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Submit the ICT Accessibility & Security Review Online Form

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch CSUSB ICT Accessibility and Security Online Form Overview YouTube Video</a>

ICT Form Confirmation

Once you have successfully completed the form, a confirmation screen will appear and you will receive an automated email confirmation. If you listed an additional contact, they will also receive a copy. Please note that this is not the email indicating the assessment is complete.

ICT Accessibility & Security Form Assessment

Once the ICT Accessibility & Security process has been completed, the requester and the additional requester will receive an email notification from one of our ATS team members. Attached to the email will be a PDF document. If purchasing with a purchase order, please be sure to upload the PDF to your purchase requisition. If purchasing by procurement card, please be sure to include the PDF with your monthly procurement card statement.

ICT Accessibility and Security documentation is valid for one calendar year from the time of completed assessment.