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Peer Mentoring

The image shows four people looking at a tablet and collating together.

Peer Mentoring

Are you an Arts and Humanities student seeking guidance and support? CSUSB, Norco College and San Bernardino Valley College have come together to offer peer mentoring from experienced and trusted students just like you!  Join our peer mentoring program as a mentee and unlock your potential. Through peer mentoring you can:

  • Gain confidence
  • Receive insight into college culture
  • Have support of career goals
  • Overall academic success

Student mentees will gain helpful knowledge to navigate and overcome obstacles and can receive a $250 stipend for their participation. 

Our student mentors will serve as peer advisers and guides to students across all three campuses from any Arts and Humanities discipline to connect them to school resources, events and valuable information to optimize overall success. 


We are Pathways to Success, supported by the U.S. Department of Education Title V grant.  

Want to Become a Peer Mentee? 

The image is of a poster for the peer mentoring program. A picture of three people is at the top and it slowly turns into a dark red gradient towards the bottom. The text reads "Looking for a Mentor? The Pathways to Success Grant is here to help! If you are an arts and Humanities student, you can receive a @250 stipend for participating in this program. The pathways logo is in the side and there is a qr code that states, "Take advantage of this opportunity today APPLY NOW!"

Apply Now!


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