The award funds CSUSB, Norco College, or San Bernardino Valley College students who have an unpaid/academic internship in the arts and humanities. Students who meet the requirements may be eligible to receive up to a $1,000 award.
Application Requirements:
- Majoring in an arts and humanities discipline at CSUSB, Norco College, or San Bernardino Valley College.
- Secure an unpaid/academic internship in the arts and humanities.
- Enrolled in an internship/work experience course in your department.
- Students may not receive any other form of funding for their internship.
- Have an assigned supervisor for the internship at the internship location.
Our Internship Program:
Internships are a key high-impact component in the job search and career readiness process, especially for Hispanic and low-income students who currently lack opportunities for contacts with potential employers. Internships enable students to build their resumes, provide students with skills that are more industry-focused, and in many cases provide college credits. Students with an internship are more likely than non-interns to secure a job offer. The National Association of Colleges and Employers in their 2021 survey found a job offer differential of 52.1% for interns compared with 38.6% for non-interns. Ethnic groups also have different internship experiences. White students are more likely to have had an internship experience than any minority group, thus the importance of providing this opportunity to underserved students. This project proposes additional career readiness opportunities with a series of workshops for faculty and students on best practices for supporting students and strategies for success during the internship experience.
Another evidence-based component to increase opportunities for students to take part in high impact practices is to provide them with internships opportunities that allow students to apply the theories discussed in coursework to a practical experience. Students will learn how to approach an employer and how to present themselves as a candidate for consideration. Additionally, students learn that the priority is not to just be able to list the word “internship” on their résumé or graduate school application. CSUSB, NC, and SBVC know that students need skills that will help them in their career endeavors long after they leave our campuses. We know that networking, job search, and effective communication skills will help them not only find a job but advance within their field or organization.