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Faculty Senate

Welcome to the Faculty Senate at California State University, San Bernardino

Lua Lopez Perez (Executive Secretary), Jordan Fullam (Chair), Zachary Powell (Vice Chair)
Lúa López (Executive Secretary), Jordan Fullam (Chair),
Zachary Powell (Vice Chair) of the CSUSB Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the duly-elected, deliberative body responsible for facilitating faculty participation in shared governance. The Faculty Senate makes recommendations regarding policy, curriculum, budget, and other matters related to the academic affairs of the University. At CSUSB, the Senate is committed to advancing the academic mission of the University and protecting faculty rights and academic freedom.  

Membership of the Faculty Senate includes elected representatives from each college and constituent unit within the University. Ex-officio members of the Faculty Senate include the President of the University, Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, delegates to the Academic Senate of the California State University, and the Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) President.

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate is responsible for preparing agendas and scheduling meetings, referring issues to appropriate committees, interpreting the Constitution and Bylaws, and upholding the rules and procedures of the Senate. The Executive Committee is composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Executive Secretary, two members of the Academic Senate of the CSU, and the President of the University or designee. The Chairs of Educational Policy and Resources Committee (EPRC) and Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) also serve on the Executive Committee. 

Executive Committee and Faculty Senate meetings are held on Tuesdays, 2-4pm, on Zoom, for the 2024-2025 AY. In accordance with our Constitution, any Faculty Senate committee or member of the faculty may transmit to the Executive Committee topics for discussion and proposals for possible action at least ten working days before any regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate. 

Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Jordan Fullam 

Zachary Powell
Vice Chair

Lúa López
Executive Secretary

Mark Groen
Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) Chair

John Reitzel
Educational Policy and Resources Committee (EPRC) Chair

Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro
At-large Member

Ece Algan
At-large Member

Donna Garcia
Academic Senate of the California State University

Beth A. Steffel
Academic Senate of the California State University

Faculty Senate Staff

Erika Gaxiola is the Faculty Senate Support Coordinator and handles the day-to-day operations of the Faculty Senate office. Please contact the Faculty Senate office with any questions or concerns:

Erika Gaxiola, Faculty Senate Support Coordinator