La feria es gratis y abierta para toda la familia. La información también se entregará en español.
The objective of the Education Fair is to promote a broad-based awareness of the crisis in Latino Education and to enhance the intellectual, cultural and personal development of our community's students, parents, educators, administrators and leaders. The Feria Educativa College & Career Fair is a community-engagement activity where we inform and inspire, including...
- Enthuse a college-going and career-readiness culture for all students to be prepared for a full range of post-secondary options;
- Engage parents and families, with special efforts to reach Latinos, as a critical component in believing that their children are "college material" and offer opportunities to understand their role in the college process, as well as other post-secondary career opportunities;
- Distribute/exhibit/present educational and career information and post-secondary opportunities, and other materials pertinent to community well-being (e.g. health, immigration, & civic engagement), and be available to support families; and
- Build collective commitment and a partnership model that includes active involvement from all sectors of the regional community.
With a steering committee composed of a broad array of community stakeholders and organizations, coordinated by LEAD, CSUSB Division of Student Affairs, faculty, staff and students. The Educational Fair is intended to involve, engage, inspire, and inform families along their educational journey.
Event Features

- COMMUNITY FORUMS / Foros Comunitarios
- EDUCATIONAL EXPO, EXHIBITS & VENDORS / Exhibiciones, Vendedores y Expo Educativa
- INFORMATION SESSIONS & WORKSHOPS / Charlas Informativas y Talleres
- EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY CENTERS / Centros de Actividad Educativos
Event Strands
- Parental Engagement & Initiatives /
- Compromiso Paternal y Participación
- Life Preparation, Career Exploration & Job Shadowing / Preparación de Vida y Exploración de Carreras
- Financial Aid, Scholarships & Resources / Ayuda Financiera

- Immigration, Dream Act & California AB 540 / AB540 e Inmigración
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) / Profesiones en Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniaria y Matemáticas
- Teacher, Counselor, Administrator, & Staff Development
- Culture, Arts, Prizes and Food
- Test Preparation & Process / Servicios de Preparación de Prueba
- Roadmaps, Tools, & Pathways to Success
- College Access, Aspiration, Eligibility, Affordability, Recruitment & Retention
- Academic Counseling & Admissions Advising
- Transition/Transfer Across Higher Education Segments / Transición a Enseñanza Superior para Estudiantes con Diferencias de Aprendizaje
- Campus Life, Housing & Transportation / Vida Diaria en el Colegio
- Health & Wellness / Salud y Bienestar
- Community and Education Partnerships with local Businesses, Labor, Advocacy Groups and Places of Worship. / Sociedades de Comunidad y Grupos de Abocacia
- Tutoring & Mentoring / Enseñanza y Ayuda Escolar
- Student & Parent Leadership Institutes / Institutos de Liderazgo Estudiantil y de Padres de Familia
- Federal, State, and Local Policies, Civic Engagement & Frameworks for Action
- Families, Schools & Higher Education Working Together
- Economic Literacy & Entrepreneurial Skills
- Special Requirements for Majors
- Drop-Out Prevention & Middle/High School Enrichment Programs / Programas de Enriquecimiento y Prevención de Abandono Escolar
- K–16 Curriculum Alignment
- College Campus Tours
- After-School Programs & Summer Camps / Programas Escolares y Campos de Verano
- Building Capacity Across & Among Hispanic-Serving Institutions
- Educational Program Models & Strategies