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BS in Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program emphasizes the traditional study of computer science, with an emphasis on mathematical rigor, theoretical foundations and computer architecture. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,

 Program Information

Notice: MATH 2720 has been changed to MATH 2372

Semester Flowchart
Program Objectives and Student Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes


Program Educational Objectives

The graduates of the Computer Science program will have the following characteristics 3 to 5  years after graduation: 

  • Establish a successful career utilizing their education in Computer Science or engage in advanced studies.
  • Communicate effectively in both written and oral forms across all levels of computing practice.
  • Engage in lifelong learning to stay current with their profession as it changes.
  • Demonstrate professional competence, integrity and responsibility in diverse work environments.

Student Outcomes

By the time of graduation, student outcomes should include the following. 

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

4-Year Sequence Roadmaps

Program requirements change from year to year. Students need to complete course requirements according to the academic year they last declared their major. This information is included on the PAWS Report.

Additional Resources

Career Advising

Students meet with a faculty adviser at least once per year for the purpose of reviewing progress towards the degree and to ensure that the student’s course choices allow the student to complete their degree program in a timely manner. And also to provide career advising to ensure the students are career ready.

Please visit Advising for more information.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science is to provide an exceptional undergraduate education in the discipline of computer science. The program prepares students upon graduation for immediate entry into the workforce as a software engineer, systems/network administrator, programmer or similar position, or for entry into a graduate program in computer science or a related discipline. To this end, the faculty strives to keep the program current in both the theoretical foundations and practical skills of computing. Students will graduate with immediately employable skills and a foundation for life-long learning and professional growth in a wide variety of computing professions.


Enrollment and Graduations
Year Enrollment*


AY 2022/2023 638 N/A
AY 2021/2022 554 80
AY 2020/2021 509 84
AY 2019/2020 535


AY 2018/2019 482 74
AY 2017/2018 495 67
AY 2016/2017 469 55
AY 2015/2016 412 23
AY 2014/2015 304 34
AY 2013/2014 222 22
AY 2012/2013 169 22
AY 2011/2012 153 16
AY 2010/2011 140 18
AY 2009/2010 143 18
AY 2008/2009 160 17
AY 2007/2008 161 17

* Declared computer science majors in Fall quarter of designated year. 
** Annual graduations starting from Fall quarter of designated year. 
Source: CSUSB Office of Institutional Research