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Part 2: Dispositions

This component concerns five dispositions identified by the College of Education as essential to the college’s assessment process. Each disposition has been slightly reworded to better fit the nature and goals of our program. This section includes the actual questions for each disposition and the responses from the evaluation. Note: Our program tends to attract experienced, good teachers. In addition, our six courses are taught in a way consistent with a transformative teaching model; therefore, the results are not “achieved” in a linear manner. Therefore, we expect that many of our educators would rate themselves high on the dispositions initially, and, given the transformative model, measures at the “middle” of the program would not be of much value. Consequently, we asked two questions for each disposition, one concerning their rating of themselves at the end of the program, and a second, evaluating the change in their commitment to the disposition since the beginning of the program. This component lists the question for each of the five dispositions of the program and the corresponding responses (number of student responses for each choice; percentage of responses for each choice) from the evaluation.


We would appreciate your feedback concerning the program and its effect on some of your dispositions as a professional. For each disposition select which choice bests describes your commitment to the disposition, as well as indicating any effect of the program on that disposition.

  1. I have a commitment to develop and maintain my content knowledge and understanding, especially my understanding of my vision of education and what that means in practice
    • My commitment to this disposition is:  

      Question 1a Responses

      Strong and consistent Somewhat strong Weak
                  11.79% 3.21% 0%
    • Since entering the program two years ago, my commitment to this disposition has:

      Question 1b Responses

      Changed significantly Somewhat changed Not changed
      6.43% 4.29% 4.29%
  2. I have a commitment to sound professional judgment and conduct, including ethical, responsible and professional behavior in addition to the integration of theory and practice as a foundation for clarifying and implementing my vision of education.
    • My commitment to this disposition is:

      Question 2a Responses

      Strong and consistent Somewhat strong Weak
      100% 0% 0%
    • Since entering the program two years ago, my commitment to this disposition has:

      Question 2b Responses

      Changed significantly Somewhat changed Not changed
      6.43% 4.29% 4.29%
  3. I have a commitment to a practical knowledge of context, specifically in comprehending the specific needs and contexts of my students/learners/clients.
    • My commitment to this disposition is:

      Question 3a Responses

      Strong and consistent Somewhat strong Weak
      12.86% 2.14% 0%
    • Since entering the program two years ago, my commitment to this disposition has  

      Question 3b Responses

      Changed significantly Somewhat changed Not changed
      6; 43% 4; 29% 4; 29%
  4. I have a commitment to strive to understand the values of the various groups with whom I interact and making a concerted effort to incorporate knowledge of and sensitivity to those values into professional decisions.
    • My commitment to this disposition is:  

      Question 4a Responses

      Strong and consistent Somewhat strong Weak
      11.92% 1.8% 0%
    • Since entering the program two years ago, my commitment to this disposition has:  

      Question 4b Responses

      Changed significantly Somewhat changed Not changed
      7.58% 1.8% 4; 33%
  5. I have a commitment to continuous development of professional knowledge and skills through the use of inquiry, the seeking of feedback, and reflection. I assess outcomes of actions and make adaptations as necessary.
    • My commitment to this disposition is:  

      Question 5a Responses

      Strong and consistent Somewhat strong Weak
      9.75% 3.25%% 0%
    • Since entering the program two years ago, my commitment to this disposition has:  

      Question 5b Responses

      Changed significantly Somewhat changed Not changed
      4.33% 5.42% 3.25%