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Our Current Partners

Project Impact aims to collaborate with partners to increase the diversity of the teacher pipeline in California while at the same time working to help close academic achievement gaps in the K-12 settings through intentional recruitment, training, deployment, and continued support of African American and other minority male teachers in the Inland Empire and throughout California’s classrooms.



<a href=";showinfo=0">Watch Men of Color Teacher Pipeline Program YouTube Video</a>


Partners Working Together

This partnership is a collective impact strategy that builds on the strengths and assets of the African American community and other communities of color, institutions of higher learning and K12 systems, and each stakeholder’s innate drive, desire, and determination to increase the presence of men of color in the classroom and improve the academic performance of K-12 students in the region. We aim to build an educator ecosystem that recognizes, encourages, and values diversity of voice and practice to dismantle the systemic barriers to promote equitable outcomes.

We are seeking partnerships with other educational agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations, to collaborate with us in the recruitment, training, and development of these teachers in the Inland Empire and beyond.