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How can I look up my department accounts?

After completing online training you will be given access to the Common Financial System (CFS) production and CFS Datawarehouse links on your MyCoyote page. Please visit the ITS training site or call if you have questions.

Can I transfer budget from one account to another within my lottery account?


Can I transfer budget from my trust account to my general fund account?

No! Budgets established in Trust/Reimbursed Activities (Rxxxx, Sxxxx or XRxxx) may not be transferred to a general fund account, (SB001) or vice-versa.

HOWEVER: You can transfer expenses between General Fund and Trust accounts. If you want to transfer expenses, please go to General Accounting's website for instructions.

How do I request a budget amendment?

Select the Budget Forms and Instructions link . You will see the Budget Amendment Request Form link, as well as the Instructions for Submitting a Budget Amendment. To view these forms, you will need Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Excel. Follow the instructions step-by-step.

What is a Chart Field Combination?

Your chart field combination includes the following fields: Account, Fund, Dept. ID, Project, and Class. Not all Chart Field Combinations include a project and a class.