- Provide recommendations for quality co-curricular programs that boost retention and graduation rates
- Build upon social and co-curricular opportunities that foster student involvement and build affinity to CSUSB
- Support academic development through supplemental instruction
Goals(2017-18 academic year)
- Create an Institutional Pathway for Student Engagement at CSUSB
- Identify institutional partners to develop shared CSUSB definitions of Advising and Student Engagement
- Identify structures and processes that will allow for the measurement and assessment of CSUSB Advising and Student Engagement as defined
- Continue to understand and remove barriers to student engagement through innovation and collaboration
- Create a working group to identify student wellness initiatives and to promote the well-being of students
Subcommittee Members
- Beth Jaworski, Chair, AVP, Student Services
- Veronica Ramirez-Amerson, Director, Educational Opportunity Program
- Sarai Maldonado, Interim Director, Career Services
- Kevin Grisham, Department Chair, Geography & Environmental Studies
- Grace Johnson, Director, Student Health Services
- David Marshall, Faculty and Director of Honors Program, Undergraduate Studies
- Fred McCall, Director, Student Engagement
- Eduardo Mendoza, Director, Advising and Academic Services
- Lynn Nester, Director, Recreation & Wellness
- Prince Ogidikpe, ASI Ex VP
- Diane Podolske, Director, Community Engagement
- Craig Seal, Dean, Undergraduate Studies
- Doris Wilson, Assoc. Dean, Palm Desert Campus
- John Yuan, Executive Director, Housing & Residential Life
- Brian Willess, Director, Orientation & First Year Experience
- Kristen Stutz, Director, SAIL Program
- Francisco Alfaro, Student Engagement Coordinator, PDC
- Babatunde Olanipekun, Administrative Support Coordinator, Graduate Studies and Student Research

Working Definitions
In September 2017, the group developed and agreed to the following final working definition of advising and student engagement:
- Advising is a reciprocal relationship in which students develop consistent educational goals, clarify personal engagement and post-college goals, and evaluate the progress toward their established goals (for example, advisors and students 3 work together to explore and achieve many goals, including but not limited to: academic, community involvement, well-being and leadership development, etc.).
- Student Engagement is the application of students’ attention, curiosity, interest, drive and skills to intentional cultural, academic, research, leadership, social, professional and community-centered experiences that are measurable and impactful (for example, but not unlimited to: service-learning, campus employment, community service, student involvement, etc.).
Pathways to Student Engagement
The GI2025 Subcommittee on Nurturing Student Engagement, Advising and Wellness hosted “Pathways to Student Engagement” Think Tank on May 21, 2018 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Led by Fred McCall, director of the Office of Student Engagement, and Joanna Oxendine, Institutional Effectiveness associate with the Office of Institutional Research, the think tank explored the pathways in which San Bernardino and Palm Desert students engage with campus resources, activities, programs, services, and high impact practices.
The Commuter Student Survey general overview and sense of current CSUSB students’ level of participation in various on-campus engagement activities based on the distance of their residence from campus and self-reported descriptors.
Be Well Yoties Initiative
The Be Well Yoties initiative is a partnership of campus resources with the goal of providing programs, services and outreach efforts that educate, support and inspire CSUSB students, faculty and staff to lead healthy, balanced lives. The new website can be found at Be Well Yotes.
For additional updates, see Steering Committee Meeting Minutes.
Contact Us
Nurturing Student Engagement, Advising and
Wellness Subcommittee Co-Chair
Beth Jaworski