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Thesis Filing Deadline Dates

Thesis Deadlines

The quarterly deadlines for thesis format review are set by Office of Graduate Studies. Discuss these deadlines with your thesis committee chair (primary reader). In order to meet the first format review deadline, you need to submit a final draft of your thesis to your thesis committee by the following deadlines, established by the English Department, which should also be discussed with your primary reader:

  • For Fall Graduation: the first week of Fall Quarter
  • For Winter Graduation: the first week of Winter Quarter
  • For Spring Graduation: the first week of Spring Quarter
  • For Summer Graduation: the fifth week of Spring Quarter

Please note: you must be enrolled during the quarter in which you submit your thesis manuscript for format review to the Graduate Studies office. Discuss this requirement with the coordinator of your concentration.

Consider attending a workshop on thesis formatting. Workshops will typically be held twice a quarter prior to the first review deadline date of that quarter, and dates are listed on this website and on the Graduate Studies website.

Current Thesis/Project Format Review Deadlines are available on the Graduate Studies website.