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Registration Instructions

A maximum of 24 semester units taken through Open University may be applied toward an undergraduate degree; a maximum of 9 semester units may be applied toward a graduate program (subject to approval by the appropriate department). For a complete list of courses, refer to the course schedule. For information on course prerequisites, refer to the course description.


English Language Program


In addition to any course restrictions listed in the CSUSB Schedule of Classes, the following classes have restricted access:

Teaching Credential Courses

  • All teaching credential courses (with a prefix of EDMS, ESEC or ESPE) require written authorization. For EDMS or ESEC courses contact the Teacher Education Office at (909) 537-7405, located in COE 261 for written approval. For ESPE courses (with the exception of ESPE 3350, ESPE 5530 & ESPE 5531, which are not restricted) contact the Special Education, Rehabilitation and Counseling Office at (909) 537-7406, located in COE 243 for written approval.

Graduate-Level Courses

  • Graduate-level courses (those numbered 6000 and higher) require written permission from the instructor, department chair and dean of graduate studies.
    • Minimum qualifications for being granted an exception for enrollment in a graduate-level course: To enroll in graduate-level coursework at CSUSB, a student must either have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution or be in the last year of an undergraduate degree program in an accredited institution, and have at least a 2.5 GPA overall or in the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units, and meet the prerequisite requirements for the course by providing evidence of coursework or professional experience, which must be approved by the department in which the course is offered.

Specific Courses

  • MGMT 4910 and MGMT 3900 require approval from the Department Chair of Management (JB-461).
  • ART 5751, ART 5752, ART 5173, ART 5951, ART 5952, and ART 5953 will require approval from the Department Chair of Art (VA-105).