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Free Professional Clothing

The Coyote Closet is temporarily on pause until further notice. 

Please check back for any new details regarding the Coyote Closet.

The Coyote Closet provides CSUSB students with access to FREE professional and business casual attire that is appropriate for career fairs, interviews, and the workplace. It is important for students to look professional throughout their job search and when they enter the professional world. Through this service we want to help students look their best and make a lasting positive impression. The attire is generously donated by faculty, staff, alumni, employers, local businesses, and community members. 

How it Works: 

  • Students can stop by the Coyote Closet during Career Center office hours. Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Students are encouraged to browse the Closet often. All attire is FREE to students.
  • Sign in with you student ID at the front desk.
  • After you find what you need in the Closet, bring the items to the front desk for checkout.
  • Inventory arrives on a regular basis.
  • Consider building your professional wardrobe before it is needed. 

NOTE: In times of high demand, the amount of clothing that students can take may be limited. 

We are unable to accept donated clothing at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Help contribute to CSUSB student success by donating today! Ready to wear condition. No stains, tears, or missing buttons. Call the Career Center to arrange for your donation. Donations are tax deductible.

Suits in black, navy blue, or grey (knee-length or longer skirt/pant) Suits in black, navy blue, or grey (single breasted with 2-3 buttons)
Long and short sleeve blouses Pressed khakis and slacks
Business knee-length or longer dresses and skirts Blazers and sport coats
Suit jackets Collared shirts
Pressed khakis and slacks Long sleeved button down shirts
Sweater sets Dress shoes in black, oxblood, or brown
Dress shoes and heels in black, navy blue, or grey (closed toe pump with small heel, no more than 2 inches high) Dress socks
Dress socks Ties and bow-ties
Jewelry and accessories: scarves, belts, and purses in black, navy blue, or grey Accessories: pocket scarves, belts in black, oxblood, or brown

Forbes: Dress up tips for job interview

.Sometimes, it can be hard to find what to wear and how to put and outfit together to look presentable. Check out a video guide to learn how to make a good first impression for your interview. You can refer to these tips when you are shopping at our Coyote Closet.