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Coyote Dreamers & CDAN

Undocumented Alumni Chapter:

Mission: To build a community that advocates and creates opportunities for the academic excellence,  professional growth, and advancement of Undocumented students, alumni, faculty, and community at large. The Undocumented Alumni chapter focuses on advocacy, networking, and fundraising to develop resources for our students and our community at large. We welcome all undocumented, DACAmented, AB-540, undocu-black, undocu-queer, TPS holders, etc., and allies onto our chapter.  Our chapter provides an inclusive and safe space for our members. If you are interested in receiving more information and/or if you are interested in being a part of the Undocumented Alumni Chapter at CSUSB, please email us at For more information visit: CSUSB Undocumented Alumni Chapter

Make sure to follow us on social media!

Instagram: @csusb_undocualumni

Facebook: @csusbundocualumni

Undocumented Advocates:

Mission: To encourage, promote, advocate and further the education of undocumented and ally students by raising awareness about financial and educational general resources available to them. Undocumented Advocates @ CSUSB is a student organization and support network for all students regardless of their social and immigration status at California State University, San Bernardino, and across diverse communities. We form a camaraderie of people working together, networking, advocating, sharing our day-to-day experiences, struggles, and successes, to fulfill our personal and educational goals.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram!

Instagram: @undocuadvocates