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Freshman Roadmap

(based on 2008-09 CSUSB catalog) For new Freshmen music majors

Year 1

MUS 100 Basic Mus (3) 1MUS 120 Theory I (3)MUS 122 Theory II (3)
MUS 101 Basic Mus Lab (1)1MUS 121 Theory I Lab (1)MUS 123 Theory II Lab (1)
MUS 220 Class Piano I (1) 2MUS 221 Class Piano II (1)MUS 222 Class Piano III (1)
100-level applied (1) 3100-level applied (1)100-level applied (1)
Major ensemble (1) 4Major ensemble (1)Major ensemble (1)
MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)

1 All freshmen should take a Theory Placement Exam. Contact for details.

2 All freshmen with prior piano experience should take a Piano Placement Exam. Contact for details.

3 All freshmen must perform an Applied Music Placement Audition. Students not placed at the  100-level must enroll in prep-level (080-level) lessons. Contact musicadmissions@csusb.edufor details.

4 All full-time music majors must enroll every quarter in a major ensemble  (MUS 380, 381, 385, or 386) most appropriate to their applied area of study.

Year 2

MUS 320 Theory III (3)MUS 322 Theory IV (3)MUS 324 Theory V (3)
MUS 321 Theory III Lab (1)MUS 323 Theory IV Lab (1)MUS 325 Theory V Lab (1)
MUS 304 Hist of Mus I (4)MUS 305 Hist of Mus II (4)MUS 306 Hist of Mus III (4)
200-level applied (1)200-level applied (1)200-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)
MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)

Year 3

300-level applied (1)300-level applied (1)300-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)
MUS 542 Studies in Mus Org (4)MUS 350 Mus of Wrld Cult (4)MUS 208 Vocal Mus Lit (1)5
MUS 210 Conducting (2)MUS 209 Inst Mus Lit (1)5MUS 301 Choral Conducting (2)6
MUS 266 Intro to Comp/Elec Mus or 267 Intro to Studio Rec (4)MUS 303 Inst Conducting (2)6MUS 408 Arranging (2)
 MUS 406 Orchestration (2)MUS 498 Jr Proj or 499 Jr Recital (1)

5 Instrumentalists take MUS 209 only, vocalists MUS 208 only.

6 Instrumentalists take MUS 303 only, vocalists MUS 301 only.

Year 4

400-level applied (1)400-level applied (1)400-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)
MUS 400 Composers, 402 Genres or 426 Mus Hist (4)MUS electives (4)MUS 598 Snr Proj or 599 Snr Recital (1)
MUS electives (4) MUS electives (4)
  MUS 990 Mus Comp Assess (0)

Lower Division Transfer

(based on 2008-09 CSUSB catalog) For Lower-Division Transfer music majors

Note: These roadmaps are constructed for a lower-division transfer student based on the following assumptions:

  1. LD transfer music majors will need all CSUSB music theory courses except MUS 100 and 101, will need all three piano courses (MUS 220, 221, and 222), and will place into 100-level applied lessons. For more information regarding placement tests in those subjects, contact
  2. All transfer music majors, regardless of coursework completed at other institutions, are required to complete at least 6 units in authorized major ensembles (MUS 380, 381, 385, and 386) and earn 3 quarters of credit in MUS 998 Concert Attendance. They must also enroll in a major ensemble in any quarter they are full-time students (enrolled in 12 or more units).
  3. LD transfer students selecting a Performance/Composition, Music Technology, or Music Theater emphasis normally must spend four years at CSUSB. Only by placing immediately into 200-level applied lessons or completing each level of applied lessons in less than three quarters can a LD transfer complete one of those emphases in less than four years. LD transfers staying for four years are encouraged to complete an additional music degree emphasis or a minor in another field of study.

Year 1

MUS 220 Class Piano I (1)MUS 120 Theory I (3)MUS 122 Theory II (3)
200-level applied (1)200-level applied (1)200-level applied (1)
Major ensemble (1)MUS 221 Class Piano II (1)MUS 222 Class Piano III (1)
MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)100-level applied (1)100-level applied (1)
General Ed (4)Major ensemble (1)Major ensemble (1)
General Ed (4)MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)
MUS electives (1)General Ed (4)General Ed (4)
 MUS electives (1)MUS electives (1)

Year 2

MUS 320 Theory III (3)MUS 322 Theory IV (3)MUS 324 Theory V (3)
MUS 321 Theory III Lab (1)MUS 323 Theory IV Lab (1)MUS 325 Theory V Lab (1)
MUS 304 Hist of Mus I (4)MUS 305 Hist of Mus II (4)MUS 306 Hist of Mus III (4)
300-level applied (1)300-level applied (1)300-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)Major ensem (1)
MUS 266 Intro to Comp/Elec Mus or 267 Intro to Studio Rec Tech (4)MUS 350 Mus of Wrld Cult (4)MUS 208 Vocal Mus Lit (1)7
 MUS 209 Inst Mus Lit (1)7MUS 301 Choral Conducting (2)8
 MUS 303 Inst Conducting (2)8MUS 498 Jr Proj or 499 Jr Recital (1)

7 Instrumentalists take MUS 209 only, vocalists MUS 208 only.

8 Instrumentalists take MUS 303 only, vocalists MUS 301 only.

Year 3

Fall Winter Spring
Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1)
MUS 542 Studies in Mus Org (4) MUS 406 Orchestration (2) MUS 408 Arranging (2)
MUS 210 Conducting (2) MUS electives (6) MUS electives (3)
400-level applied (1) 400-level applied (1) 400-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1) 9 Major ensem (1) <9 Major ensem (1) 9
MUS 400 Composers, 402 Genres or 426 Mus Hist (4)   MUS 598 Snr Proj or 599 Snr Recital (1)
    MUS 990 Mus Comp Assess (0)

9 Required if enrolled full-time for quarter

Upper Division Transfer

(based on 2008-09 CSUSB catalog) For Upper-Division Transfer music majors

Note: These roadmaps are constructed for an upper-division transfer student based on the following assumptions:

  1. UD transfer music majors will place out of all music theory courses except for MUS 542, place out of MUS 222 Piano III, and place into 200-level applied lessons. For more information regarding placement tests in those subjects, contact
  2. All transfer music majors, regardless of coursework completed at other institutions, are required to complete at least 6 units in authorized major ensembles (MUS 380, 381, 385, and 386) and earn 3 quarters of credit in MUS 998 Concert Attendance.
  3. UD transfer students selecting a Performance/Composition, Music Technology, or Music Theater emphasis normally must spend three years at CSUSB. Only by placing immediately into 300-level applied lessons or completing each level of applied lessons in less than three quarters can a UD transfer complete one of those emphases in less than three years. UD transfers staying for three years are encouraged to complete an additional music degree emphasis or a minor in another field of study.

2-Year plan

Year 1

Fall Winter Spring
300-level applied (1) 300-level applied (1) 300-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1)
MUS 998 Concert Attend (0) MUS 998 Concert Attend (0) MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)
MUS 304 Hist of Mus I (4) MUS 305 Hist of Mus II (4) MUS 306 Hist of Mus III (4)
MUS 542 Studies in Mus Org (4) MUS 350 Mus of Wrld Cult (4) MUS 208 Vocal Mus Lit (1)10
MUS 210 Conducting (2) MUS 209 Inst Mus Lit (1)10 MUS electives (4)
    MUS 498 Jr Proj or 499 Jr Recital (1)

10 Instrumentalists take MUS 209 only, vocalists MUS 208 only.

Year 2

Fall Winter Spring
400-level applied (1) 400-level applied (1) 400-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1)
MUS 266 Intro to Comp/Elec Mus or 267 Intro to Studio Rec (4) MUS 303 Inst Conducting (2)11 MUS 301 Choral Conducting (2)11
MUS 400 Composer, 402 Genres or 426 Mus Hist (4) MUS 406 Orchestration (2) MUS 408 Arranging (2)
MUS electives (4) MUS electives (4) MUS 599 Snr Recital (1)
    MUS 990 Mus Comp Assess (0)

11 Instrumentalists take MUS 303 only, vocalists MUS 301 only.

3-Year plan

Year 1

Fall Winter Spring
200-level applied (1) 200-level applied (1) 200-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1)
MUS 998 Concert Attend (0) MUS 998 Concert Attend (0) MUS 998 Concert Attend (0)
MUS 304 Hist of Mus I (4) MUS 305 Hist of Mus II (4) MUS 306 Hist of Mus III (4)
MUS 542 Studies in Mus Org (4) MUS 350 Mus of Wrld Cult (4) MUS 208 Vocal Mus Lit (1)12
MUS 210 Conducting (2) MUS 209 Inst Mus Lit (1)12 MUS electives (4)

12 Instrumentalists take MUS 209 only, vocalists MUS 208 only.

Year 2

Fall Winter Spring
300-level applied (1) 300-level applied (1) 300-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1) Major ensem (1)
MUS 266 Intro to Comp/Elec Mus or 267 Intro to Studio Rec (4) MUS 303 Inst Conducting (2)13 MUS 301 Choral Conducting (2)13
MUS 400 Composers, 402 Genres or 426 Mus Hist (4) MUS 406 Orchestration (2) MUS 408 Arranging (2)
    MUS 498 Jr Poj or 499 Jr Recital (1)

13 Instrumentalists take MUS 303 only, vocalists MUS 301 only.

Year 3

Fall Winter Spring
400-level applied (1) 400-level applied (1) 400-level applied (1)
Major ensem (1)14 Major ensem (1)14 Major ensem (1)14
MUS electives (4) MUS electives (4) MUS 599 Snr Recital (1)
    MUS 990 Mus Comp Assess (0)

14 Required only for full-time students (enrolled in 12 or more units in a quarter)