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Research Integrity

Research Integrity

Integrity in research and scholarly, and creative activities is a University’s paramount value.

Responsible Conduct of Research and the fundamental principles of Research Integrity – honesty, fairness, responsibility and accountability are at the very essence of the Academic Research enterprise and crucial to society’s trust in science.

A framework of Responsible Conduct of Research developed by the HHS Office of Research Integrity includes training topics on research misconduct, protection of human and animal subject in research, conflict of interest, data management, mentor and trainee responsibilities, collaborative research, authorship and publications, peer review, biosafety and whistleblowing.

All CSUSB employees, students and the individuals affiliated with CSUSB by a contract or agreement who engage in research and/or scholarly activities under the CSUSB or UEC auspices are subject to Responsible Conduct of Research and shall uphold the highest level of research integrity.

Research Integrity Officer (RIO) is the person who has lead responsibility for ensuring that the institution takes all reasonable and practical steps to foster a research environment that promotes the responsible conduct of research, research training, and activities related to that research or research training, discourages research misconduct, and deals promptly with allegations or evidence of possible research misconduct.

The Associate Provost for Research or a designee serves as the CSUSB RIO. The responsibilities of the RIO are located below. Should you have any questions please send an email to

Additional information can be found in: