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Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees

Through an Alternative Consultation Process (ACP), a group of campus stakeholders composed predominantly of CSUSB students determined that effective Fall 2015, Campus Category II Fees will be adjusted using the initially released Higher Education Price Index (HEPI) on an annual basis. Yearly increases are not to exceed 4%. The Associated Students Incorporated fee and the ID fee will not be impacted. 


The HEPI inflation index for academic year 2018/2019 is 3.7% which will increase Campus Category II fees by $37.174 for the Academic Year and $7.19 for Summer 2019.

Visit the Student Financial Services website for up-to-date information on tuition costs per term at


Contact Information


Phone: (909)537-5162

Room: UH-034


Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at CSUSB provides students and their families with information about financial aid resources and facilitates funding in an accurate and timely manner to assist students in pursuing their educational goals.

For more information or any questions regarding Financial Aid visit the Financial Aid & Scholarships website at


Contact Information


Phone: (909) 537-5227

Room: UH-150