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Grant Opportunities for 2024-25

Submit all applications to

Please Title email: (First Name)(Last Name)(Grant Name: Mini grant, ECP, Service Learning)





Fall 2024 Applications Due Friday, October 25, 2024


Spring 2025 Applications Due Friday, February 28, 2025


Service Learning Fellowships

The Service Learning Fellowship program is designed to support faculty in developing service learning opportunities for CSUSB students. Service Learning Fellows can use these funds to infuse service learning into an existing CSUSB course or to develop a new course with a strong service learning component.

Goals of the Service Learning Fellowship Program:

  • Provide significant service learning experiences to CSUSB students that relate to their personal growth and enhance their learning.
  • Provide students with service learning experiences that directly address a community need.
  • Advance community-university partnerships that bring resources to Inland Empire communities.
  • Promote the institutionalization of high-quality service learning opportunities at CSUSB.

Award Eligibility and Amount,:

  • Grants are open to any CSUSB and CSUSB-PDC faculty member.
  • Applicants may request up to $2,000. All funds must be spent in accordance with CSU and CSUSB policies and procedures.

Service Learning Fellowship 2024-25 Application

Establishing Community Partnerships Grant

Describe in detail what the scope of work will be that will allow the faculty member to work with, volunteer for, and/or serve the community partner in a way that will develop a partnership that relates specifically to the faculty member's area of expertise in teaching, research, scholarship, and/or creative activities.


  • Please provide a specific timeline of proposed activities. Indicate hours that will be spent in direct contact and collaboration with the proposed community partner.


  • Please identify community partner you will be working with or the specific steps you will take to identify and begin working with a community partner. Even if you do not yet have a community partner specifically lined up for this work, you should have specific partners in mind and be able to explain why these are the partners you would like to cultivate for community-based teaching, service learning, community-based research, etc.


  • Please describe the proposed benefit this partnership will bring to the community partner, and the proposed benefit to students and/or your research, scholarly, and/or creative activities agenda. It is expected that these benefits will evolve and change over the course of the partnership development. Even if your description is provisional, please describe as clearly as possible the range of benefits you envisage from this partnership.

Establishing Community Partnerships Grant 2024-25 Application

Community-Based Research Mini-Grant 

The Office of Community Engagement (OCE) offers faculty mini-grants up to $5,000 to support community-based research projects, i.e., the application of knowledge through research to the solution of problems confronting Inland Empire communities. The mini-grant program is open to tenured and tenure-track faculty.

  • Proposals are invited for a wide-range of research activities.  Proposals must begin with the identification of a community partner and a specific community need
  • involve faculty and members of an agency/organization working together to define the problem to be examined, co-generating relevant knowledge, and executing research techniques
  • include activities that result in a research paper or creative work submitted for publication

Grantee will be expected to:

  • Attend a workshop on Community-Based Research OR schedule a meeting with Brian Heisterkamp.
  • Design a community based scholarship project following IRB guidelines and procedures.
  • Provide a copy of the research paper or creative work to OCE and to the community partner.

Award Amount, Use and Grant Period:

Mini-grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded. The grant period is one year from the date of award, but can be extended upon approval of written extension request. Typical uses of mini-grant funds include: research resources (books, journals), supplies, duplication, postage, student assistants, and/or conference travel expenses (conference must be relevant to proposal.)  International travel is not allowed with mini-grant funds.

Community-Based Research Mini-Grant 2024-25 Application

Department Chair Support Letter Template


OCE Faculty Grants Workshop Recording