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How do I begin the enrollment process at CSUSB?

Visit our admissions page at CSUSB Admission Office for the latest enrollment and admissions information. Their office is located in University Hall, Room 107. The phone number is (909) 537-5188

How many units are required for a political science degree at CSUSB?

The bachelor of arts program in political science requires a minimum of 180 units—68 units of political science and 112 units of general education courses.

Is CSUSB on the quarter system or semester system?

CSUSB is on the quarter system.

How do I make an advising appointment with a member of the political science faculty?

Call 909-537-5535 for an appointment, email Dr. Brian Janiskee (the department chair) at,  or stop by during normal office hours for faculty (see left navigation for quarterly 'Office Hours').

What jobs are available for those with a political science degree?

Graduates in Political Science are prepared for a variety of careers.  Many go on to law school and become attorneys. Others teach government in public schools, pursue further graduate study in government, international relations, public administration, policy studies, business or management. Many work in private and non-profit agencies dealing with regulatory issues and public entities. Some enter the fields of print and broadcast journalism or work in foreign service jobs with the State Department and other government agencies in the U.S. or overseas. Some run for public office or take public sector jobs at the federal, state, and local levels as officials, agency managers, policy analysts, or staff members.

Why should I get a political science degree from CSUSB?

The department features personalized instruction by an outstanding faculty of recognized academicians who are experienced, practicing professionals. It offers a well-balanced program that stresses theory and practice. It regularly offers independent study options, an internship program, a pre-law minor, and a certificate program in International Relations. It also hosts an award-winning chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honor society of Political Science. Other student clubs organized out of the department include the Law Society