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Academic Advising

You have multiple options to obtain academic advising in Sociology. Advisors help you stay up-to-date on what classes are required for your major, request course substitutions, show you how to read your PAWS report, and answer other questions you may have.

Option 1: All full-time Sociology faculty can provide advising help. Please obtain Office Hours for full-time faculty from SB-327. They can offer you guidance about the various programs in Sociology or speak with you regarding career path options.

Option 2: The College also has a Student Service Professional (SSP) available for advising in Sociology. The SSP can be helpful in providing general academic advising, filling out 4 year pledge forms, EOP forms, and SAP forms, create Education Plans, as well as help if you are struggling in your courses and would like some extra guidance.   Our SSP is:

Arturo Gutierrez
Office Location: UH 330

To schedule an appointment with a SSP, please use this link:

Option 3: Please contact the Undergraduate Advising Office to schedule an advising appointment with a Peer Advisor.  Peer advisors have been trained to help students read their PAWS Report and develop an Education Plan for the upcoming quarter, can help the removal of Department academic advising holds, and help refer students to on campus resources.  To make an appointment, please call 909-537-7345 or you can email