Department Honors
Departmental Honors are awarded to students for outstanding achievement in their major course of study. Those who are awarded Departmental Honors are recognized in the graduation program book and are eligible to wear a special honors cord at the university commencement ceremony. Departmental Honors is also noted on the student's official university transcript.
To qualify for Information & Decision Sciences departmental honors, you must have a 3.5 GPA. An email will be sent to you to pick up your cords. If you believe you meet the requirements, but haven't received an email, please visit JB 134 for more information.
University Honors
To be considered for University Honors for graduation, please refer to the Office of the Registrar website for details.
Graduation and Commencement
For more information on the pathway to graduation, please refer to the Office of the Registrar's website for detailed information. For information on upcoming commencements, please reference the Commencement website.