CSUSB to continue in-person campus operations with some modifications for outdoor activities.

Dear Campus Community:

Our thoughts are with the families and community members impacted by the recent fires in our area. We recognize how difficult this time is for everyone at CSUSB and want you to know that your safety is our highest priority. We are working closely with local emergency services to stay informed and ensure the well-being of our entire community.

At this time, the CSUSB San Bernardino campus is not currently included in evacuation orders or warnings issued by CALFIRE for the Line Fire that started in Highland on Thursday. However, due to the ongoing fire situation in Highland and the Mountain Communities, the following modifications will be made to campus operations for Monday, September 9th:

  • In-person instruction and business operations will continue as normal
  • Building air handling systems will be modified to limit outdoor air to reduce the circulation of smoke and ash inside of campus buildings.
  • Outdoor activity classes, athletic practices, and other planned outdoor activities will be moved indoors or rescheduled. Students should check with faculty or event organizers for additional information.

Campus leadership will continue to monitor the situation and make operational adjustments as required to ensure the safety of our campus community.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know needs support during this challenging time.

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The CSUSB Department of Music provides students with a rigorous musical education as a foundation for a lifelong understanding and love of music, as well as preparation for a wide variety of careers in music. We accomplish this through an emphasis on undergraduate education, small class size, and close interactions between faculty and students, all with a continual focus on artistic expression. Consistent with the university’s mission, the department is also committed to serving the campus and Inland Empire communities through on-going performance and educational initiatives. Modern musicians have access to more kinds of music than ever before in history, and CSUSB's music curriculum—with courses in electronic music, performance, world music, historical studies, music education and music theory—reflects that diversity in that it offers programs for students who wish to enter the teaching profession, become a professional musician, work in the music industry, pursue an advanced degree, or simply enrich their education.

Many graduates of the department's Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music programs find employment as elementary, secondary, and university music educators, as performers in symphony orchestras, opera, band, choir, musical theater, and jazz settings, and as composers, arrangers, producers, and technicians in the entertainment industry. Others apply their musical background to careers in business, law, medicine, and library science. The department's Liberal Studies courses provide elementary teachers with the experience and knowledge necessary to make music an effective tool in their classrooms. Also offered are minors in Music, Music Technology, and Alternative Styles, which provide students in other majors with the opportunity to enrich their educational experiences.


CSUSB Music Photo Class of 2022-2023

Mission Statement

The CSUSB Department of Music provides students with a rigorous musical education as a foundation for a lifelong understanding and love of music, as well as preparation for a wide variety of careers in music. We accomplish this through an emphasis on undergraduate education, small classes, and close interactions between faculty and students, all with a continual focus on artistic expression. Consistent with the university's mission, the department is also committed to serving the campus and Inland Empire communities through on-going performance and educational initiatives.


See our performance schedule and complete programs at our Current Productions webpage.