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Activity 1B

Activity 1B: Making Thinking Visible

Think about a time you felt hurt, frustrated, or marginalized by the actions or non-actions of others. Make note of things that you find interesting, important, or insightful.  When you finish, choose 3 items from your commentary that most stand out for you:

  • For one, choose a color that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.
  • For another, choose a symbol that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea.
  • For the last, choose an image that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea. ​

If time permits, share your color with a partner or group, and then share the item from your commentary that it represents.  Tell why you choose that color as a representation of that idea.

Repeat the sharing process until every member of the group has shared their color, symbol, and image.
You may want to encourage students to organize their ideas using a chart, like this one:

table for activity

Adapted from Ron Ritchheart’s “Color, Symbol, Image (CSI) Routine” ​available online.


ACTIVITY 1A - Quickwrite

ACTIVITY 1C - Question Formulation Technique

ACTIVITY 1D - Understanding Key Vocabulary