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Coyote Garden

Coyote Garden LogoTogether We Grow!

ASI's Coyote Garden is a community garden at CSUSB that helps promote sustainability, agriculture and community on campus. Our team hosts volunteer events where students can learn about gardening, composting, sustainable irrigation and much more. All the produce grown and harvested at the garden is donated to the Obershaw DEN in SMSU South 224, in which students can pick up during their office hours. Join and connect with our community! 

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SustainabilitySustainability Graphic

The Coyote Garden implements many techniques to use resources as efficiently as possible. Drip irrigation is used to get water directly to the soil, reducing the amount of water lost to evaporation and strong winds. We also plant drought tolerant herbs such as rosemary, lemongrass, and lavender - which thrive in dry climates like ours and attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. No pesticides or toxic chemicals are used to manage weeds or pests in the garden. Weeds are pulled by hand and sprays made of cinnamon and mint oil are used to deter pests.

Coyote Garden Images

Planting & Produce

Current Produce Growing

Vegetables Herbs Fruits
Nopales Rosemary Tomato
Potatoes Lavender Strawberry
Onion Cilantro

Apricot tree

Lettuce Thyme

Nectarine tree

Broccoli Oregano

Peach tree

Beans Sage Fig tree
Peas Mint Valencia Oranges
Cucumber Lemongrass  



Sweet Corn






Produce Harvested

Summer 2023: Total of 24.38 lb.

Fall 2023: Total of 142.03 lb.

Spring 2024: Total of 177.5 lbs

2023-2024 Academic Year: Total of 386.7 lbs



The Coyote Garden is located on the southeast side of the San Bernardino campus, directly behind the Arrowhead Village pool.

How to Get to the Coyote Garden


Composting is a great and easy way to lower your carbon footprint, lower the amount of food waste and reuse dead or unused plants in the garden. Check out the video below to learn how you can start composting at home.



For more information on the garden, or if you are interested in volunteering, please email

<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch How to Compost at Home YouTube Video</a>
  <a href=";showinfo=0">Watch How to Compost at Home YouTube Video</a>

Upcoming Events

There are no scheduled upcoming events at this time.