Tiffany Jones
Office Hours
Meetings available upon request. Email me for a Zoom meeting option.
PhD, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada (2005);
MA, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (2000);
BA (hon), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (1999);
SSCI 1110 - Reacting to the Past - Collapse of Apartheid;
HIST 3790 - A History of Madness;
HIST 3850 - Africa to 1500;
HIST 3860 - Africa 1500 to 1870;
HIST 3870 - Africa 1870 to Present;
HIST 3880 - The Rise, Decline and Legacy of Apartheid;
HIST 3890 - Images of Africa: Cultural Constructions of the African Continent;
HIST 4490 - Gender and Development in Africa;
HIST 4500 - History of Southern Africa;
HIST 4510 - History of Health and Medicine in Africa;
HIST 5250 - Editing and Publishing in History;
SSCI 3160 - Race and Racism (for South Africa Study Abroad);
HIST6002 - Topics in Global/World History
African History
Research and Teaching Interests
African history, Southern African history, Medical history, Psychiatric history, History of “third world” development, World history