfully pass the defense.
For the exam preparation, students are required to take ETEC 6850. Students must take ETEC 6980 to take the comprehensive examination with permission from the program coordinator. Students may not take the examination more than three times.
B. MA Degree Project
The purpose of the project is for the student to communicate ideas gained in research, experimentation and creative endeavors. A project will be planned in consultation with the student's first and second readers. The project proposal must be approved by both of the student’s readers, at least one of whom must be from the College of Education. The project also must be approved by the first and second readers and submitted in the approved format. The project can be reported in the form of a paper and/or other media. Both media and non-media projects require a final written report.
Any additional general requirements not cited above and listed in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements website.
The program may not include more than nine semester units in approved extension and transfer courses from other colleges. California State University, San Bernardino will not consider for transfer credit course work from an institution which will not accept that work in its own advanced degree program.