Student Information
The Chemistry & Biochemistry program at CSUSB emphasizes high-quality teaching and undergraduate research. You will receive an excellent education and the preparation you need to go on to industry, government, or academia including graduate programs in chemistry and biochemistry, and professional programs in pharmacy and medicine. Chemistry graduates from CSUSB have earned PhD degrees from the California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, UC San Francisco, UC Irvine, Texas A& M University, and Vanderbilt among others; have earned MD degrees from UCLA, Harvard University, USC, and UC Davis: have become teachers and college professors, or heads of companies; and others are successfully applying their chemistry knowledge in areas such as environmental health, pharmaceuticals, criminalistics, and medical technology. Each of the degree options below provide a broad, foundational chemical education that can be further developed into specific, technical careers.
Bachelor of Arts Chemistry Option
This program allows the greatest number of free elective units and is for someone who desires to combine chemistry with another area such as business, law, or criminal justice in pursuing a minor or perhaps a double major. Those that wish to teach high school chemistry may select this option, graduate, and then pursue a single-subject credential in education.
Bachelor of Arts Biochemistry Option
This program incorporates courses in biology while still leaving room for elective courses in other areas. It is particularly appropriate for students desiring to pursue a career in pharmacy or other health professions.
Bachelor of Science ACS Certified Option
This American Chemical Society approved program is designed for the student who plans a career in chemistry upon graduation or plans to go on to graduate school, and desires more math and upper-division chemistry coursework. It does not have the additional biology and biochemistry requirements of the Biochemistry Option.
Bachelor of Science Biochemistry Option
This program incorporates additional course work in biology and biochemistry and is particularly suited for the student desiring a career in more biologically-applied fields of chemistry, including graduate or professional work.