Activity 1D: Understanding Key Vocabulary
Choose one or more common buzzword related to diversity, inclusion, and equity:
- Vocabulary Word Bank
- Criminal Justice
- Discrimination
- Identity
- Me Too
- Immigration
- Intersectionality
- Microaggression
- Stereotypes
Define the term through the lenses of the four disciplinary worlds in the C3 and California History-Social Science Framework:
- What does the word look like historically? (What is the word’s etymology? How has that meaning changed over time?)
- What is the geographical implication for the word? (Does the word look the same everywhere?)
- What is the economic impact of the term? (i.e. What is the economic impact of discrimination?)
- What is the civic impact of the term? (i.e. What civic action(s) have been taken in the name of discrimination?)

* This activity pairs well with Activity 2.D
See Also:
ACTIVITY 1B - Making Thinking Visible
ACTIVITY 1C - Question Formulation Technique